Sentences with phrase «only person in the country»

I told them that Catholics used to be the only people in this country who did not practice Rousseau's «civil religion.»
Oh, that's right, we can't, because the GOP is all about telling people that Christians are the only people in this country who matter, and that the First Amendment isn't really concerning religious freedom, but the freedom to pick what ever flavor of Christianity you choose.
Now if only the people in this country and around the world could try, at a minimum, to judge with love rather than hate.
Doesn't he realise he's the only person in the country who thinks he's doing a good job,» Cameron asks.
In those days people wanted PC ports of Spectrum and Mega Drive games, and they wanted 23 - year - old Ansell, apparently the only person in the country capable, to make them.»
In fact, Bookbinder is one of the only people in the country to have ever held the title of «Chief Climate Counsel» for any organization.

Not exact matches

«Although in our country the Chief Magistrate must almost of necessity be chosen by a party and stand pledged to its principles and measures, yet in his official action he should not be the President of a part only, but of the whole people of the United States.»
He continued: «The popularity of #deleteUber only exists because decent people around the country and world — including the unionized cab drivers Uber hates and targets — took to the streets, occupying airports in defense of refugees, immigrants, and Muslims.»
As I shared with Inc., the biggest mistake we make as entrepreneurs is appealing to urban, upwardly - mobile young people on either coast - and in living all across the country, I understand how diversity not only represents color, but also orientation, income and needs.
Not only is it impressive to be able to communicate with other people in different countries, it's expected too.
That is, there are people in developing countries who only have jobs because people in the industrialized West buy clothes from retailers who subcontract to manufacturers in places like Bangladesh.
Forbes reports that the last time Buffett wasn't the second - richest person in the country, Bezos had only been on the Forbes 400 list for three years.
But Morales said this month that Chile offered «no guarantee of free movement of people or goods,» and Bolivia's lawyers have said the country only wants the court to ensure «Chile return to the negotiating table in good faith.»
Despite data from an ABC News poll that indicated only 26 percent of Americans felt they worked too hard, analysts have found that not only do people from the United States work longer hours than individuals in other countries, but they also take less time off and retire later.
Meanwhile, Steiner is focusing on educating people to recycle properly — a crusade that will not only revive stalling recycling rates in the country, but shore up the company's profits.
She pointed out that the US isn't the only place with angry, impulsive people on the loose, yet «we are the only developed country in the world where this happens on a regular basis.»
Its subscriber base was massive; in many parts of the country, it was the only internet access people could get.
Currently, only U.S. - based faculty members can apply, but Google said people in other countries should soon be able to qualify too.
Only 21 % of the people surveyed by Ipsos MORI in nine EU countries wanted to leave the EU... Even where protest parties are gaining momentum, it appears unlikely that they will garner sufficient votes to muster a majority.»
Hopefully the time is coming where the ride will be over for this group - there is a huge space for public broadcasting and presentation of centered debates and discussions in this country - and it can only be through a public space lens - the next election will hopefully bring people such as yourself back into such space so that we can get on with having some notion of civilization.
Not only do the peoples of India, China, Turkey and other countries have a strong cultural affinity to gold — an obsession that will only intensify as incomes rise — but the metal still plays a vital role as a portfolio diversifier in times of economic and political uncertainty.
His comments came days after U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said in a speech that «China's offer always comes at a price» and cautioned Latin American countries against reliance on «new imperial powers that seek only to benefit their own people
For other APAC countries, this material is issued for Institutional Investors only (or professional / sophisticated / qualified investors, as such term may apply in local jurisdictions) and does not constitute investment advice or an offer or solicitation to purchase or sell in any securities, BlackRock funds or any investment strategy nor shall any securities be offered or sold to any person in any jurisdiction in which an offer, solicitation, purchase or sale would be unlawful under the securities laws of such jurisdiction.
Considering that only about 2 billion people have access to the internet, and that it's the other 5 billion people that mostly live in underdeveloped countries, how exactly are they going to use cryptocurrencies?
The situation is in fact quite bad, as with a population of over 1 billion people, there are only 200,000 ATMs in the country, and 87 % of all financial transactions being carried out are made via cash.
They have huge growth potential in India, a country that has over 1.3 billion people, as they have only penetrated that market by around 10 %.
ICE is only getting into the country club now, but it has been one of the richest people in town for years.
