Sentences with phrase «only persists»

Many low - income children arrive at school already behind in communication and language, a disadvantage that only persists over time.
Something that has intrigued me recently is how, after one has lost one's eyesight, the mind's eye — the brain's ability to create visual images — not only persists but can be heightened and harnessed.
«As a result of the excessive freedoms, flexibilities and autonomy given to schools we now see a pay gap that not only persists, it is widening.
Yet research from Barnett and his colleague Elizabeth Pontikes at the University of Chicago finds that despite the confusion that lenient categories cause, they have not only persisted but are flourishing.
Average earnings continue to drop drastically, indebtedness, bonded labor, illiteracy, homelessness, health hazards have increased and a host of social and economic ills not only persist but are on the increase.
In contrast, dissipative structures can only persist in open systems (that is, it is necessary for their existence that matter and energy be exchanged between the system and its surroundings).
Early indicators of CTE pathology not only persisted long after injury but also spread through the brain, providing the best evidence...
There's no shortage of products or information on all of these conditions, but despite the ever - expanding roster of cleansers, toners, creams, gels, masks, peels, and scrubs, our skin issues not only persist, but they grow.
What's more, a new study published in the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (the top peer - reviewed policy journal in the country) has shown that students from charter schools not only persist longer in college than those from traditional public schools, but also earn more in income later.
The Alps will be so denuded of snow and ice that they resemble the rocky moonscapes of today's High Atlas — glaciers will only persist on the highest peaks such as Mont Blanc.
This warming can not have been caused by the sun, you see, because as numerous «consensus» scientists have noted, solar activity was not going up over this period, but only persisted at a high level (whether extraordinarily high, as Usoskin estimates, or merely high, as Muscheler estimates).
«In light of these several findings, the Australian, New Zealand and U.S. researchers felt safe in stating that the sea urchins «did not only persist but actually «thrived» under extreme conditions.»
The channel had only persisted for several months before being shut down, but the company isn't ready to call it quits.
Why does the achievement gap not only persist but continue to grow wider?

