Sentences with phrase «only needs time»

And one not only needs time to research all of that information; it is also extremely exhausting because some aspects are difficult to understand no matter how much time you spend on studying them.
It only needs time for the continuous exposure of the dog's immune system to this kind of protein for it to develop hypersensitivity reaction.

Not exact matches

I'd been running my own companies as an entrepreneur for 15 years, and it all hit me for the first time exactly how much I needed to share, how much I was constantly holding in, and — perhaps most importantly — I had the realization that I wasn't the only one going through this.
Honestly, it's only a matter of time before it becomes clear that all the tracking devices, all the navigation devices, all the data - generating wearables of whatever stripe (just like all the content created by professional media publishers) will need to knuckle under and feed their results through Facebook's front door to the consumer, because that's where the consumer lives and that's where the data needs to be.
These are the magical moments that give the holidays meaning not only for you, but for those who most need it this time of year.
¦ Work a little longer If neither of those scenarios sounds appetizing, the good news is you would only need to delay your retirement by a few months if you worked full - time, give or take, depending on your salary.
At the same time, if you are someone who only needs the space during regular work hours, you must know that you might still be paying for round - the - clock access.
Chewing gum will give you only a temporary burst, so rely on it at those rare times when you really need a boost.
This time, to hit 20,000, the Dow only needs to rise just more than 5 % from its last milestone of 19,000.
Decide if you can only power through your heaviest tasks four mornings a week instead of five because you need some unscheduled thinking time?
Not only does Hootsuite reduce the amount of time you need to spend on handling social media, it will also help you develop stronger insight on your audience's behaviors.
Only time will tell whether Tilk is the right guy to lead Potash into the future, but, at least for now, investors have no need to panic.
What we needed to do was work with Apple to very quickly get a new build out her that would create this nice, easy to use invite system, which has only been done one other time on the app sore as far as I know.
Whether you're a man who has time for only a quick wash and shave in the morning, or you indulge in an extra cream or gel here or there, here are the shave, scrub, and soothing products you need to know about right now.
Disney and Marvel obviously know what they're doing with superhero movies — they've brought some of the biggest franchises to screen — however, at the same time, making every single film need to fit inside the already established franchise starts to limit the amount of creative license any one director can have on future characters as Marvel's Cinematic Universe only grows larger.
Not only is it a long - term process where you'll need some time before you see your business really get going, but you'll also need to sacrifice a lot of the time you spend with your friends.
The only downside is that PopSockets can be hard to unstick over time, so if you need to switch cases or something, you'll have a hard time.
The only time the Astrodome fills up these days is when people need shelter during a natural disaster.
«It only buys time for policy - makers to implement the tough measures needed to resolve the crisis.»
I am told I need it from time to time, and early mornings are about the only time I can fit into my schedule.
He also needs to sign on the major networks, such as CTV, CBC and Rogers, but he says it's only a matter of time until people see just how valuable social media - related information can be.
This mimicked the English wedding style at the time, according to Country Living, and, since it called for a sit - down lunch, it required more effort than an afternoon wedding, which only needed a casual reception.
At the same time, Amazon only went home with two Emmys last night as the e-commerce giant may need to regroup its TV efforts after some expensive shows failed to find their footing recently.
«The value of Bitcoin is only guaranteed for a certain period of time so if the transaction doesn't complete within that window of time, then the amount of Bitcoin needed to cover the transaction can change,» Steam said.
Determine how much you'll need to borrow, and whether the loan is likely to be a one - time - only event.
The only time the thought of «I need funding» came to mind was when I'd talk to other entrepreneurs.
«The value of Bitcoin is only guaranteed for a certain period of time, so if the transaction doesn't complete within that window of time, then the amount of Bitcoin needed to cover the transaction can change.
Holidays are not the only time you will need freelancers.
«The readability and visualization of the data your BI collects is not only advantageous for your tech team, but often times the reports that the BI summary creates will need to be seen by other people - executives, future vendors, investors, etc.,» points out SelectHub, a service for enterprise software product evaluation.
There is only «this» time, at this moment, with its own unique variables, needs, and opportunities.
The other is that customers can only leave margin positions open for a relatively short period of time — 27 days in the case of GDAX — which means those betting on a fall in bitcoin need it to tumble in short order, or else they will have to cover the price increase.
You not only need the infrastructure to empower your employees to analyze customer data in real - time, but you also have to put the governance in place to empower the consumer to know what data you're collecting, why you're collecting it, how long you're keeping it and how they can delete it.
Because we all know that even if we're only going a short distance, if parking is tight, we definitely need to factor in more travel time.
This not only boosts existing shareholder trust and support, but also shortens preparation time for new rounds, enables new investors to better assess historical results and leads to less of a need for future data points for validation.
Science shows that to make a total addict out of a rat, you need only follow a simple procedure — give it pleasurable snack pellets at random times and in random quantities.
When spending the requisite time analyzing your staff and looking for gaps, don't forget that you need to treat your best employees very well, so that when they receive a call from a recruiter, or are approached by a rival CEO, the only answer they'll feel obliged to give is a firm «Thanks, but no thanks.»
To harness that, you not only need a pocket of space and time to do the work, you need the prerequisite of rest.
The only time using literally makes sense is when you need to indicate what is normally a figurative expression is, this time, truly the case.
Mehta has been studying family caregiving for more than a decade, and his research suggests companies pursuing this niche will find success with solutions that are comprehensive (with the product's services available at all times, even if it's only needed sporadically), intuitive and designed for the interruptions that proliferate in caregivers» busy lives.
This could mean only giving newer employees 20 days off per year, or giving people whatever time they need, within limits of your own choosing.
The exemption granted this week only applies to the latest flight, meaning U.S. approval is needed any time North Korean officials visit during the Olympics by airplane or ferry.
You need to spend that time focusing only on your business.
Despite extensive discussion of the need for paid childcare throughout the book, Trump only mentions her own nannies one other time in «Women Who Work.»
Urgency is when your people believe not only that something specific needs to be accomplished, but also that that specific something must be accomplished within a specific time frame or significant negative consequences will result.
Launched from Florida nearly five years ago, Juno needed to be precisely positioned, ignite its main engine at exactly the right time and keep it firing for 35 minutes to become only the second spacecraft to orbit Jupiter.
The definite advantage is that responsive design is a time - saver once it's implemented, since only a single version of the basic Web code is needed.
When you can effectively do that during your selling process, it's only a matter of time until your prospects want to work with you — even more than you need them.
Not only will you impress potential customers with the level of diligence and understanding of their needs, you will also save yourself loads of time by pasting a URL into an email instead of typing the answer out every single time.
«The way we think about it is, speed is one of those critical ranking factors, not the only one that you need, and AMP says to us, basically, «I'm consistently fast,»» said Google product manager Rudy Galfi at the time.
Sometimes a startup is well funded but just can't seem to see a path of success like it thought and returns its money to investors, sometimes the market changes or the industry changes and now what was a «big» idea is only a feature but something need and so is true for the opposite when what was once a feature in time becomes a company.
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