Sentences with phrase «only microseconds»

The source now unveiled by the University of Warsaw physicists represents the first implementation of this concept, and one that's much more integrated: here, all the photons are created immediately within the quantum memory as a result of the laser pulse, which lasts only microseconds.
Even if we had extraordinary accurate machines that could detect even the inception of such anomalous behavior lasting only a microsecond, we would have to wait longer than 10 ^ (10 ^ 14) times the age of the universe to record even one such case.

Not exact matches

A true - muonium only lives for two microseconds.
While their data is still only stored for 320 microseconds, it is the first time QEC has reached the «break - even» point, he says.
RHIC was initially the only machine in the world capable of re-creating the environmental conditions and temperature adjustments in which matter can rapidly change forms, just like in the microseconds following the Big Bang.
The spin - 1 states, on the other hand, last for about 0.1 microsecond, and only decay by emission of three gamma rays (for reasons of symmetry).
Considering the short lifetime of Rydberg atoms — they decay after a couple of ten microseconds — the generation of distinct crystal phases made of a few atoms is an amazing experimental success made possible only by the sophisticated methods of high precision steering of atoms developed in the Bloch group.
«Each one lived for only a few microseconds before collisions with other particles tore it apart.
The QGP is an extreme state of matter comprising deconfined quarks and gluons (partons) that exists only at temperatures above approximately 160 MeV, a condition met for last time a few microseconds after the Big Bang, or at baryon densities five times higher than normal nuclear densities, speculated to exist inside the core of neutron stars.
Finally, in 2002, Coppens's group reported what they say was the real first X-ray crystallographic excited - state structure of a molecule: the binuclear platinum ion [Pt2 (P2O5H2) 4] 4 — , which has an excited state of only 50 microseconds at 17 K (Acta Crystallogr.
At the time, such motions could only be viewed for less than 10 microseconds.
This is why their speed is very, very close to the speed of light: v = 0.999999995 c - to illustrate this, take the distance incredibly long between the Sun and Earth: light takes 8 minutes to travel this distance of 150 million kilometres, and an electron travelling at the speed of the electrons in the ESRF storage ring, will arrive «only» a quarter of a microsecond «later».
Sure, launch control is a neat trick to show your pals once or twice, but the quicker shifts on track do make a difference, even if it just makes you feel more of the mechanicalness while only saving microseconds.
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