Sentences with phrase «only public evidence»

The only public evidence of Parent Workshop programming is a four - minute YouTube video that shows Sparks giving a college financial - aid workshop to high - school students.

Not exact matches

Now if this was the only evidence, one might lean towards a typo in the journal and believing the above three individuals and public congressional record.
Either way, don't expect Pai to make his decision based on which position is more popular with the public; as we've noted before, the FCC chief has already declared that he'll only take comments that he feels provide «substantial evidence» into consideration.
It is a bittersweet fudge designed to fool the public into believing there will be worthwhile reform of the EU when the evidence of the EU's Five Presidents» Report demonstrates that it will only get more centralized, more expensive and more regulated.
An inquest was only held at all because Mr Maguire pushed, saying he wanted a public examination of the evidence.
While it may seek (in its sincere expressions) only neutrality toward religion, strict separationism in fact evidences a certain hostility toward religion — the effect of which is to deprive society of necessary moral and spiritual resources, to misinterpret and misrepresent the history of our culture, and to provoke anger and resentment among those who never consented to make our public life a «secular» enterprise.
The only way to build that evidence base is to continue trialling and evaluating public health measures that show potential for success.
These kinds of studies pile on the guilt for a mother who desperately needs sleep and whose only option might be to sleep with her child, but the public health community refuses to do evidence - based studies into best practices to give her practical advice she can actually use.
«In fact, this report shows evidence that police forces, like Staffordshire and Cleveland, which have used fairer stop and search tactics have not only seen reductions in crimes rates in line with overall trends, but have also increased public confidence in the police.»
Drawing upon evidence from the debates over healthcare reform in both the U.S. and the U.K., where Palin's propagation of the idea of death panels and Labour's insistence that Gove's reforms constituted privatisation «pure and simple» served only to confuse and scare the wider public, Thompson argued that misleading and emotive language is making political reform and compromise harder to achieve.
Indeed, legal scholars — and even Bharara, during public events — have suggested it is difficult to make cases if the only evidence surrounding an official action is a campaign contribution.
He wrote in the Mail:» «Inquests would be affected only in the most extreme circumstances; and even then, only the parts of the evidence which could compromise public safety would be heard in closed session.
A submission to the court by the claimants» lawyers said: «The Metropolitan police misled the claimants and the wider public by stating that there was only «a handful» of victims; and that, where there was evidence of hacking, victims were told.
Speaking on Adom FM's Personality Profile Programme on Monday morning, Mr Mensah maintained that in advanced political environments where individuals» rights and liberties, dignity and integrity are cherished, such claims of corruption are investigated quietly and brought to the public domain only when sufficient evidence of impropriety has been established and charges are preferred.
Relying on secret evidence and secret hearings, only justifiable in tightly limited circumstances, keeps the public in the dark and fuels suspicion.
In fact, whatever else he may achieve in his pursuit of the presidency, the former Louisiana congressman and governor may be remembered as the last presidential candidate to ever receive federal matching funds; the very fact that he is the only candidate seeking and collecting those funds this year prima facie evidence that the public financing system for presidential elections is already functionally dead.
«At a gathering of Tory Cabinet Ministers on Monday, the Prime Minister's political secretary Stephen Gilbert presented polling evidence to them which showed that when asked what the Coalition was doing, the public thought only of the cuts.»
We found that only about one - third of the public trust medical evidence, with about two - thirds prioritising the advice of friends and family, and that about three in five British adults and four in five doctors believe that clinical trials funded by the pharmaceutical industry are often biased to produce a positive outcome.
Squadron said that faced with such evidence, GENDA opponents can only continue pressing public safety alarms by being «willfully ignorant.»
For instance, only 65 % of the public believes the evidence that evolution occurs, compared to 98 % of scientists, Lubchenco said.
We agree with the findings of Judge William Overton that the Arkansas creationism law represents an unconstitutional intrusion of religion doctrine into the public schools, that «creation science» is not science, and that its advocates have followed the unscientific procedure of starting from a dogmatically held conclusion and looking only for evidence to support that conclusion.
The researchers offer four steps for improving the review process: develop methodological standards for evaluating evidence used to back off - label drug recommendations; combine the findings into one «single, rigorously developed resource» rather than five inconsistent reference guides; assess whether those reviewing and determining off - label drug use policies have potential financial conflicts of interest; and make the compendia listings, which currently are only available by subscription, free to the public.
It's an eye for an eye, and though Sarah is quickly getting close to calling in the FBI, she's found a bond with these people — and even has some sympathy with their ideas, and the evidence she sees that made them come to the conclusion their attacks are the only way the public will take notice.
Unfortunately, the NRC's strongly worded conclusions are only weakly supported by scientific evidence, despite the fact that NRC's stated mission is «to improve government decision making and public policy, increase public understanding, and promote the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge.»
Chanin could only reply: «There is no evidence that competition improves the lot for the 96 percent of the students who remain in the troubled Cleveland public school system with less resources and even worse problems.»
