Sentences with phrase «only human love»

You're only human love, and a beautiful one at that.
«God is love» means essentially, for Feuerbach, that love is God for us.10 The divine love «is only human love made objective, affirming itself.»

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Because I'm human, I was suddenly drawn away from what I'd been in love with only minutes before.
«To give constructive feedback, always snuggle it in love — because we're only human, and we're vulnerable,» advises Shlain, who suggests that when you ask for feedback, you «set expectations for where you are in the project.
We're in love with one other person... we are connected to them in deep ways that only humans (not humans and tools or animals) can be.
I agree with L.Nielsen's sentiment that you are «almost there» — close to realising that this is the only life you have and that all your effort should be directed at living it well for it's own sake, close to realising that you are strong enough as an individual to face the world without the psychological crutch you call god, close to realising that you are a good human being in your own right, close to realising that your own successes, failures, loves and fears are yours and yours alone, not attibutable to an imaginary creator.
Many books written for Religion actually touch on the subject which is Love and being NON JUDGMENTAL because there can be no human that can tell me they know exactly what God is only my faith and love towards myself and my fellow Humans is an expression of his love not the intolerance or hatred that is spewed out in the name of God, God is ABOVE all of that CRAP PERLove and being NON JUDGMENTAL because there can be no human that can tell me they know exactly what God is only my faith and love towards myself and my fellow Humans is an expression of his love not the intolerance or hatred that is spewed out in the name of God, God is ABOVE all of that CRAP PERlove towards myself and my fellow Humans is an expression of his love not the intolerance or hatred that is spewed out in the name of God, God is ABOVE all of that CRAP PERlove not the intolerance or hatred that is spewed out in the name of God, God is ABOVE all of that CRAP PERIOD.
I suffered a terrible car accident... during 3 weeks I almost died «many times»... Now I can read a beautiful article like this one and agree with it... Believe me... no matter your faith, your fortune or whatever you may be involved with... on the face of death if you are human you will only care about your loved ones... you will remember about the moments you were happy together and dream they happen again... you will remember your childhood like you were 7 again... you will ask forgiveness and try to show your love, no matter how hard you are... In the face of death we realize that nothing more then our family matters... For the professor, once his life of arrogance reaches an end, he will then understand what is the meaning of family...
They are found to be a very Rich & Powerful Groups and Mother of Groups that control lives of Millions... Now Finding Peace means that we should think on how to get those Master Keys or Super Master Keys of Super Powerful Groups that are to be gathered all in one Ring lock that works to getting them to work towards One Purpose only and that is on how to make Human Life better Globally and that by investing in them human populations worldwide not minding their Race or Faith or Political interests such will work towards Building Bridges between all Nations holding and calling one Message of Love and Sharing in some form of Brotherhood that works towards a Greener Planet EaHuman Life better Globally and that by investing in them human populations worldwide not minding their Race or Faith or Political interests such will work towards Building Bridges between all Nations holding and calling one Message of Love and Sharing in some form of Brotherhood that works towards a Greener Planet Eahuman populations worldwide not minding their Race or Faith or Political interests such will work towards Building Bridges between all Nations holding and calling one Message of Love and Sharing in some form of Brotherhood that works towards a Greener Planet Earth!?
We can «liberate the human spirit» and achieve the «purposes of God» only by loving our neighbor as ourselves, with God's help.
There is only ONE MESSAGE on earth now that can definitely end the war and all kind of bloody feuds and conflicts within and / or between all Religions and Sects; and here it is for all Peace Loving and Truth Seeking intelligent Humans all over the world now:
But only if God is viewed as unconditional love is it conceivable that he would become a man and live a human life.
Only religion presumes to label human characteristics as «sinful», making it impossible for a bible botherer to ever feel «good enough», much less worthy of love and respect.
Romantic love is only directed towards a mere human.
And so the Samaritan reaches out in love to help his enemy, breaking all the customary boundaries, because he has clearly seen in his enemy not only a neighbor, not only a fellow human or a fellow creature, but a fellow sharer in the life of God.
