Sentences with phrase «only on a human level»

Well then, if we contend against the state or social injustice only on the human level, we shall, of course, bring about some apparent changes, but the basis will remain untouched and nothing decisive for humanity will be gained.
Is it enforced on a computer - level or only on a human level?

Not exact matches

«Servant leaders» are managers who have the ability to connect with employees on a human level, supporting not only company goals and deliverables but staff members» career fulfillment and sense of belonging.
Not only are the recent allegations of her making racist comments troubling on a basic human level, they contradict the image she has publicly built.
Human reason only works on an individual level — maybe.
the seeming absence 0f other selves within experience is what my theory implies would characterize human experience, since a self on that level could not conveniently manage other selves as clearly and distinctly manifest to it, but only selves on such a low level that only vague mass awareness of them would reach full consciousness, for individually taken they are too trivial to notice.
More human beings are alive today on Planet Earth than the total until 1900, and most of them are living at a level that we can only call sub-human.
Conservatives cherry - pick those passages that support their conservative view of God based on their conservative ego, and vice versa, where liberals are concerned... and there is NO way to ascertain which is true, except on a wholly subjective, personal level, thus it will never be proven objectively, since Spirit, by it's very nature, has absolutely nothing at all to do with the flesh and whatever seems to be happening on this earth, because Spirit is completely opposite, and therefore invisible to the naked human eye, being of the mind only, and therefore unprovable.
Basically, his solution takes the form of distinguishing two different levels of human experience, or of more or less conscious thinking about experience, on only the deeper of which is there an experience of God that is both direct and universal.
12 Even on the assumption of a Vitalism of essentially higher principles of that kind, which raise the organic, as an intrinsically higher level of reality, above merely inorganic matter, and constitute biology as an independent science, and even if we regard the entelechy factor as simple and indivisible, there would only be an eductio e potentia materiae when a new living being came into existence, if we excluded creation in this case in the way it is exemplified in the human soul, though that is not very easy to prove, and at the same time rejected the not at all absurd supposition that in the generation of new life below the human level what happens is only the extension of the entelechial function of one and the same vital principle to a new position in space and time within inorganic matter.
Perhaps my gratefulness should always be at the level of «exceptional», and I'm working on it, but I'm «only» human, after all!
Neuroscientists have over the past decade uncovered evidence, both in rodent and human studies, that parental caregiving, especially in moments of stress, affects children's development not only on the level of hormones and brain chemicals, but even more deeply, on the level of gene expression.
I think one of the greatest things you do for people (one of your greatest gifts, to be sure) is how you whittle down all of the huge anxiety - filled, scary unknowns of adoption and open adoption and bring them to a human, person - to - person, one - on - one level that people feel they can not only understand but handle.
Patti Rundall of Baby Milk Action - IBFAN UK said: «If these proposals go ahead unchanged they can only bring discredit to the EU, a region that prides itself on its high levels of health safety and consumer protection, human rights and sensitivity to the developing world.
«Unlike the many documentaries that have exposed this problem over the years, this movie will not only entertain, but will reach many more people at a very personal level — showing the pressure on those who work for these transnational corporations and the realities we face in our work when trying to stop human rights abuses.
«In considering the Government's policy on this thorny issue, will the Secretary of State, if he has to abide by the ruling of the European Court of Human Rights, restrict the right to vote to those prisoners at the lowest level of seriousness — for example, those dealt with by the magistrates courts for summary offences only
Although humans may develop preferences for a certain amount of sweetness or nurture a love of bitter coffee, on a fundamental level salt is the only taste that has this kind of switch.
«Rodents, dogs and other mammals commonly sniff themselves, and they sniff one another in social interactions, and it seems that in the course of evolution, humans have retained this practice — only on a subliminal level
This is the first study on humans to show that the fat composition of food not only influences cholesterol levels in the blood and the risk of cardiovascular disease but also determines where the fat will be stored in the body.
The human brain connectome has not yet been fully mapped at the cellular or the macro (high - level structural and functional) scale, though efforts to do the latter are much further along than the former — which has only just even become possible (more on that later).
Human health risks depend not only on the methylmercury level in the fish, but also on how much is eaten, the body weight of the consumer, and individual variation in the body's ability to handle mercury.
