Sentences with phrase «only if the benefits»

If your baby suffers from severe gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which affects 1 in 20 babies, your pediatrician might recommend stomach sleeping if and only if the benefits for GERD outweigh the risk of SIDS.
Most experts recommend using these drugs during pregnancy only if the benefits of quitting outweigh their possible risks to your pregnancy.
Doctors should consider opioids only if the benefits regarding pain relief and daily ability to function outweigh the risks of addiction and overdose, the CDC says.
It should be tied to a climate - change agreement only if the benefits to the climate regime are clear and the dangers to the trading system are worth the benefits.
Both spouses are responsible for a debt only if it benefits the marriage, for example, the debt for food, clothing, childcare, shelter, or necessary household items, or the debt was jointly undertaken.

Not exact matches

Taking Social Security retirement benefits at 62 only makes sense in a limited number of circumstances, such as if you are single and terminally ill.
Even if you're the only woman among a sea of men, coworking spaces have multiple benefits for both genders.
The televised version replaced that with «If only I could make this message go viral,» referring to the environmental and health benefits of using SodaStream compared buying from the soda giants.
That is, the company should build the next unit only if, all things being equal, the marginal benefit exceeds the marginal cost.
Do talk about who is eligible, whether only full - time employees or if part - time employees are offered a pro-rated benefits package, address that, as well.
Only if there is a significant benefit will consumers be OK with companies collecting data on their shopping habits.
Facebook says organizations will receive information about users who set up fundraisers for their benefit, but nonprofits will only get donors» emails addresses if the donor opts to disclose it.
Actionable: If you own a hypothetical surfboard company, and you only operate online, you can benefit.
The benefits of having strong, clear values can only be realized if they guide every decision, not just some decisions.
There are only two reasons you should have a separate office space: If you can really benefit from that
Further, homeowners can only deduct interest on the mortgage for their principal residence, meaning you won't benefit from this tax break if you have a vacation home.
If a leader is scared of you and allows comparisons between your brand and theirs, your brand can only benefit from being compared to the best.
There are only two reasons you should have a separate office space: If you can really benefit from that home office tax credit and if you truly work better in that setuIf you can really benefit from that home office tax credit and if you truly work better in that setuif you truly work better in that setup.
If you do offer health benefits, it's a safe guess that you only tend to think about these plans once a year, when open enrollment season comes around.
Only you know if you're really contributing to the benefit of your organization.
While self - driving vehicles will be revolutionary on their own, their greater benefits will only be felt if and when they can become part of the internet of things.
Clearly, better problem solving abilities and boosted creativity will only be good for your business career, but if you're still not convinced of the benefits of international travel, a whole host of nomadic entrepreneurs, bloggers, and economics professors (and more economics professors) have expressed why they feel travel is valuable for reasons ranging from conquering fear to heading off future regrets and challenging our bias for the status quo.
These corporate fixed - income instruments pay a dividend that is taxed at a more favourable rate than regular bond interest, but you only benefit from this if they are held outside of a registered account.
Noble says the restructuring plan, which has the backing of over 83 percent of its senior creditors, will benefit all stakeholders and an insolvency is the only alternative if shareholders do not approve its proposal.
«It only benefits the company if the dollar continues to weaken,» Modesto says.
A death benefit is paid to your heirs only if you die before the term expires.
Otherwise, during a divorce your spouse could fully benefit from the business's growth, even if you are the only person in the marriage actively involved in the company.
It's not clear how this partnership will play out just yet, but if Netflix decides it only wants to make this deal with Comcast, then that's certainly a benefit for the cable company.
If only you could hire an assistant, limit distractions, stay head down, and crank out more work, everyone in the office would be happier, and your business would benefit, right?
For example, if you begin receiving your retirement benefit and only later become eligible for a spousal benefit (or vice versa), you will be «deemed» to have applied for the second benefit as soon as you are eligible for it.
The only scenario I can think of is if you are unemployed, have run out of unemployment benefits, have enough savings to live on for five years, and expect to be unemployed after five years but are still too young for a pension or Social Security.
Tip: You'll only get a retirement benefit based on your ex's wage record if it is a higher benefit amount than you would receive based on your own wage record.
This may work best if you're under age 70 (because your own payments will only increase until you're 70) and have a relatively high benefit at FRA compared with that of your deceased spouse.
A firm only makes that transition once, but an economy can reap the benefit over and over if there is a strong trend in new firm creation.
Ultimately, breakeven analysis isn't the only thing you should consider when making this important decision, but if all other things are held equal, it can help you decide if you should file for benefits at your full retirement age or not.
However, the policy only pays a death benefit if you die due to a covered accident, such as a plane crash or sudden fall.
Even if you only have $ 50 a month to start investing with, don't allow that to hold you back; starting small will help you develop the discipline of investing, which will reap you benefits in the future.
If countries like Germany, whose surpluses have caused so much damage to Europe, were to arrange income more fairly, not only would Europe benefit, but Germany's hard working and thrifty ants would finally get their rewards — a higher income, rather than a larger national trade surplus.
If you plan on taking Social Security benefits before you reach your full retirement age — which is currently as old as 67 if you were born in 1960 or later — your benefits might be reduced even if you only work part - timIf you plan on taking Social Security benefits before you reach your full retirement age — which is currently as old as 67 if you were born in 1960 or later — your benefits might be reduced even if you only work part - timif you were born in 1960 or later — your benefits might be reduced even if you only work part - timif you only work part - time.
If you are looking to improve the effectiveness of your website promotion, the advice provided here will not only help facilitate greater link building for your site but it lays out what the benefits are for implementing these type of links.
However, this benefit is available only if you've paid enough into the policy that it has a sizable cash value.
Social Security retirement benefits are generally only taxable if you have income from other sources and your total income exceeds a certain level.
[25] A rational shareholder will expend the effort necessary to make informed decisions only if the expected benefits outweigh the costs of doing so.
The Return of Premium death benefit is available only if you (and a joint annuitant, if applicable) are age 75 or younger when you buy the annuity.
Even if it's only for a day or two, putting the spotlight on your business can have some major long - term benefits.
If you're not remembering any made - for - TV White House meetings in which Medicaid or food stamps beneficiaries detailed their plight to President Trump and made the case for increased benefits, that's because such open groveling only happens with business titans.
The main difference is that a 401 (k) is an employer - sponsored account, so you can only participate in one if your job offers it as a benefit.
Say, if you're 62 & contemplate to file for an early benefit, you may only get 75 % of the full benefit, which is $ 1,979 / mo..
It also means that you can only benefit from this deduction if the sum of your miscellaneous deductions exceeds 2 % of your Adjusted Gross Income (AGI).
Enacted in 2003 as part of legislation providing drug benefits under Medicare, the tax preference is only available if the individual purchases a high - deductible health insurance policy.
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