Canadian online retail, in short, looks a lot like Canadian retail did 20 years ago: unimpressive, outdated and at threat of being thrashed by American retailers — many of which are already making steady progress in better serving this market.Despite the country's reputation as one of the world's most wired and digitally social people, Canadians only spent $ 18 - billion online in 2010, or 3.4 per cent of total retail sales, according to Boston Consulting Group — well behind other developed countries such as the U.S. at 5 per cent and the United Kingdom at 13.5 per cent.
The only people who benefit from that are the people in other countries, not ours.
«In a country of 1.2 billion people where only 250 million speaks English, vernacular speech recognition can enable financial inclusion to information dissemination to farmers.
He challenged lawmakers to drink from it and said the stream rule was one of the only safety measures protecting people in coal country.
Qatar is probably not the first place people think about when they imagine Christianity in the Middle East (if they imagine it at all), and indeed, there is only a single Orthodox parish in the whole country.
80 % of people in American claim to be christian if the country is in the toilet you only have yourselves to blame.
Most people in this country are ashamed to express their faith because it is only a religious duty to them and not a real spiritual relationship with the only true and living God!!!
Not only are those sensible ways of living but they're also things that create community, interdependence, the sort of life that we're made for together — and break the patterns of unsustainability and also land us in a place where we're the wealthiest country in the world and also one of the most lonely, medicated and depressed people in the world.
Aside from southerners, there is only one group of people in this country that you're allowed to make fun of, mock, and revile in this country and nobody cares: Christians.
The only people starving in this country are the insane or the drug addicted.
The same people who protest international support for third - world countries saying «we need to take care of our own first» are ironically the same people who actually want to abolish food stamps, the WIC program, free school lunches, welfare and social security in the US, never mind the fact that the people who benefit from these programs are the ones who cut their lawns, clean their homes, serve their meals in restaurants, and build their houses, all while going home to a tiny apartment they share with 6 other people and finding nothing to eat in the house but a can of green beans because payday is still 2 days off and there's only enough gas in the car to get them to work the next two days, so driving around town for 2 hours trying to find an open food bank isn't an option.
I first heard of homeschooling as a child growing up in a college town in New England, when the only people who homeschooled their children were hippies living on communes in the country or academics and political activists protesting against the regimented and regimenting education «the system» provided for its own repressive purposes.
In fact, the only people who have displayed any ability to run the country better are Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich — neither of whom have a snowball's chance of even being the candidate, much less winning a rigged election.
-------- In most Muslim countries, the Quran is given great importance, yet usually hard to find, and can not be read by the average person because it is only written in ArabiIn most Muslim countries, the Quran is given great importance, yet usually hard to find, and can not be read by the average person because it is only written in Arabiin Arabic.
While churches across the country continued to run foodbanks, offer support to young people and invest in their communities through 2017, there was really only one issue that the mainstream media was interested in.
... The reality is that the adherents of this view of Islam are numbered in many millions, have in some countries, elements of official support, and are systematically teaching it to millions of young people across the world... even in its more moderate and non-violent form it has a way of thinking that is still inconsistent with the pluralist and open - minded view of the world that defines the only way it can work peacefully in the 21st century.
Not only was the mosque destroyed, but ensuing rioting in the country killed more than two thousand people and poisoned the amicable street - level relations between Muslims and Hindus.
you folks wonder why most countries hate you; it's because of people like you always butting in with no solution, only more problems.
I have no doubt, for example, that people in these countries learned much about the human body that Westerners are only now beginning to appropriate.
Since 90 per cent of the people in this country are never inside the churches, and since only a tiny fraction even of church people regularly read any church literature, some means must be found of propagating true Christianity.
Experience shows, without exception, that miracles occur only in times and countries in which miracles are believed in, and in the presence of persons who are disposed to believe in them.»
In a country in which only half of the people who can vote do vote, this general amplification is excellent for democracy and for peace and for justicIn a country in which only half of the people who can vote do vote, this general amplification is excellent for democracy and for peace and for justicin which only half of the people who can vote do vote, this general amplification is excellent for democracy and for peace and for justice.
This is what you call «HOME OF THE BRAVE, LAND OF THE FREE, Texas is the most racist state in the country, Look at their history of hatred 1 - writing slurs of people of color on rocks, putting people to death in their jails, the only chance you have living in that sate is if you are white a pure christian.
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