Sentences with phrase «only humans matter»

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Only after the Falcon Heavy is rigorously tested and SpaceX manages to deliver on its promises of cheaper space launches, a return to the moon, and a mission to Mars (or fail to, for that matter) will we be able to say for sure which rocket was the true champion of human space exploration.
With the rise of self - driving cars and apps such as Hailo, it's perhaps only a matter of time before humans are taken entirely out of the equation.
It's only a matter of time, Kurzweil says, until it can do those things like humans can.
The only way to find compatibility in such a worldview is by accepting a religion with no authority on the most meaningful matters of human existence.»
I suffered a terrible car accident... during 3 weeks I almost died «many times»... Now I can read a beautiful article like this one and agree with it... Believe me... no matter your faith, your fortune or whatever you may be involved with... on the face of death if you are human you will only care about your loved ones... you will remember about the moments you were happy together and dream they happen again... you will remember your childhood like you were 7 again... you will ask forgiveness and try to show your love, no matter how hard you are... In the face of death we realize that nothing more then our family matters... For the professor, once his life of arrogance reaches an end, he will then understand what is the meaning of family...
Modernity said that God is a projection of the ideals and wants of what it means to be human so let us serve and worship the only God that matters — that is, the human.
You clearly have no education and can't think, if you believe that the laws of logic prove that a human being is matter and only matter.
We need only be human, a simple matter of being in relationship with God and other human beings.
It is a more skeptical form with regard to such matters, insisting that the gap between the human and the transcendent is closed only through personal risk and decision.
Just as the world as a whole was viewed as composed of tiny bits of matter that related to one another only externally, that is, spatio - temporally, so human beings were viewed as individuals who relate to one another only externally.
The protest is NOT against science and structure, rather, the protest is against the «dehumanization» of the human being by reducing him / her down to only matter and rules, and is against dismissing the «spirit & soul» which give every individual his / her unique «person.»
However, the continuity of structure and function from nonliving matter to living and from the simplest forms of life to the most complicated strongly suggests that even the most characteristic human activities such as thought and consciousness have an explanation, as yet only partly known, in chemical and physical phenomena.
Only then can we rediscover, as a matter of reason, the truth of the human being, the truth of freedom, and the truth of truth itself.
consciousness is present in all matter, just like gravity it is inherent and innate to everything produced after the big bang, only its level of existence varies with evolution, highest is that of living things, at the top is us humans because of the biological nature of our existence we evolve fastest and our brains has attained the highest level of complexity
Christians are only seeking «heavenly things» and think that earthly matters do not concern them and have no bearing on their salvation, because these things have become exclusively secular and human.
For if a husband may lord it over his wife, then it is only a matter of establishing additional categories as the human race increases and civilization becomes more complex: chiefs and little people, conquering tribe and conquered tribes, white people and dark people, rich and poor, the «civilized» and the «barbarians.»
The real problem, of course, is within each and every human being, and so it is only a matter of time before problems resurface and the quest for a new scapegoat must begin again.
Thus to talk about «the spirit of man» was to say that human existence is not only a matter of mind and body, as we have represented this in our previous discussion, but is also a matter of relationship, in which there is an openness to, and a sharing in, the life of others.
Since freedom of propagation and conversion involves not only matters of religion, but also of culture and political ideas, any restriction at this point will affect the fundamental rights of the human person in general.
Not only must the use of the radio spectrum, as a technical matter, be on terms which are mutually acceptable to the members of the human race, but through the ITU, its users contribute the knowledge of the propagation and other characteristics of the radio spectrum which is the by - product of its use.12.
Unlike much of the inherited Western tradition, which has equated creativity with mentality and attributed it only to human beings, process thought considers anything actual at all an instance of creativity, from the tiniest energy event to the most complex creatures we are aware of, human beings; some degree of mentality is present in no matter how rudimentary, even negligible, a form.
If the combinations are necessary, they give metaphysical truth; if impossible, they give metaphysical error — in both cases with the qualification that our human understanding has only fallible powers of discernment in such matters.
Furthermore, human sense perception is only to be understood as a condition of the possibility of intellectual cognition, posited by spirit in contradistinction to itself but for itself, and consequently once again affirms the kinship of spirit and matter.
