Sentences with phrase «only perfect people»

«Nor am I without sins,» he says to the people, «but if we allow only perfect people to enforce the law, the law will soon be dead — and our city with it.»
Unlike in the RC system where only perfect people get in (so the less than perfect have to be cleansed in purgatory, nobody is perfect and nobody is expected to be perfect.
Remember that Jesus Christ is the only perfect person who has walked this earth and while we take on the image of Jesus Christ through His death and have salvation, it does not make us Jesus Christ.
While I don't know if it is ever stated exactly this way, it sometimes seems that we teach that Jesus kept the law perfectly so that as the only perfect person, He could credit His righteousness to our account.

Not exact matches

As a leader, it's no fun to say goodbye to someone that you once thought was the perfect fit, but sometimes, it is the only way to make sure that this person doesn't spread the negativity amongst the rest of the team.
She becomes wrapped up in the lives of people she only knew in her imagination, who it turns out may not be so perfect after all.
These services help you locate where your friends and contacts are at any given moment — perfect for a conference of networking - enthusiasts who all want to connect with the people they know, and the people they only know virtually and want to meet in real life.
So people can exercise their freedom of speech only if they are perfect?
They talk about their families because that is what really matters in a person's life... that is thier true legacy and their only real immortality... most people, I am fairly sure, know deep down that god is a fairy tale, a cushion, and that death is truly the end... what this very excellent young woman heard from these dying people makes perfect sense... death is a time to end the bs and look at and reflect upon what was real and important in that individual's life
We think this ad is perfect, if only because there are few people we can imagine we'd enjoy seeing hit with a giant log more than Rosanne.
Caritas is the love proper only to God, among the Persons of the Divine Communion for One Another, All one in perfect Communion.
The Bible says God created ONLY ONE PERFECT person.
That is why I believe that the Christian world view that Jesus died to absolve us of our sins is the only way to rationalize imperfect people interacting with a perfect God (or going into a perfect Heaven).
Only one person is perfect (Jesus) and no one else can be.
The truth is even if you happen to build a perfect fellowship with the perfect truth and only truth with all the answers available, still there will be people who will not be satisfied with either your ways of worship, singing, conduct of services etc..
Then I read Donald MIller's book «Blue Like Jazz» and it flipped my trajectionary around from trying to know and debate a perfect arguement and win people over through theological submission, to wow, God not only Loves me, but He likes me?
That yearning to measure up, to be The Perfect Mother, masquerades as selflessness but really, it's approval addiction, it's people pleasing and you won't be the only victim of its poison and its bitter need for control.
Well, actually Rev.... «We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, ESTABLISH JUSTICE,...» Yep, right there in the Preamble of the Const itution... something you religious folks only support when to your advantage.
The only escape at this point is to take shelter in the doctrine of the Trinity, which offers to furnish a social relation between persons all of whom are perfect.
Myth and fact are inextricably entangled, and a person is not necessarily a more authentic Christian by being more firmly grasped by the one or the other: «For this is the marriage of heaven and earth: Perfect Myth and Perfect Fact: claiming not only our love and our obedience, but also our wonder and delight, addressed to the savage, the child, and the poet in each one of us no less than to the moralist, the scholar, and the philosopher.»
From this people, he chose types of himself — Abraham, Moses, David — and finally he sent the perfect symbol of himself, his only Son.
a set of values, beliefs, and structure in a person's life in order to give them direction and a sense of right and wrong is fine, but organized religions are no more than large corporations, and like any large corporation are only focused on their bottom line... trying to control the public and extract as much money as they can from them by any means necessary... promoting fear, uncertainty, hate and a sense that they alone can offer salvation... for a price (although they are very cleaver about getting to this hidden and unspoken cost... after all these hundreds of years they have perfected their craft well!)
Dawkins» retort is: «You might as well say, people vary in smelliness but we can make the comparison only by reference to a perfect maximum of conceivable smelliness.
Because all people do not respond to the preaching of the gospel and its concomitant call to discipleship, however, the gospel itself demands that Christians both encourage society to» «make serious and positive use of the social theories» of Jesus Christ and the Scriptures,» and help society to heal social injustices by loving our neighbors as ourselves.21 Toward this end, the church must first of all proclaim to the world the Bible's perfect rule not only for faith but also for practice.
For example a century ago, the only transportation was the horse riding or camel or donkey and so on... you can not imagine at that time people would be thinking about travelling the globe in a day or two... and we do not know what is coming as every scientists theory is being abrogated by a new scientist and the old one becomes obsolete... these also proves that human theory can not be perfect and will never be perfect... there will always be modifications...
