Sentences with phrase «only real»

The Hillary Clintons of the world reinforce a destructive assumption that the only real reason to become a Senator is to grab a suitable platform for mounting a national campaign.
The only real mystery about the age...» Mel, ol' chap, perchance that knowledge is held to a need to know basis.
Only the transcendent lies at this heart and draws persons to itself; the transcendent alone is the authentic source of hope within life, the only real power of transformation.
The only real thing that separates «Christianity» from any other religion or spiritual belief, is not whether we incorporate Easter Bunnies, goblins, ghouls, monsters, Santa, or tiny elves into our celebrations, but rather, that our faith is not found in our ability to «save» ourselves but in Christ who died for all, so that all could enter into unbroken friendship with Him.
Good preaching cuts through what's only real for a moment to get to what has been and can be true.
The only real war being waged is the one going on between those who make unsupported claims and those doing the research into those unsupported claims.
The most famous advocate of this point of view is Leibniz, who argued that the only real substances are simple, unextended points, endowed with force.
It appeared that the realities were the warring classes themselves, and so it had always been: «The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles».32 It was absurd of the German literati to espouse the misty cause of mankind.33 The only real and pressing issue was that of which side to take, labor's or capital's, in the ongoing class struggle.
(17) a discussion of the meaning of equality between women and men, Rank declared that the only real equality is «the equal right of each individual to become and to be himself, which actually means to accept his own difference and have it accepted by others.»
The only real absolute is the court of appeal in which justification is required.
You have to do that special prayer to the one and only real God: Sniffy Bob The Yodelling Dik - Dik.
Ellis points out that this is not a viable explanation since it claims that a particular level (of reality) is the only real one, whereas causal power exists at every level.
It is all too obvious that the author's only real interest lay in gathering together a vast assortment of grotesque historical curios and oddments and then exhibiting them in a single display case» whether for our amusement and edification or as a tribute to his own cleverness I can not say.
Linguistically, «theology» is the «study of God» and only a real relationship with God can produce a profound theology.
I have managed to get out of the hostel relatively quickly because my only real issue was that I didn't have anywhere to live.
Secondly, the Bible is full of cross-cultural evangelism; it is the only real training manual we need.
Your blind arrogance in believing that the only real answer is one which agrees with YOUR view is really cute.
For a Christian, the only real weapon we bear is the truth lived in authentic love, which alone has the power to save.
Tell the high - hats, kid - lovers, and the rest of them to just go take care of the sick, poor and widowed with THEIR efforts and THEIR money which is the only real commission they should be concerned about.
The only real fair way to represent all different religions in a classroom is to have no religious symbolism, so that no group is given special treatment.
Nothing But a Man, which may survive as the only real classic in the panel's list, was objectionable to some because of the slty language of some characters.
Brad, Christians are such arrogant people to feel that theirs is the only real religion and God loves only them.
That's one of the gotchas about Protestantism, the only real authority is the bible.
The only real utopia is yet to come...
Atheists are the only real hope for the future of mankind.
Christians are such arrogant people to feel that theirs is the only real religion and God loves only them.
That is my only real point.
Born agains claim that they are the only real «Christians» and that Catholics and mainstream protestants are false churches, which is just another way of saying «heretics», isn't it?
The only real difference seems to be that the younger one has more heated rhetoric.
Isaiah Berlin writes of Herzen, «His purely personal credo remained unaltered from his earliest days: «Art, and the summer lightning of individual happiness, these are the only real goods we have,» he declared in a self - revealing passage of the kind that so deeply shocked the stern young Russian revolutionaries in the 1860s.»
For him the only real faith is that which shows itself in good deeds.
I need only to ask: if you wash your feet before prayer, and when the last stoning was that you attended: to get my point across... but you did say I had to answer in a coherent manner...:) Yes, the jesus story... one of those that many love to argue about, even me at times in my life have i taken the position of «he never existed»... but most of us know he did, the only real question is his divinity.
Catholic's are the only true Christians — the rest are malcontents who go against Jesus's wishes that the church founded by Peter will be his only real church on earth.
The only real problem in understanding and interpreting Isa.
9 This means of course that the living Christ is not open to historical enquiry and «Christian language about Christ must always take the form of a confession».10 The only real Christ is the Christ who is preached, and the Christ who is preached is precisely the Christ of faith.
Love is, in fact, the only real power, and force is not power at all... To say that God has infinite love, and that to this love is added infinite power, is totally and utterly false.
The Gospel of John is the only real evangelistic book in the Bible, and it says over and over and over how to receive eternal life (believe in Jesus for it).
This is the only real privilege of priesthood.
«That experience has given me a desire to help other generations coming through, and to know that whatever teenagers are trying to be, the only real solution is a lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ,» he says.
It is obvious that the only real difference between a person who has faith and good works and a person who has faith without good works is the good works.
The only real difference between views 2 - 4 is how they arrive at an explanation for why we just need to accept what the Bible says and move on.
In other words, through the transformation of desire we learn how loving our neighbors is in fact the only real way to love ourselves.
For the only real answer to the History of Religions school will come from a theologian who recognizes its discoveries and who realizes the complete change in the situation which those discoveries have brought about.
If this view is correct, then it seems that the only real difference between the various theologies is in the source of the ocean of good works.
The ONLY REAL SOLUTION to the overcrowding of areas like Gaza that does not result in war or death occuring is the colonization of planetary bodies like the Moon and Mercury both of which have more than ample supplies of water to create habitats for humans.
The mind is the only real battleground, todays wars are minute compared to manipulation of the mind.
In the case of the early councils, the only real difference is that an Emperor is the one who asked the bishops to settle the matter.
Positively, it helps us to hear what the writer wants to say; in fact, this is the only real justification for the whole discipline.
In other words, it is not the lie that matters, but only its real effects, and since the effects are not big enough, realist supporters of Obama can dismiss the importance of this issue.
Evrybody knows the only real one is Santaclaus that bring toys in Christmas.
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