Sentences with phrase «only knowable»

Some systems have emergent properties, states that are only knowable once they appear.
Like in a courtroom murder mystery, she is only knowable through what other characters say about her and the evidence at hand.
The problem isn't that the efficient frontier doesn't exist: the problem is it's only knowable in hindsight.
This sort of sort of information is only knowable, obviously if the metric is stable.
These stark words summarize what happened to his parents and they are about the only knowable facts about the case.
Those who have not known this (and this is only knowable by God's grace, his free gift of revealing his love to us), have not known what is mostly deeply human about them.

Not exact matches

Not only that, but starting point valuations are knowable, unlike future economic growth.
If it is the sensed individual, then, since only form is knowable, that which is ontologically most basic is not knowable.
Only man can perform this act of setting at a distance because only man has a «world» — an unbroken continuum which includes not only all that he and other men know and experience but all that is knowable now and in the futOnly man can perform this act of setting at a distance because only man has a «world» — an unbroken continuum which includes not only all that he and other men know and experience but all that is knowable now and in the futonly man has a «world» — an unbroken continuum which includes not only all that he and other men know and experience but all that is knowable now and in the futonly all that he and other men know and experience but all that is knowable now and in the future.
If it is not, then the distinction of possible and actual is not that of indefinite and definite; rather the possible is the fully - knowable, the actual the only - partially - knowable.
What is accessible and knowable is so only from a certain point of view and in a certain relation.
There is no dryad behind the tree, no nymph in the well, only natures knowable to human reason.
The God who does not allow himself to be objectified, because only in the immediate command of conscience is he God, clearly specifies that he is knowable exclusively in the cry of the poor and the weak who seek justice.»
Concerning the former claim, Craighead proposes that even an omniscient being could be expected to know all positive possibilities only, not the sole non-positive but still meaningful possibility of absolute nothingness; in addition, he accuses Hartshorne of inconsistency for holding that while neither the future nor the existence of nothing is knowable, the former is possible while the latter is not.
We have proof that the supernatural can not be known or knowable and that man can only explain the created things through and by created things.
What they confronted was not a revivification of the man they had known, but rather one knowable only by a miracle of divine self - disclosure.
Moreover, since it can be applied to divine and angelic individuals as well as human, it defines the human being not only as he is knowable in his relation to the rest of created reality — as one biological species among others, i.e. as a rational animal — but also as he is knowable in his relation to other personal beings, angelic and divine.
Defenders of classical theism often implicitly use the latter criterion, claiming they have defended their God's failure to prevent horrendous evils by simply pointing out that there might be some reason, knowable only by God, as to why it was good not to intervene.15 I would say, in any case, that it need not be «clear» in a strong sense of the term.
Among the biggest negative effects of the auteur theory is the idea that filmmakers are knowable; that every director not only has a distinctive influ...
Not only that, but starting point valuations are knowable, unlike future economic growth.
It's never a good sign when the group's motivation or what's happening in the plot only becomes knowable thanks to on screen text that appears during the loading screen for each of the game's chapters.
If we knew everything that is knowable, and were limited only by quantum uncertainty, I think it might be possible to derive a reasonably accurate description of climate behavior based strictly on mathematics.
The answer is «not knowable at this time» seems to be a conclusion which is frequently unacceptable, but is the only correct conclusion given the state of the data.
Achieving that minimum goal, however, offers absolutely no assurance any generally sensible model result offers a go - ahead with confidence to project changes of only a few degrees surface temperature over a future century when forecast error of the model is neither known nor knowable.
2) That the amount of money could be a knowable entity (it's difficult enough keeping track of the denier funding, and even that amount is only what has been openly declared) 3) That the amount of money earmarked specifically to «promote AGW» could be known apart from campaigns to promote energy conservation in general, or promote wilderness conservation in general, or promote fighting air pollution in general.
An important feature of these fees is that they are fixed sums known to litigants in advance (as distinct, for example, from tribunal expenses fixed at the discretion of a panel or otherwise knowable to a respondent only after a hearing has concluded).
Ignorance of the law is no defence, but that maxim can only hold true when the law is knowable.
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