Sentences with phrase «only literary critic»

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They become not only specialists in construing the parish story but also its literary critic, gaining enough distance to assess what the story means, to explore its setting, trace its plot, and consider its character.
Hers is a more than simply literary canon, for it not only includes poets and novelists, but philosophers, theologians, historians and critics.
(True, he's also the only Marxist literary critic I've ever read but I suspect that even if I read others he'd retain the title.)
But the form critic utilizes the work of literary critics, for example, in the inspired work of the father of form criticism, Hermann Gunkel, in the early decades of this century, and G. von Rad now in the middle decades.6 Only relatively few, notably among Scandinavian scholars, have completely abandoned the presuppositions of literary criticism.
Until Fish's book remarkably few literary critics concentrated any attention on the reader, only on the text as a self - contained, supposedly self - explanatory object.
It might come as a surprise to readers who know the work of Stanley Fish only by his reputation among conservative literary critics, but every sentence in his new book How Milton Works validates» indeed depends on» Hirsch's principles of interpretation.
As a young man, delving into Schwartz's life with only a partial idea of what he was doing, Atlas was nonetheless able to meet many of his fast - vanishing heroes from the New York literary world who had inspired him to become a critic in the first place: Philip Rahv, Dwight Macdonald, Alfred Kazin — giants who held sway over American culture in a bygone, arguably more literate age.
Indeed, apart from the right - wing commentators who have called McKibben a «wacko» (Rush Limbaugh) and placed him into a vast and vague communist conspiracy (Glenn Beck) and literary critics who sometimes call him an «environmental scold,» the only person to volunteer a criticism of the man is his wife, who says he doesn't rinse plates properly before putting them in the dishwasher.
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