Sentences with phrase «only grasp»

My experience has allotted me to not only grasp the ins and outs of insurance coverage, but also to work with area families regarding their insurance needs.
Unlike some woks, this one lacks a loop handle opposite the long handle, so you can only grasp it easily with one hand rather than two.
It's my only grasp to sanity.
Unfortunately, so many can only grasp or reject the childish level.
Where I would previously have been inclined to agree with Whitehead's characterization of Bergson that the intellect cart only grasp by spatializing, I now think (and have argued above) that I had failed to recognize fully the implications of the claim I had argued for in 1993 — that if there can be no intuition without intellect, and if intuition can grasp intelligible things without spatializing, then there is a sense in which the intellect, insofar as it is manifest in intuitive operations of consciousness, can grasp experience without spatializing it.
This transition is effected by the death of the abstract and alien God in the kenotic process of Incarnation and Crucifixion; but a religious form of faith can only grasp this process as a series of events that are autonomous and external to human consciousness.
The issue is that by reason we often only grasp the atonement character of Jesus» sacrifice, and that could cause that we become worse instead of better after conversion.
It is always true that we only grasp those parts of the truth which we are compelled to grasp.
In due time, through hard work, perseverance and luck, the «49ers would not only grasp those opportunities, they would master them, becoming the most successful MBA class in the history of business.
Thus, in my example above, the chatbot that responded to me would not only grasp that I'm shopping for a funeral arrangement and offer condolences.
Other truths are timeless but only grasped gradually.
The skill of checking perception involves not only grasping another's verbal content but also noticing his nonverbal and behavioral cues (e.g., tone and rhythm of voice, rate of breathing, facial expression, body position) in order to infer his emotional state.
Many people only grasped the formidable strength of the Scottish National Party's revolt late on while almost everybody failed to grasp the durability of Ukip.
On average the audience only grasps less than 30 % of your data.
If our aim is to engender a deeper, systemic understanding of sustainability where concepts are not only grasped intellectually, but also translated into action and a more responsible type of citizenship, we must find resources that match up to this challenge...»

Not exact matches

Baccini went on to say that forests were the only carbon capture and storage «technology» we had in our grasp that was «safe, proven, inexpensive, immediately available at scale, and capable of providing beneficial ripple effects.»
Instead, other studies have only documented functional deception, which happens when an individual grasps an opportunity that's presented.
He rode the bench for his high school freshman basketball team in Cambridge, Massachusetts, only faintly grasping the game's fundamentals and nuances.
When sales dipped, the young company was not only left holding a surplus of product, it didn't have a good grasp of how much inventory its retailers had.
It's only relatively recently that we've come to fully grasp the medical consequences of sleep deprivation.
Not only is the Wells Fargo scandal easy to grasp for the average American — it's a slam - dunk issue for politicians as well.
In the beginning, not only did Schouwenburg not have a good grasp of the necessary skillset for the positions she was hiring for, she didn't know «the right terminology to use.»
But now more than ever it's vital for citizens and companies to fully grasp the role botnets play in not only the digital economy, but on a geo - political level.
You'd think that, even if you graduate with only a shaky knowledge of trigonometry or Chaucer, after all that time you'd at least leave school with a good grasp of how to learn efficiently.
Up until the final blunder, the show contained only tepid moments of WTF - ery: Moana star Auli'i Cravalho soldiering through her song performance after getting bonked in the head by a wayward interpretive dance accessory; host Jimmy Kimmel grasping for an «Ellen selfie» situation by tweet - trolling President Donald Trump.
Only with a real grasp on the true cash flows of the business can one get an accurate measure of the future cash flow growth implied by the stock's valuation.
The system not only tries to grasp the environment around the vehicle, but it will also tap A.I. to understand what's happening inside the car.
Many people find it difficult to grasp how something which only exists digitally can have any value at all.
And from an existential sense, geocentricism is the ONLY thing we can truly grasp on a day - to - day basis....
As is the case with most Christians, you appear to have only the most tenuous grasp of what the bible actually says.
Even if it WERE true it would only prove that desperate men grasp at straws.
Only a mature, paschal faith — an Easter faith — can perceive who Jesus is, understand what Jesus taught, and grasp what Jesus has accomplished by his obedience to the Father.
The history of thinking has only weakened our grasp of reality, which involves understanding our intimate relation with Being.
They can be grasped only with the tools of advanced mathematics.
But even in this, we still grasp the nature of the bond itself: between a man and a woman, of a kind that generates children, implying permanence, if only for the good of the kids.
granted a FEW I mean a very SMALL FEW are exceptions) this is only the start... I mean you don't seem to grasp you are NOT there all by yourself..
Thus, while no experience can be an experience of itself (cf. CSPM 7, 91, 106, 109, 167, 224), each human experience directly grasps other human experiences immediately preceding it at only a moment's distance.
Only as we grasp this more fully can we understand the significance of the Wesleyan mode of handling Scripture.
The claim of privileged access is not saved by arguing that each of us intuitively grasps this self without analysis or argument, that each of us singly grasps the essence of experience in this intuition, and that the analysis or argument is required only (1) to call it to the attention of those who have not noticed it, or (2) to defend the claim of such an intuition against those who deny it for no or bad reasons, or (3) to develop its implications and describe its content.
In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, a new schism thus developed, the gravity of which we are only now grasping.
It is only by grasping this fact that we arrive at a satisfying answer to the problem presented by the crudities and imperfections of certain parts of the Bible.
But evolution as a great explanatory principle grasped the imagination of the culture only through the work of Charles Darwin.
We can expect to be heard only when it is clear that we are grasped by something larger than ourselves.
Only It's peception is reality, and its way beyond our ability to fully grasp, though we still should try to understand as much as we can and work from there..
«Peace» is experienced as ineffable unity and harmony, yet is only partially grasped and understood.
Reason is evolution conscious of itself, as Teilhard expressed it very well.28 Since the realm of reason is not only historical but evolutionary, the innate drive of reason is to grasp all of the historical, all of evolution, from the absolute past to the absolute future.
«11 Therefore, they are unavailable to the grasp of those scientific procedures which seek only to specify the mechanical - energetic factors in the production of effects.
You Said:» Only * It's * peception is reality, and its way beyond our ability to fully grasp, though we still should try to understand as much as we can and work from there..»
The task of theology is to articulate the teaching of the church only to the extent that the church's teaching grasps and expresses the reality of our historical situation.
God's eternal triunity was not unfolded until the Incarnation, and its fuller implications began to be grasped only during the battles of the first centuries of the Church and are still being (beginning to be?)
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