The proposition that love, forgiveness and peaceableness are the only neighborly relationships that are acceptable to God is difficult for us weak and violent humans, but it is plain enough for any literalist.
Growing up, I was taught that God was the source of all love, and that we could only know love by knowing God (I no longer believe this because I believe all human beings, theist or atheist, are capable of great love).
That was all I said and meant but you are trying to frame me with word not said by me and I know why it is about shutting me up for good never mind may God make your curses blessings for me since he alone knows what's in my heart for all humans in love of God only.?!
From whichever end the problem of human forgiveness impinges on us — and more often than not, it comes from both ends at once — the only effective, lasting way to bridge the rift is the love that is begotten of divine forgiveness.
After drawing out how the encyclical applies this to various social, economic and ecological issues he highlighted, concerning «the problem of technology», that «this is the first time an encyclical deals with the subject in such an organic manner -LSB-...] The exclusively technical mentality [and ideology] in fact, reduces all to pure doing... [True human development] requires a new perspective upon man that only the God who is truth and love can provide.»
Once God had decided upon this predestination of Christ's human nature, then he willed the union of Christ's divine nature with his human nature in the person of Christ since only a human nature united to the divine nature in one person could love to the highest extent, the extent to which God loves.
For only God can really satisfy our deepest and most human yearnings, for absolute truth and absolute love.
Such civil righteousness is not the same as spiritual righteousness, namely, the true pure love which only the Holy Spirit can work in human hearts against the impulses of the flesh.
Then only wipe out a human baby sacrificing culture to keep the trajectory toward love going.
, but they have only very hazy ideas about what the Church really says on human dignity, the value of each one of us, the beauty of human love, the value of authentic family life, the mutual companionship of men and women.
Not only in the glory of creation» these mountains, this lake, this great night sky of the Alps» and not only in his misericordia did God share with us insight into the special characteristics of his love, but also in sending us a human model of it in sending us his Son, who called us his friends, and sacrificed his life for us.
And it's only the religious moral police that are having issues with it, so why not just let humans be humans and love who we want to love.
So by stating that there must be a Christian presence in government you're kinda unconsciously outlining the mind controlling hypocrisy you're indoctrinated into, of early Byzantine cultists who subverted a good religion and plugged 2000 years of pagan rituals into a philosophy that was about love and created the most hypocritical, torturous, murderous, blasphemous, demonic and satanic era of human history, that would have made the devil himself, if he happens to be real, enthralled and delighted at the inhuman acts perpetrated by men who's skill lay only in great fornication and great defilements, that can only be possessed by those that truly revel in the pain and the blood of the innocent.
Today, after Jesus is accepted to be God's son, the only reason for cure can be God's love for the single human being and His will to help him or her.
I think I can only respond to your succinct comments as: I can not always see what my fellow human being sees, but I can accept their belief, or none, and respond with love and respect to their human right to see and hear what they see and hear.
Marriages, of course, are only human; they go wrong and break down; but it is still within marriage, and the families that spring from marriage, that most people come closest to an understanding of true love and creativity, which is as close as man can get to God.
He only requires us to love our fellow human beings with the same love with which He love us and them.
Do we lose the power of the claim that an itinerant Jewish preacher who taught about love and was murdered by the political establishment of his time was God become human flesh if we turn out to mean only that it's useful to say that?
God who reads hearts knows if the person is only doing good deeds for human attention or for love of God.
We need only to look about us at the multitude of disjointed forces neutralising each other and losing themselves in the confusion of human society — the huge realities (broad currents of love or hatred animating peoples and classes) which represent the power of awareness but have not yet found a consciousness sufficiently vast to encompass them all.