Heaven is only for perfect people.
No, before Jesus every one that commited a sin had to sacrife a sheep or alike depending on their situation and offer it to God, but since people constantly were commiting sins on the eyes of God he planned sending his son Jesus as the perfect sacrifice for us and to save us for the eternity since as he is perfect in everything and the only way to get us close to God is by Jesus and his love to all of us not to go to hell but to proceed to repent and follow his commandments
Perfect Clyde - lets hope we never have peace in the world b / c only people who have been shot at are any good
Since the incursion of sin it is also necessary that through the same human nature of God in his Divine Person, there should be given the perfect vehicle too of reconciliation and restoration, not only as a fact, but as an ontological work in the real order, in the living order, in its own right» (p. 240)
There is only the Divine Person, who is both God and man, perfect in the nature of both.
By biblical definition there has only been one perfect person on this earth, Jesus Christ, and the rest of us, including the NC minister, have sinned so we should all be thankful for God's grace and forgiveness and start looking for ways to serve our fellow human beings rather than looking for ways to hate and control them.
The Kingdom of God is a reality here and now, but can be perfect only in the eternal order... The primary principle of Christian Ethics and Christian Politics must be respect for every person simply as a person... The person is primary, not the society; the State exists for the citizen, not the citizen for the State... freedom is the goal of politics... Freedom, Fellowship, Service — these are the three principles of a Christian social order, derived from the more fundamental Christian postulates that Man is a child of God and is destined for a life of eternal fellowship with Him... Love... finds its primary expression through Justice — which in the field of industrial disputes means in practice that each side should state its own case as strongly as possibly it can before the most impartial tribunal available...
It makes perfect sense to a person that believes the earth is only 6000 years old, despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
And you probably only had a week to write it — some people hate stuff I've been perfecting for seven years!
The Mass colony, however, was founded by devoutely religious Puritans who were seeking to create a perfect theocracy with religious freedom for their beliefs only (Roger Williams puchaced Rhode Island as a refuge for people banished by the Puritan theocracy).
The prophets weren't sent — and Jesus is numbered among the prophets, even as he is also the Savior — only to tell people, «just suffer now; glory is coming» — though they did say some of that — but also to tell them, «shape up and fly right, because you are to be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect
Resentment and anger, always lying only half dormant, ready to be roused in many people, found a perfect symbol and stimulant in the anger and furious resentment which Luther expressed in his polemical works.
Because my dad is the only person who can possibly have the perfect doctrine.
Small portion recipes are perfect not only for college students or for people cooking for just themselves, but they're great for everyone.
So simple and perfect when you only have a couple hours and limited pantry stocks before people arrive for dinner!
Note: my 10 inch skillet only fit 3 of these which was the perfect amount for 2 people.
This makes it the perfect dessert for large gatherings, but not so good when you have only a few people.
THAT was the perfect combo, but I think it's too sweet to feed one person, serving size should only be half.
Yum I already posted my delicious chocolate bark recipe, now here's a delicious raw vegan carob bar recipe that requires only five minutes to make and is perfect for people who can't eat chocolate.
Not only does she write an amazing blog filled with so many delicious recipes, but her mom is a pastry chef, so she grew up around sweet treats, and she works as a food editor, which sounds like a perfect job for a person who loves food!
As we crossed back into the U.S. the next day, we realized that we had not only found a beach in paradise along with the perfect fish taco, but we had also met many friendly, helpful people and enjoyed a wide variety of savory seafood meals in a rugged and often desolate, yet breathtakingly beautiful corner of the world.
Honestly, this recipe is really tricky and sometimes people just have troubles getting them to look perfect... but really, you stomach doesn't care what it looks like The ONLY thing I can think is that you may have overbaked the crust, as the crust is pretty finicky!
I know that people will say «bbbut we just signed McKinnon» and «RBs don't add sufficient expected points to warrant top - 10 picks», etc but there's something to be said for a player that is not only a transcendent talent but also a perfect scheme fit.
I see some have already turned this in to an anti-Wenger rant — the same people who «only want whats best for this club» and for the club to progress and to see ruthless management and build proper squad depth are getting teary eyed and eulogising over a fantastic, brilliant, exciting player with almost perfect technique who for whatever reason has never lived up to his potential.
I know some people do nt like Sanchez when he takes too many people on as he loses ball one in while, last night was a perfect example of why you need players beating first man the only problem is Sanchez is the only one who was trying enough.
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