Sentences with phrase «only in the way»

Though González Franch doesn't yet have hard data, he sees a difference — not only in the ways his employees relate to each other, but in productivity.
It's what psychologists call «functional fixedness,» or the tendency to see something only in the way it is traditionally used.
There are many kinds of blockchains that differ only in the way their algorithms (math) generate their ledgers.
You can contact me about this debt, but only in the way I say below.
Thinking only in this way will put you no further ahead than you already are in terms of reinvention.
In this imperfect way we va - guely see that God must necessarily be three Divine Persons, because only in that way can God with His Divine Knowledge and Will be complete in Himself.
But I believe, and am of strong conviction at this, that this country is provoking the judgment of God on itself, by treating it's poor, under - privileged and those who fall through the cracks as a burden, and as a nuisance that is only in the way of it's «at all cost» coveted image of «greatness», instead of giving a hard and honest look WHY is it the way it is in this country?
It is only in this way that we can unite ourselves to the suffering of the victims and to the suffering of Christ.
Only in this way, too, is it possible to understand why, rather than attempting to achieve a goal — that is, attempting to become a god — Jesus revealed that the way to become whole is to become a person.
Only in this way is the mnemic influence of the past, that is, memory, in its most general as well as in a psychological sense, possible.
Only in this way can we give a coherent explanation of the unitive dimension.
Horrible though it is to say so, the test God devises is perfect: For only if Abraham is willing to do without the covenant (and, indeed, is willing to destroy it himself), out of awe - reverence for the Covenantor, can he demonstrate that he merits the covenant and its promised rewards; only in this way can he demonstrate that he is fit for fatherhood and founding.
Also, attention to the experience of women has brought to light much about the past and present and the nature of reality in general that could have been learned only in this way.
Abraham, the founder of a great nation, must do righteousness and justice, and command his children after him to do likewise, for only in this way can Abraham bring the Lord's righteous ways to the entire world, and thus be a blessing to all the nations of the earth.
Only in this way will true growth, true discipleship be accomplished.
For, as Karl Barth argues, only in this way are we true not only to the nature of Scripture itself but also to our link with the Church in every age:
It is only in this way that the Word of God ignites like fire within our hearts and minds, and creates change in our community.
Only in this way can both Cain and Abel come together and bring their human family back to the garden.
It is only in this way that the true adjustment of ideas can be explored.
Only in this way will what Christians say escape the twin evils of punishing legalism and boundless freedom.
Only in this way can all evil be defined in terms of reaction to the Church's mission.
Only in this way will it grasp its responsibility for the aged and hospitalized and thus also for the healthy and wealthy, the high and the mighty.
Only through human vigilance can the tenuous equilibrium of freedom be maintained, and only in this way can the future willed by God be established in an indeterminate universe.
Change has come only in ways we were not expecting.
I can not act as though God works only in those ways which I understand or with which I am familiar.
If there is a being who is God who is so much greater than we are — and he wants to be found ONLY in the way he says which is through prayer and a humble heart, then it would make sense that our baby toys we use to detect God will never find him.
Only in that way can the Bible be served and not become the servant in a communication event.
Fundamentalist maybe only in some ways, but still in the neighbourhood of evangelical charismatic, and in a conservative denomination, so it isn't always so cut and dry.
The real Jesus, as I have sought to portray him on the basis of the Sayings Gospel, was not only in his way otherworldly — he was worlds apart from us!
Only in this way can one playfully work and play.
Only in that way can it be made clear how being manifests itself in the evolution of human thought.
Only in that way, they argued, could one account for the origin of life and the direction that was evident in the unfolding forms of life.
Only in this way can we understand both the parallel developments in these cultures and the readiness with which fusion sometimes occurred.
Only in this way can the church's witness to the wider society avoid being compromised and its life together as a fellowship be strengthened (cf. 1 Tim.
This manifests itself not only in the way in which Aristotelian notions of the «unmoved mover» or neo-Platonic ideas of «being - subsisting from - itself» have been taken to be the proper definition of what is meant when we speak of «God», but also in liturgical language where all too often the basic concept implied or (as most often seems to be the case) affirmed is the utter immutability of deity, along with the rigidly legalistic moralism which it is suggested should mark those who claim to «obey» the divine mandates.
And only in this way can the «world» of the parable be grasped at all.115
It is only in this way and in these conditions that God's will was the destruction of the house of Ahab.
Only in this way can God's multifaceted revelation be heard on its own terms without narrowing it to traditional salvation - categories.
In this way, and only in this way, can the spiritual man genuinely and purely love.
Only in this way can the current impasse in regard to Biblical authority be overcome and the evangelical church prove itself to be a continuing authentic witness to the Christian faith in the days ahead.
Only in this way will the evangelical church prove itself to be a continuing authentic witness to the Christian faith in the days ahead.
Only in this way does man's soul become more honorable and perfect, an intelligible microcosm comparable to the existing Macrocosm, and become ready to enjoy the greatest happiness in the world to come.
because the monk needs to live close to the edge of death, for only in that way can one understand the limits of life.
Only in this way is divine authority, dominion, and supremacy adequately portrayed.
And it was about all of those things, only in the way that life is about all of those things, because Mad Men is about us.
Only in this way will his followers have the «mind» of Christ.
Only in this way can we allow for Judas to be chosen, or «elected» by Jesus, for Judas did in fact serve a very special role and purpose within the ministry and mission of Jesus.
But you have to come in the right way, which is through the front door, for only in this way will the guests be properly attired to live, serve, and function within God's Kingdom (See Capon, Kingdom, Grace, Judgment, 464 - 465).
Only in this way will judgment be escaped.
But how thankful we can be that He did so, for it was only in this way that we can receive the righteousness of God (2 Cor 5:21).
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