12 Even on the assumption of a Vitalism of essentially higher principles of that kind, which raise the organic, as an intrinsically higher level of reality, above merely inorganic matter, and constitute biology as an independent science, and even if we regard the entelechy factor as simple and indivisible, there would only be an eductio e potentia materiae when a new living being came into existence, if we excluded creation in this case in the way it is exemplified in the human soul, though that is not very easy to prove, and at the same time rejected the not at all absurd supposition that in the generation of new life below the human level what happens is only the extension of the entelechial function of one and the same vital principle to a new position in space and time within inorganic matter.
Traditions of every kind, hoarded and manifested in gesture and language, in schools, libraries, museums, bodies of law and religion, philosophy and science — everything that accumulates, arranges itself, recurs and adds to itself, becoming the collective memory of the human race — all this we may see as no more than an outer garment, an epiphenomenon precariously superimposed upon all the other edifices of Nature (the only truly organic ones, as it may appear): but it is precisely this optical illusion which we have to overcome if our realism is to reach to the heart of the matter.
Fifth, there can be such a focus upon one particular aspect of the relationship (in specifically sexual matters, this may be an interest only in the physical side) that the total human personality is not taken into account, in all its richness and promise.
Which amounts to saying that the complexification of Matter, at the point it has now reached in the human social organism, is physically incapable of advancing further if the Mind does not play a part, not only with its capacity for technical organization, but with its purposive and affective powers of arrangement and inner tension.
You can bash Islam as much as you like but fact of the matter is this is the only Religion that guides human beings toward success.
They have a set veiwpoint on the matters of spirituality & life and believe their way to be the only way; the only difference is, they possibly the first religion based totally on science & human logic with a negative stance on spiritualism.
Furthermore, in the explication of his understanding of man, Hartshorne does not shrink from the somewhat novel and strange proposition that the human mind may possess properties that have traditionally been ascribed only to matter, namely, location and extension in space.
Indeed, while it allegedly defends matters of faith, it typically deals primarily with revelation only from the point of view of what appeals to finite human reason.
Of course, if there is nothing outside of the text, there are many different kinds of texts that are inscribed with meaning: not only the great diversity of printed matter but also culture and human beings.
Christianity «was founded in an act of expiatory pain, has regarded human suffering as not only inseparable from the nature of life on earth, as a matter of observable fact, but also as a necessary condition in spiritual formation.»
Furthermore, according to William Dean, the empiricism of Whitehead's philosophy not only destroys the dualism of the subject and object, but also other traditional dualisms, such as those of spirit - matter and human - nonhuman, in a manner that even transcends Derrida's works (DP 8).
Weather you believe or not (I open my eyes every day) so it's not hard to All will stand before the lord on the day of reckoning which man will no doubtedly usher in and those who don't believe or against god will try to wage war on the almighty to no avail, only to be left in ruins... the great Satan (adversary) will be all who oppose god in battle, that serpent of old is still here today, we live in the middle of a brood of vipers and this website is part of the venom aimed at distorting the faithfuls belief as well as a an agonist for those who wish to continue to disbelieve... CNN is anti god To my brothers and sisters who truly live in Christ Peace be with you and never forget your path despite the darkness that is trying to consume you, bring enough oil for your lamps to live in this darkness and bring extra in case of a delay, he will not abandon you... we will not be forgotten Amen To those who don't, I know the myth of Santa and the easterbunny really choked up your insides to find that they were not real, but childhood is over and it was a cruel human joke designed to make it that much harder for you to believe in that which visits you and you can't see, no matter you have life so is it too much to ask for a little belief?
Along with dualistic mythology several developments in scientific thought since the seventeenth century have contributed to the exorcism of mind from nature: first, there is the cosmography of classical (Newtonian) physics picturing our world as composed of inanimate, unconscious bits of «matter» needing only the brute laws of inertia to explain their action; second, the Darwinian theory of evolution with its emphasis on chance, waste and the apparent «impersonality» of natural selection; third, the laws of thermodynamics (and particularly the second law) with the allied cosmological interpretation that our universe is running out of energy available to sustain life, evolution and human consciousness; fourth, the geological and astronomical disclosure of enormous tracts of apparently lifeless space and matter in the universe; fifth, the recent suggestions that life may be reducible to an inanimate chemical basis; and, finally, perhaps most shocking of all, the suspicion that mind may be explained exhaustively in terms of mindless brain chemistry.