The aforementioned studies are only several of thousands done over the years to prove that testosterone and HGH injections through medically supervised treatment have a definite effect on health related issues that occur because of declining levels of human growth hormones and testosterone.
A little disappointed in the campaign, I mean it needed the battle rifle, and mostly in all the level you used the silenced m7s, the levels vastly appeared the assault rifle and come on the protagonist never talked it just felt like another master chief only human.
The Human Contract is so overloaded with clumsily delivered exposition that it's easy to imagine Pinkett Smith giving Clarke a 300 - page rundown of his character's backstory, with the caveat, «Only about 5 percent of this actually makes it into the film, but for instance, the fact that your character wouldn't pay for his high - school girlfriend's abortion informs several later scenes on a subliminal level
Specification points covered are: Paper 2 Topic 1 (4.5 - homeostasis and response) 4.5.1 - Homeostasis (B5.1 lesson) - Control of blood glucose concentration (B5.1 lesson) - Structure and function (B5.2 lesson) Required practical 7 - plan and carry out an investigation into the effect of a factor on human reaction time (B5.2 lesson) - Human endocrine system (B5.6 lesson) - Hormones in human reproduction (B5.10 lesson) - Contraception (B5.11 lesson) - The use of hormones to treat infertility (HT only)(B5.12 lesson) - Negative feedback (HT only)(B5.13 lesson) Paper 2 topic 2 (4.6 - Inheritance, variation and evolution) - sexual and asexual reproduction (B6.1 lesson) - Meiosis (B6.1 lesson) - DNA and the genome (B6.3 lesson) - Genetic inheritance (B6.5 lesson) - Inherited disorders (B6.6 lesson) - Sex determination (B6.5 lesson) - Variation (B6.9 lesson) - Evolution (B6.10 lesson) - Selective breeding (B6.11 lesson) - Genetic engineering (B6.11 lesson) - Evidence for evolution (B6.16 lesson) - Fossils (B6.16 lesson) - Extinction (B6.16 lesson) - Resistant bacteria (B6.17 lesson) - classification of living organisms (B6.18 lesson) Paper 2 topic 3 (4.7 - Ecology - Communities (B7.1 lesson) - Abiotic factors (B7.1 lesson) - Biotic factors (B7.1 lesson) — Adaptations (B7.2 lesson) - Levels of organisation (feeding relationships + predator - prey cycles)(B7.3 lesson) - Levels of organisation (required practical 9 - population sizes)(B7.4 lesson) - How materials are cycled (B7.5 lesson) - Biodiversity (B7.7 lesson) - Maintaining Biodiversity (B7.7 lesson) - Waste management (B7.9 lesson) - Land use (B7.9 lesson) - Deforestation (B7.9 lesson) - Global warming (B7.9 lehuman reaction time (B5.2 lesson) - Human endocrine system (B5.6 lesson) - Hormones in human reproduction (B5.10 lesson) - Contraception (B5.11 lesson) - The use of hormones to treat infertility (HT only)(B5.12 lesson) - Negative feedback (HT only)(B5.13 lesson) Paper 2 topic 2 (4.6 - Inheritance, variation and evolution) - sexual and asexual reproduction (B6.1 lesson) - Meiosis (B6.1 lesson) - DNA and the genome (B6.3 lesson) - Genetic inheritance (B6.5 lesson) - Inherited disorders (B6.6 lesson) - Sex determination (B6.5 lesson) - Variation (B6.9 lesson) - Evolution (B6.10 lesson) - Selective breeding (B6.11 lesson) - Genetic engineering (B6.11 lesson) - Evidence for evolution (B6.16 lesson) - Fossils (B6.16 lesson) - Extinction (B6.16 lesson) - Resistant bacteria (B6.17 lesson) - classification of living organisms (B6.18 lesson) Paper 2 topic 3 (4.7 - Ecology - Communities (B7.1 lesson) - Abiotic factors (B7.1 lesson) - Biotic factors (B7.1 lesson) — Adaptations (B7.2 lesson) - Levels of organisation (feeding relationships + predator - prey cycles)(B7.3 lesson) - Levels of organisation (required practical 9 - population sizes)(B7.4 lesson) - How materials are cycled (B7.5 lesson) - Biodiversity (B7.7 lesson) - Maintaining Biodiversity (B7.7 lesson) - Waste management (B7.9 lesson) - Land use (B7.9 lesson) - Deforestation (B7.9 lesson) - Global