Sentences with phrase «only kind of understand»

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It only recently dawned on me as to why the guys you're trying to hire from the corporate world don't get emotional about this stuff or understand that it's not simply an interesting exercise or some kind of a game of back - and - forth bargaining.
Unlike enterprises that may have complex and expensive layers of security that protect them from outside infiltration, smaller companies probably use some kind of inexpensive antivirus protection software, not understanding it will only protect them from about 40 percent of threats.
Mormonism is another made up religion and yes I understand they are true believers with only noble purposes BUT we know the road to hell is paved with just that kind of thinking.
Only in productive work and learning processes can their individualism be broken down in such a way that it is transformed from morally based (that is to say as individual as ever) self - sacrifice to a new kind of political self understanding and behavior.
The proliferation of communication technologies, the changing structure of everyday life (due largely to technology), the growing complexity of family life, the changing understandings and norms of sexual conduct and the expansion of consumer culture (as evidenced by unprecedented levels of consumer debt) are only a few of the conditions that present pastors with new kinds of demands.
But for the reader the volume lacks a sense of flow or unity because with each essay one has to determine not only how the Jewish writers are thinking of Christians and how the Christian writer is understanding Jews but what kind of Jew and what kind of Christian are being brought together in this particular chapter.
It takes a long time before we really get to grips with this and begin to understand it, because not only does it seem incredible and thoroughly demeaning to us, but it's yet another shock to our system to discover that not only are we not the centre of the Universe and we're not made by anything, but we started out as some kind of slime and got to where we are via being a monkey.
This is a sort of religiosity that it is difficult for modern, secular people to understand and appreciate; she goes against the grain not only of the more obvious kind of rationalistic secularism embodied in Rayber but against all of the best in liberal Christianity, whether Catholic or Protestant.
There can be no doubt, of course, that the teaching of our Lord is of enormous significance, not only for its own intrinsic value but also because it enables us to understand the kind of person that Jesus himself was, humanly speaking.
It would be much easier if he didn't have to play this game with himself... I mean... he knows the outcome before the game even understand he does nt even tell us the damn rules... what kind of a god plays by rules that only he knows and doesn't even tell us... probably because he already knows the outcome... its like playing cards with a stacked deck and he; s the dealer laughing at us all because he has all the aces... I hate gods who do that.
In this way the ontological argument, by drawing out the presupposition of metaphysical understanding, indicates that the choice before us is between holding that there is a God and that «reality» makes sense in some metaphysical manner, whether or not we can ever grasp what that sense is, and holding that there is no God and that any apparent metaphysical understanding of reality can only be an illusion which does not significantly correspond to the ultimate nature of things — unless this «nihilism» be regarded as a kind of metaphysical understanding instead of its blank negation.
It implies that with passing years, there has probably been loss of some kind (even if only of youthful energy and time) so that an elder would be able to understand my own losses.
As a group, Christians and others may come to understandings on love or compassion or certain universal concepts... but even they wouldn't say that the «god» they know is exactly as they describe him... in part because you can't have that kind of universality without also haveing the humility to know you only have partial comprehension in the face of an infinite, and ultimately unknowable, god.
It is present only in the kind of action I took as my example — action that issues in rational speech and is therefore characterized by an intelligent understanding on the part of the agent.
Selfhood results from implicit or explicit commitment to a kind of existence, and is to be understood only in terms of that commitment, i.e by laying hold of the understanding of existence in terms of which the self is constituted.
They in turn respond with another kind of fear, a sort of awe in the presence of the one they only dimly understand as their Lord.
We can only show this if we can show that we have a quite different kind of consciousness (understanding and selfreflection), which can not be explained materially and, therefore, requires the immaterial soul, created by God, to explain this power.
So much in Christianity had me seeing these kinds of things only in the light of demons and evil and satan, that when I started reading and understanding more (when I was in junior high school) and comprehending the concept of the birth - life - death - rebirth cycles, and how there needs to be death and decay for their to be birth and growth... it really made a huge impression on how I saw the world.
The lesser kinds of reverence have been noted only in order that we may be quite clear that even in Catholic circles the term worship is applied normally to God and none other, although it is important that we understand that by association with God and His presence and work, creatures are seen in the Christian tradition as worthy of something even more remarkable than the respect for personality of which democracy has spoken — they are worthy of reverence which is religious in quality, reverence about which there is a mystery, just as in human personality itself there is a deep mystery by reason of its being grounded in the mystery of God.
The constitution of a society prescribes the forms of justice only when it provides for that kind of interaction among individuals, and between individuals and the physical environment, which creates the human mind, and which sustains that scope of understanding, power of action and richness of appreciation which is distinctively human in contrast to the lower animals.
«Coherence» is understood more precisely to mean not only that every single being must be involved in some kind of connection — and in view of the diversity of possible relations and even of the possible relationship of unrelatedness this would not be saying very much.
To argue that the corporation's defining objective is «enhancing corporate profit and shareholder gain» leads, in his opinion, to unacceptable conclusions: «To say that a corporation's only goal is to make money would be to define the business corporation — for the first time in American or English law as I understand it — as a kind of shark that lives off of the community rather than as an important agency in the construction, maintenance, and transformation of our shared lives.»
Just as the Anglican Lambeth Conference of 1930 undermined a key part of the conceptual framework that made potentially fruitful heterosexual intercourse the only acceptable kind of sex, so the gradual degradation in the popular understanding of marriage makes it very difficult for many people to conceptualise the Catholic argument against gay marriage.