International political organization should have jurisdiction only in matters essential to basic peace and justice among the nations and to the preservation of certain universal human rights everywhere.
With atomic and hydrogen bombs now stock - piled by both the United States and Russia in sufficient quantity and potency to destroy all human life upon the planet and with guided missiles to deliver them quickly to their targets, the annihilation not only of great cities but of entire nations in a matter of minutes has now become a staggering possibility.
It will not only «continually be pushing students to examine the ultimate presuppositions with which they think» but will also keep a close relationship «between the formal structure of thought and concrete human problems» and between the subject matter and students» vocational commitments.
Therefore, he believes that he has a logically impregnable position in affirming that the zero case of mind would also be the zero case of reality.26 Hence, either we must talk about matter in terms of the infinitely flexible «psychic variables» of human mental experience, or we can not talk intelligibly about it at all.27 Thus Hartshorne feels justified in the following caustic comment upon Santayana's defense of materialism:» «Matter» is the asylum of ignorance, pure and simple, whose only useful function is to postpone for a more convenient occasion the specification of the type of psychic reality required in the givenmatter in terms of the infinitely flexible «psychic variables» of human mental experience, or we can not talk intelligibly about it at all.27 Thus Hartshorne feels justified in the following caustic comment upon Santayana's defense of materialism:» «Matter» is the asylum of ignorance, pure and simple, whose only useful function is to postpone for a more convenient occasion the specification of the type of psychic reality required in the givenMatter» is the asylum of ignorance, pure and simple, whose only useful function is to postpone for a more convenient occasion the specification of the type of psychic reality required in the given case.
He also grants the common - sense view that a human corpse is a dead thing as a human body, but he still makes his panpsychistic point by insisting that even a corpse is composed of many living things and, as far as our knowledge runs, nothing else.29 In addition, he claims that his belief that there is only a relative and not an absolute distinction between mind and matter is given support by recent developments in physics that have shown that the differences between matter and various kinds of radiation are differences of degree and not of kind.
... if we are to be attentive to God's work in the world, we must listen attentively to the language of the people of our time... It is not only a matter of expressing the Gospel message in contemporary language; it is also necessary to have the courage to think more deeply - as happened in other epochs - about the relationship between faith, the life of the Church and the changes human beings are experiencing.
Third, Jesus» example reminds us also that the search for human oneness - in - diversity in interreligious dialogue is not only a matter of making judgments; it sometimes requires refraining from judgment.
Through movies, television, newspapers, magazines, and other mass media, they spread the hedonist gospel that there is no claim on human beings higher than the gratification of the senses, and that «happiness» is the only thing that matters.
Once a Gandhian leader came to Kohima and we had fellowship with him As I was sitting by him, he started conversing with me about religious matters: «There are some extreme Christians who say that human being can be saved through Christianity only and thee is no other way.
If this then is to be understood bluntly, just as a matter of course, without the least reservation, to be taken quite unconcernedly and flippantly — then, if paganism's poetic fiction about the gods might be called human craziness, Christianity might be the invention of a crazy god; such a doctrine could only occur to a god who had lost his wits — so a man must judge who had kept his wits.
Surely, it may be argued, if there is only one God the object of worship in all religions is the same, and it can not greatly matter how that worship is given or what means are used to regulate human life in accordance with the divine purpose.
Only the Sceptics argued in favour of the relativity of all human opinions, especially in matters of religion.
And you're right about only posting positive images — no one wants the world to know they're upset because it's a personal matter — but we should remember more often that these things do happen because we are all human xx
It is a matter of profound importance not only to the mother and newborn, but to all whom birth touches — to families who are celebrating this significant event, to birth workers who are caring for families through this transformative experience, and to societies that must move aside to welcome one more member of the human family.
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