warming (B7.9 leHuman endocrine system (B5.6 lesson) - Hormones in human reproduction (B5.10 lesson) - Contraception (B5.11 lesson) - The use of hormones to treat infertility (HT only)(B5.12 lesson) - Negative feedback (HT only)(B5.13 lesson) Paper 2 topic 2 (4.6 - Inheritance, variation and evolution) - sexual and asexual reproduction (B6.1 lesson) - Meiosis (B6.1 lesson) - DNA and the genome (B6.3 lesson) - Genetic inheritance (B6.5 lesson) - Inherited disorders (B6.6 lesson) - Sex determination (B6.5 lesson) - Variation (B6.9 lesson) - Evolution (B6.10 lesson) - Selective breeding (B6.11 lesson) - Genetic engineering (B6.11 lesson) - Evidence for evolution (B6.16 lesson) - Fossils (B6.16 lesson) - Extinction (B6.16 lesson) - Resistant bacteria (B6.17 lesson) - classification of living organisms (B6.18 lesson) Paper 2 topic 3 (4.7 - Ecology - Communities (B7.1 lesson) - Abiotic factors (B7.1 lesson) - Biotic factors (B7.1 lesson) — Adaptations (B7.2 lesson) - Levels of organisation (feeding relationships + predator - prey cycles)(B7.3 lesson) - Levels of organisation (required practical 9 - population sizes)(B7.4 lesson) - How materials are cycled (B7.5 lesson) - Biodiversity (B7.7 lesson) - Maintaining Biodiversity (B7.7 lesson) - Waste management (B7.9 lesson) - Land use (B7.9 lesson) - Deforestation (B7.9 lesson) - Global warming (B7.9 lehuman reproduction (B5.10 lesson) - Contraception (B5.11 lesson) - The use of hormones to treat infertility (HT only)(B5.12 lesson) - Negative feedback (HT only)(B5.13 lesson) Paper 2 topic 2 (4.6 - Inheritance, variation and evolution) - sexual and asexual reproduction (B6.1 lesson) - Meiosis (B6.1 lesson) - DNA and the genome (B6.3 lesson) - Genetic inheritance (B6.5 lesson) - Inherited disorders (B6.6 lesson) - Sex determination (B6.5 lesson) - Variation (B6.9 lesson) - Evolution (B6.10 lesson) - Selective breeding (B6.11 lesson) - Genetic engineering (B6.11 lesson) - Evidence for evolution (B6.16 lesson) - Fossils (B6.16 lesson) - Extinction (B6.16 lesson) - Resistant bacteria (B6.17 lesson) - classification of living organisms (B6.18 lesson) Paper 2 topic 3 (4.7 - Ecology - Communities (B7.1 lesson) - Abiotic factors (B7.1 lesson) - Biotic factors (B7.1 lesson) — Adaptations (B7.2 lesson) - Levels of organisation (feeding relationships + predator - prey cycles)(B7.3 lesson) - Levels of organisation (required practical 9 - population sizes)(B7.4 lesson) - How materials are cycled (B7.5 lesson) - Biodiversity (B7.7 lesson) - Maintaining Biodiversity (B7.7 lesson) - Waste management (B7.9 lesson) - Land use (B7.9 lesson) - Deforestation (B7.9 lesson) - Global warming (B7.9 lesson)
Most Americans assume their only option is a human advisor, but depending on your situation a digital provider could offer the same level of service at a fraction of the cost.
And as pet owners, you may have struggled with this problem on a more personal level, scanning Internet listings for hours for an affordable apartment that will welcome not only the human members of your family, but the ones with fur and paws.
Nearly every soldier has at least a small bit of a cut scene dedicated to building his character up from just another blood - thirsty soldier to a guy you can see yourself relating to, if only on the most basic human level.
As it turns out, quite — the developers have ditched the horizontal - only approach we humans tend to favor and have included several thousand feet worth of vertical movement in every level on the game.
The idea of a team that needs to not only work together on a human level, but literally form a construct that's bigger than themselves is fascinating.
The real game begins on the Experienced difficulty level which adds more enemies and humans which move slightly faster, and only 99 continues.
But it's a testament to the job the developers have done with Luigi that we found ourselves connecting with him on a very human level — in spite of the character uttering only a couple of lines of dialogue.