Bentham has here laid out, quite clearly, a fundamental dispute of the modern age: the good life understood as the satisfaction of preferences and unfoiled desires on the one hand and the Platonic idea that justice is found only through the kind of self - restraint that looks beyond pleasure and pain on the other.
It is precisely in trying to discern as to how the «will of God» has been understood by different churches - those in countries who claimed some kind of divine right not only to colonize, but also to theologise - that we ought to locate the problematization of «differences.»
Whereas we commonly understand religion and theology as beginning with an inner and personal experience that only later seeks a community or tradition, the postliberal asserts that the community's ways of speaking and acting, its rites and rituals, its patterns of life and behavior shape and indeed make possible certain kinds of experience.
At first glance, the formulation of the problem from which Whitehead proceeds in MC — he still clings to the presupposition of the cosmological adequacy and precision of the theoretical language of mathematics — must seem to be itself an aporia: Whitehead wants to investigate various ways — in the first instance internal to mathematics (but cf. MC 465, 524)-- of considering the «nature of the material world»; at the same time, however, he wants to understand this world as a unity which, even though conceived as in motion, consists of only one kind of entity (MC 468, 479, 482, 525).
To Miss Verna Miller, my friend and housemate, I am grateful as always not only for her help in typing the manuscript but for the kind of understanding companionship that enriches a Christian home.
Only after an experience of this kind does one fully understand one's need, fully grasp man's essential destitution when acting on his own.
While we spontaneously react in revulsion to the theology of this kind of vow (by no means in principle a thing of the past), we must understand the character of that epoch: this is Jephthah; this is premonarchic Canaan and preprophetic Yahwism; the victory, dear to Jephthah, is only Yahweh's to give, and if he gives it, he must receive in return some commensurate sacrifice.
I understand criticizing is part of the fans» job too but when we revert to petty name calling like Lampost and Donkey directed at a grown man it only reflects what kind of supporters we have.
Bale is the ONLY one he didn't snap up, but considering at the time we were already buying up hot young prospects and had an academy with many players tipped to be the next big thing, I kind of understand why he didn't.
The only time I've gotten any kind of response is after I poured my heart out to him, trying to make him understand how much I've been suffering silently.
My only issue is that if someone stumbles upon this and doesn't understand there are different kinds of co-ops.
Sadly, chances are she's experienced that «special» kind of judgment that only a breastfeeding mother faces on a daily basis and, unless you've been there yourself, you can't begin to understand what that feels like.
As co-chair of my school district's student nutrition committee for the past 8 years, I get exactly the same kind of feedback from parents and other advocates — some demand farm - to - school, some want only organic, some want to ban HFCS, etc. — and few understand the USDA regs which govern the meal program, or the limits of what can be accomplished on the inadequate government reimbursement.
We need to understand, for example, why Rousseau claimed that Corsica was the only European society capable of being just in The Social Contract, and what relation contemporary republican proposals stand in to his apparent utopianism, both as a critical perspective and as a kind of lament.
As I understand @John Doe question, the focus is on individuals (versus households or any kind of Taxable entity), consequently I examined the simplest entity - the single filer taking only a standard deduction.
They are a kind of social shorthand that is really only useful for talking to people who generally understand the world the same as you.
Only a firm vote against Jeremy Hunt would send the kind of message which the general public would understand.
But I guess the PDP, a party that is a synonym for corruption and populated by people who do not see stealing as corruption, does not have the ability to understand that allegations of any kind, including corruption, need to be investigated thoroughly so that only the guilty is punished.
According to her, the members of PDP do not have the ability to understand that allegations of any kind, including corruption, needed to be investigated thoroughly so that only the guilty was punished.
It's great for self - help gurus, spiritual evangelists, salespeople, and multilevel marketers because it's based in the same kinds of mythology on which they've always relied: There's a timeless principle, a preexisting law of nature only now becoming understood by science but completely easy for you to use to make your life better.
If only we had done this experiment 15 years ago, when vancomycin came into widespread use, we might have understood exactly what kind of resistance mechanisms would follow the drug into our clinics and hospitals.»
It was only 25 years ago that scientists first understood that a different kind of orca existed.
For those perhaps not familiar with the jargon of the Martian astronaut community, crew selection protocols are what you use before a trip to Mars to determine what kind of person is going to make a staunch and reliable crew member, as opposed to the kind liable to — as we say in astropsychology — fall victim to Space Madness, sell his soul to the onboard master computer, disembowel his crewmates somewhere deep in the black, unaccountable void, eventually landing on Mars only to scamper briefly across its surface, forgetting his helmet in a self - made diaper of hydraulic cabling, and finally collapsing with a mouthful of red dirt, advancing human understanding of the Red Planet millimetrically, if at all.
Planetary atmospheres can block certain wavelengths of light, depending on what kind of chemicals they contain, so the fact that one wavelength of infrared radiation is blocked while another passes through can help astronomers understand that there's not only an atmosphere there, but also provide clues as to what it's made of.
«Pregnancy complications are not very well understood, and we are amongst the only labs really taking a systems biology approach to this kind of research,» Alison explains.
In only a short period of time you should be participating in a first free consultation about your testosterone concerns with a knowledgeable, kind and understanding expert clinical advisor.
At SaunaBar we not only believe in this kind of healing but understand the science behind it as well.
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