Not exact matches

Interestingly, not only does this vacation - effect persist across income groups, but its impact is so profound that those who earn less than $ 24,000 a year but take regular trips report a higher well - being score, on average, than those who earn $ 120,000 or more annually but don't regularly take vacations.
Should low returns on bonds and stocks persist, that would only exacerbate this trend.
As a professional, you can only be helping out one client at any moment of the day, and since you never get to live the same day twice, you're giving away something more valuable by persisting with a client who doesn't take your advice.
And yet, in both Silicon Valley and Washington, the delusion that «only America» can innovate or create «behemoth» tech companies persists.
Imbalances can persist and get deeper year after year, but that only means that the reversal is more certain and likely to be more disruptive.
The only clear lesson from these studies is that there has been no long - term trend or convergence on a split chair / CEO structure, and that variation in board leadership structure has persisted for decades, even in the UK, where a split chair / CEO structure is the norm.
Second, not only did the tax bill happen earlier than we thought, the cuts are bigger as well, which could take us higher than current levels, particularly if the euphoria stage persists
Gross also observed that «Economists / investment managers are aware of the potency of a flattening yield curve (shown in Chart above)... Only [former Fed Chair] Volcker, with his need to strangle inflation out of the system, persisted into negative yield curve territory for longer than a few months.»
by For over a decade now, allegations of JP Morgan manipulating the price of paper silver have persisted only to have Jamie Dimon and Blythe Masters firmly deny every allegation.
I've argued before that interest rates really have only one direction to go, and these low fixed income returns are only going to persist for so long.
Upward wage pressures persisted but generally did not escalate; most Districts reported wage growth as only modest.
The only company that BOLDLY (pun intended) persisted with physical keyboards was pushing an OS that should have retired before the physical keyboard.
This impression of gold is so ingrained that it has persisted even though the US$ gold price managed to rise by 560 % during 2001 - 2011 in parallel with only small increases in «price inflation» (based on the CPI) and inflation expectations.
The fact is that this syndrome of overextended conditions has persisted since March of last year (about 1400 on the S&P 500), so the impact of that adaptation will only be observed over time.
It is relevant to the conduct of monetary policy in Australia, if only because some commentators persist in their mistaken beliefs that the Reserve Bank is not independent and that can flow over to broader perceptions of the Bank's anti-inflation credentials and credibility.
Remember, as an atheist, your view is that mutations persist in populations only as they provide benefit and survive natural selection.
If we were to be operating in the realm of the Spirit, there would be no lack... if we took the words of Jesus seriously and sought only the kingdom of God, everything would be taken care of... and yet we persist in praying for what God can give us and not for the manifestation in our lives.
He would argue that Leclerc's notion of «physical existence» applies not only to our more typical notion of a molecule of water, or of sugar, or of hemoglobin (all of similar type), but also to examples of crystals, which are markedly different, and to systems of chemical reaction which persist far from equilibrium.
This is the only problem though spoken and thought about a lot continues to grow and persist and more particularly, in recent times, the incidence of poverty portrays an appalling trend.
If the unholy alliance between government and broadcasters is allowed to persist, if broadcast media remain unregulated and unrestrained, then the misperceptions about Iraq are only a harbinger of many more to come.
Only if you persist to you go to jail for a short while.
Relatively speaking, only one problem viz., poverty, has not been addressed adequately and still persists and thus keeps millions on the brink of death.
There persists only massive average interaction, nothing like organic growth, just accumulated bulk, which persists through sheer strength.
His reflections on these issues culminate in chapter 11, where the theme of Israel's apistia arises once again in Paul's metaphor about the olive branches broken off the tree: «They were broken off because of their apistia, but you [gentiles] stand only through pistas... But even these, if they do not persist in apistia, will be grafted in, for God has the power to graft them in again.»
Before long it was the fate of Christianity, too, to disappear from China, and to persist only in those lands beyond the Tarim desert from which it had previously made its triumphal entry in the days of T'ang Tai Tsung.
Moreover, if a Zennist were to persist in his denial and to assert that Nirvana is Samsara and Samsara is Nirvana — or that there is no difference whatsoever between the sacred and the profane — we would be forced to respond that his language is only meaningful in the context of the complete dissolution of the profane consciousness.
There is also the perishing of objectivity, however, for the being thus attained persists in being only to the extent to which it is positively incorporated into fresh acts of becoming.
It is an interpretation that is intended to make sense of and give sense to the persisting fact that Jesus is not only a figure of the past but in some profoundly real way a present factor in the experience of the human race.
Eternal hell only exists on the condition that some of God's free creatures reject God's love and grace and persist in doing so.
I suspect this condition persists — which is only to say, or which is at least to say, that I affirm the essential continuity of Old and New Testaments.
The pro-abortion media persist in reporting that the law permits abortion in the early months of pregnancy and only for compelling reasons, and many prefer to think that is so.
Enough of the traditional emphasis on the supremacy of society persisted, if only as an influence, to insure avoidance of the atomism which has cursed our society.
Even after he had been imprisoned, Jeremiah persisted in this advice, saying to Zedekiah, «Thus says the LORD, the God of hosts, the God of Israel, If you will only surrender to the officials of the king of Babylon, then your life shall be spared, and this city shall not be burned with fire, and you and your house shall live.
Nonetheless, the «children only» notion of Sunday school persists, probably because most adult Christians do not take advantage of the adult learning opportunities that are available.
But only that pattern persisted that gave the animal an advantage in its struggle for existence and that could be inherited.
Despite cataclysmic assaults upon democratic ideals from both the right and the left, the ideal of democracy persists, indeed flourishes, not only in Western Europe and North America but — even if only as an ideal — throughout much of the less - developed world.
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