I went in anticipating something insane and crazy that only the mind of Yoko Taro could produce, and while that does happen on a level that I wasn't even ready for, the exploration of things like humanity, what makes us human, emotions, relationships, and deeper philosophical questions will really deliver a punch to your gut and actually make you think and ponder things differently.
While I understood Ha's work on an intuitive level at the time of the exhibition, it was not until my visit to the artist's studio in the winter of 2008 that I began to fully grasp the depth of his earlier burlap and barbed - wire paintings, not only as signs of military repression made evident during the late 1970s, but also as spiritual works focused on transformation and resistance that could be read as icons of the human condition.
A single comment ahead of mine on this timely and serious subject is symptomatic of the dismally low level of interest in the only world organization we have and in the subject of abysmal human sufferings around the world.
This has always been the only serious risk and what must be avoided if the US and the developed world is to have a prosperous future that will allow humans to have access to the fossil fuel - generated energy needed for continued economic progress and improved human welfare and if plants are to not to lose partial access to one of their basic nutrients (assumming CO2 emissions reductions have any real effects on atmospheric CO2 levels).
As a geologist, I am highly frustrated by the asymmetry of research effort concentrated not only on the rather abstract notion of global average temperature almost to the exclusion of the other important climatic variables, but further obsessive and myopic self - flagellation over the human influence on trace CO2 levels.
How much of the warming since 1850 would have occurred anyway, due to the natural long term trend in place since 12,000 years ago — which caused 50 meters of sea level increase, of which only 2 % is blamed on humans?
Manacker, this argument «observed recent decade of slight cooling [of surface temps] despite unabated human CO2 emissions and concentrations reaching record levels» would be relevant if it was posited that CO2 is the only influence on climate.
«Climate science» as it is used by warmists implies adherence to a set of beliefs: (1) Increasing greenhouse gas concentrations will warm the Earth's surface and atmosphere; (2) Human production of CO2 is producing significant increases in CO2 concentration; (3) The rate of rise of temperature in the 20th and 21st centuries is unprecedented compared to the rates of change of temperature in the previous two millennia and this can only be due to rising greenhouse gas concentrations; (4) The climate of the 19th century was ideal and may be taken as a standard to compare against any current climate; (5) global climate models, while still not perfect, are good enough to indicate that continued use of fossil fuels at projected rates in the 21st century will cause the CO2 concentration to rise to a high level by 2100 (possibly 700 to 900 ppm); (6) The global average temperature under this condition will rise more than 3 °C from the late 19th century ideal; (7) The negative impact on humanity of such a rise will be enormous; (8) The only alternative to such a disaster is to immediately and sharply reduce CO2 emissions (reducing emissions in 2050 by 80 % compared to today's rate) and continue further reductions after 2050; (9) Even with such draconian CO2 reductions, the CO2 concentration is likely to reach at least 450 to 500 ppm by 2100 resulting in significant damage to humanity; (10) Such reductions in CO2 emissions are technically feasible and economically affordable while providing adequate energy to a growing world population that is increasingly industrializing.
Physiological effects on humans have only been detected at levels that are easily audible.»
By focusing only on the gene and molecule level, it screens for drugs on the assumption that humans are single celled organisms.
These large human impacts on the Earth System must be considered within the context of the large global economic inequality to realize that current levels of resource extraction and throughput only support societies at First World living standards for ∼ 17 % of the world's current population [1].
(AP)-- Sperm whales feeding even in the most remote reaches of Earth's oceans have built up stunningly high levels of toxic and heavy metals, according to American scientists who say the findings spell danger not only for marine life but for the millions of humans who depend on seafood.
At a country level, Scotland appears to be the least sceptical of man - made climate change, with only 12 % of people saying they agree human activity does not have a significant effect on the climate.
As identified by the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII), Governments must work together at all levels with the full participation of Indigenous people on a «holistic» response to climate change that takes account of not only the ecological dimensions of climate change, but also the social impacts and principles of human rights, equity and environmental justice.
So, while the information you read on this blog will be far from perfect — I'm only human and will have my own biases and as the peer - review process is not perfect either — my hope and intention is that it will be more reliable and rise to a higher level than most other relationship information in the mainstream media!
Then, and only then, can you truly love another human being, because you will know the definition of love at your core, and have the capability of offering that feeling to another on a deep level.
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