AppleTree Early Learning Public Charter School, a pre-K — only charter school that serves more than 800 students on eight campuses, has used its flexibility — as well as a federal Investing in Innovation grant — to develop an integrated model that combines evidence - based curriculum, early childhood assessments, and aligned professional development to help teachers deliver effective instruction focused on improving children's language and social - emotional skills.
Never mind that the body of empirical evidence suggests that choice helps not only the children who leave failing public schools but also those left behind.
We have enough evidence today to make it clear that not only has VAM not worked, it's been really destructive and it's emboldened those seeking to turn public education into a numbers game.
«Despite growing evidence to the contrary, it appears the administration has decided that charter schools are the only answer to what ails America's public schools,» the National Education Association, the largest teachers union, said in comments submitted to the Education Department.
This link only proves that Ravitch's evidence - based skepticism of charter schools as miracles (the claim by the NYT and Waiting for Superman)-- CREDO: 17 % of charters superior to public with 50 % the same and 33 % inferior — forces charter ADVOCATES to attack her.
And although such savings are only a small percentage of overall public education spending, the evidence provides yet another reason for states to consider, create, and expand vouchers.
Charter critics often point to data showing that only 17 percent of charters outperform nearby traditional public schools, but proponents say closures are evidence that charter - school laws are working.
Opponents argue there's little evidence the private schools do a better job and that pulling money away from public schools only makes it harder for them to improve.
A study conducted at Stanford University's Hoover Institution presents evidence that students in only 17 percent of charter school show greater improvement in math and reading than students in similar traditional public schools, whereas 37 percent, deliver learning results that are significantly worse than the student would have realized had they remained in public schools.
Evidence from recent years suggests that this is not the case and that the decision to pass Act 10 may have hurt not only teachers and other public servants, but Wisconsin's students as well.
That is, the burden of proof would likely rest on Denver Public School officials to evidence that they are no only complying with the state law but that they are doing so in sound, evidence - based, and rational / reasonable ways.
Ravitch not only provides the evidence of the falsity of these claims and reforms, she also discusses how current education rhetoric and policy are damaging our public schools, our communities, our democracy and most importantly, our children; how these policies go against everything our founders intended public education to be and everything science knows about child development.
«Despite growing evidence to the contrary, it appears that the administration has decided that charter schools are the only answer to what ails America's public schools,» NEA, the nation's largest teacher's union, said in the letter.
Most recently, 89 percent received one of the top two ratings, and only 1 percent were ineffective, which Scott Thompson, the deputy chief of human capital for teacher effectiveness for D.C. public schools, said was evidence that the evaluations were making teachers better.
The campaign itself has been phenomenally successful, since not only the public, but animal shelters and rescue groups willing to promulgate it, even where there is no evidence to suggest it's true.
The American Alliance of Museums (AAM), the only organization representing the entire scope of the museum community, released two groundbreaking reports revealing indisputable evidence that museums contribute more to the United States economy than previously thought and have widespread public support that transcends political affiliations and geographic locations.
For better and for worse, one was simply «on the street» in public space, bathing in the comforts, or terrors, of the human sea and his work is the marbled evidence of this beauty mixing with decay as only his eyes could capture it.
Tomkins did point out that some of the women who were Andre loyalists were former girlfriends, but at the same time if you read the article it sounds like «some feminists» thought he was guilty and would harass him if they saw him in public places — that is, the implications is that only feminists thought he was guilty, you know, those harpies, whereas in fact the judge's wording of the verdict (and implications in Katz's text based on interviews) suggested a relation to the judgement available in British jurisprudence but not in the US, that is, what would have been a verdict of «not proven,» meaning he probably did it, but in the end the verdict was «I have concluded that the evidence has not satisfied me beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant is guilty.»
What is worse, their growing tendency to make flat statements based only on their reputations, unsupported by any evidence, actually increases their standing with the general public.
Global warming believers need only to counter dry recitations of skeptic science material with assertions about the numbers of «IPCC scientists», declare this to be the settled consensus opinion, then claim there is leaked memo evidence proving skeptics are paid industry money to «reposition global warming as theory rather than fact» — hoodwink the public, in other words.
Not only does organic production help reduce public health risks, mounting evidence shows that food grown organically are rich in nutrients, such as Vitamin C, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus, with less exposure to nitrates and pesticide residues in organically grown fruits, vegetables, and grains when compared to conventionally grown products.
Steven Mosher, who played a key role in disseminating the climategate emails to the general public, did submit evidence to the committee, but only touched on FOI issues.
It is sad, but it is the only evidence the politicians and the public need to reject man made global warming.
But this low - price message did not cause the policy targets in the CTPs to change, despite evidence that it would not only be cheaper than expected to meet these targets, but it would also be more important to public health to tighten the targets, based on scientific advances.
The reason why the Australian public think that there is only a 58 % agreement between climate scientists is because the debate in the popular media is mostly political where anything seems to be said rather than it being a scientific debate based on evidence.
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