There never was a time in History that atheists exist, only in this present stage of our intellectual developement that they deny His exisrence, but it can be easily explained that they are just part of the dialectical process of having to have two opposing arguments or forces to arrive to the truth, The opposing forces today are the theists or religious believers of all religions and the other are the atheists who denies religion, The reslultant truth in the future will be Panthrotheism, the belief that we are all one with the whole universe with God, and that we Had all to unite to prepare for human survival that will subject us humans in the future.Aided by the the enlightend consevationist, environmentalists, humanists and all of the concerned activists, we will develop a kind of universal harmony and awareness that we are all guided towards love and concern for all of our specie.The great concern of the whole conscious and caring world to the natural disaster in the Phillipines,, the most theist country now is a positive sign towards this religious direction.Panthrotheism means we will be One with God.
Stapledon thus brings together his basic concerns for a viable community and a metaphysic as his narrator questions the ultimate meaning of the only good he is able to perceive — the symbiotic love of two human beings.
The problem of reconciling human suffering with the existence of a God who loves, is only insoluble so long as we attach a trivial meaning to the word «love,» and look on things as if man were the centre of them.
The idea of a God who not only sympathizes with all we feel and endure for our fellow men, but who will pour new life into our too languid love, and give firmness to our vacillating purpose, is an extension and multiplication of the effects produced by human sympathy.
If you claim to worship a loving God who loves all mankind, then heaven & he - ll don't make any sense, which is why I believe they only exist in the minds of imperfect humans who want to feel superior to others.
The tragedy of human behavior is that so long as we seek to build ourselves up, to overcome our deficiencies, we in fact only spin webs around ourselves, isolate ourselves more deeply than ever from one another, and reveal our desperate need for the love of God.
Donald Bloesch warns, «Beginning with human love and then trying to find in it the key that opens the doorway to divine love only ends in a false mysticism.
It is sacramental not only because physical contact is employed to express and increase human love but also because the human relationship in love is symbolic of, an expressive medium for, and a representation and effectual sign that enables a deep relationship with God, for God is Love and acts ever lovingly in and toward humanlove but also because the human relationship in love is symbolic of, an expressive medium for, and a representation and effectual sign that enables a deep relationship with God, for God is Love and acts ever lovingly in and toward humanlove is symbolic of, an expressive medium for, and a representation and effectual sign that enables a deep relationship with God, for God is Love and acts ever lovingly in and toward humanLove and acts ever lovingly in and toward humanity.
The Bible concerns itself only rarely with the joyful play of human love.
One may understand the personality of God as His act — it is, indeed, even permissible for the believer to believe that God became a person for love of him, because in our human mode of existence the only reciprocal relation with us that exists is a personal one.
He didn't have to because he covered the issue with a much broader concept, he taught us that we must learn to love all our fellow humans, and that only God himself will judge us.
And, oh, when the hour - glass has run out, the hourglass of time, when the noise of worldliness is silenced, and the restless or the ineffectual busyness comes to an end, when everything is still about thee as it is in eternity — whether thou wast man or woman, rich or poor, dependent or independent, fortunate or unfortunate, whether thou didst bear the splendor of the crown in a lofty station, or didst bear only the labor and heat of the day in an inconspicuous lot; whether thy name shall be remembered as long as the world stands (and so was remembered as long as the world stood), or without a name thou didst cohere as nameless with the countless multitude; whether the glory which surrounded thee surpassed all human description, or the judgment passed upon thee was the most severe and dishonoring human judgement can pass — eternity asks of thee and of every individual among these million millions only one question, whether thou hast lived in despair or not, whether thou wast in despair in such a way that thou didst not know thou wast in despair, or in such a way that thou didst hiddenly carry this sickness in thine inward parts as thy gnawing secret, carry it under thy heart as the fruit of a sinful love, or in such a way that thou, a horror to others, didst rave in despair.
Thus I am obliged to say, with H. H. Price, that theism, at least in a Christian sense, is «a metaphysics of love»; and with this, I am obliged to affirm that «the world», including nature in its farthest stretches as well as in the intimacy of human existence, is given its proper «interpretation» only when «the key» to it is found in Jesus Christ.
In fact virtue makes them only more human, more loving, and more understanding.
St Francis is one of the best - loved saints, not only among Christians, but also among environmentalists and animal rights campaigners: he loved nature, animals and every human person.
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