Sentences with phrase «only local emissions»

When it comes to enviroment they make no sense, exept in cities as Peking, where the pollution today is so high you have problems to breathe, only local emissions, but not overall.

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But Casey - Lefkowitz says environmentalists will press for a fresh review of the entire project that would include not only local concerns in Nebraska but the bigger question of greenhouse gas emissions.
This not only reduces emissions in the developing country but also increases technology transfer and creates local employment opportunities.
Nationwide, if only 15 percent of residential property owners took advantage of such programs, the emissions reductions would contribute 4 percent of the savings needed for the U.S. to reach 1990 emissions levels by 2020 — all at no net cost to local, state or federal governments because owners pay back the loans.
«Car drivers can only benefit from the advantages of technology if there are enough hydrogen filling stations available: long ranges, short refueling times and no local emissions
Cleaner coal - burning technologies would reduce emissions not only of greenhouse gases but also of soot and other by - products that cause local and regional pollution — and they could prove to be easier or less expensive to implement.
The aforementioned scenario only applies if local emissions of smog - forming gases continue under current rates.
Not only are you reducing your emissions but you are promoting your local economy.
Buy local Supporting local farmers is not only good for the local economy it also reduces transportation costs and all the truck emissions that go with.
The frequency at which photons are emitted or absorbed is small relative to the rate of energy redistribution among molecules and their modes, so the fraction of some molecules that are excited in some way is only slightly more or less than the characteristic fraction for that temperature (depending on whether photons absorption to generate that particular state is greater than photon emission from that state or vice versa, which depends on the brightness temperature of the incident radiation relative to the local temperature).
Harnessing alternative sources of energy not only reduces the output of carbon emissions, but also helps military bases reduce their vulnerability to energy disruptions from the local power grid.
Only the second college in the nation to achieve this goal, and the first to do so through a significant reduction in on - site emissions achieved through efficiency, adoption of clean energy, and purchase of quantifiable local carbon offsets.
Unlike the traditional GHG emissions inventory which only accounts for carbon emissions associated with energy use in buildings and fuel burned in local vehicles, the Consumption - Based Emissions Inventory for San Francisco looks at carbon impacts of the full lifecycle of goods and emissions inventory which only accounts for carbon emissions associated with energy use in buildings and fuel burned in local vehicles, the Consumption - Based Emissions Inventory for San Francisco looks at carbon impacts of the full lifecycle of goods and emissions associated with energy use in buildings and fuel burned in local vehicles, the Consumption - Based Emissions Inventory for San Francisco looks at carbon impacts of the full lifecycle of goods and Emissions Inventory for San Francisco looks at carbon impacts of the full lifecycle of goods and services.
Goodman stressed that we are at an exciting time for the growth of community solar: not only do we have the right technologies and business models, but there is growing political will within communities at all scales, from local to international, to reduce carbon emissions through the expansion of renewables.
That happens, for instance, when building a waste - to - energy plant instead of a coal station not only cuts future emissions but also brings jobs to a community while protecting local water and biodiversity.
For example, conserving palm swamps in tropical forest not only mitigates climate change by storing carbon and avoiding greenhouse gas emissions, but it also provides local people with fruit for their families or for sale, Murdiyarso said.
Eli: The real issue with BC forcing is that it is not global, but intensely local, depending not only on emissions (Asian brown cloud) but also absorptions (Greenland darkening) I guess the question for me is, are there any aerosol forcings that are truly global?
The real issue with BC forcing is that it is not global, but intensely local, depending not only on emissions (Asian brown cloud) but also absorptions (Greenland darkening) A global value for forcing is thus misleading.
If only one person burned a little coal, no one would really care about global or regional effects — maybe some local neighbors and some downstream interests would have a problem, or not, depending on how the ash is handled, how the coal was obtained, etc, but in so far as the CO2 emissions are concerned, no big deal.
The Canadian Renewable Fuels Association (CFRA) is dedicated to promoting the growth of biofuels such as ethanol and biodiesel as a way to not only reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but channel a largely untapped source for Canadian jobs and local
What's really at risk from the pipeline is not only a spike in greenhouse gas emissions, but precious local ecosystems upon which many of Canada's own people depend.
Not only do these properties lend themselves to cheaper utility costs and fewer carbon dioxide emissions, but they also avail themselves to a variety of additions that local North Carolina home builders can install.
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