Sentences with phrase «only reviewer»

I noticed they went to only reviewers who are not specific.
Only reviewers with a proven track record who have published multiple reviews that have gained traction to be considered for sponsored reviews.
Reviews are anonymous — featuring only the reviewer's first and last initial — and will appear unedited except for the neutralization of program names and rewards categories.
I can not believe I'm the only reviewer / rater of this recipe.
You might conclude that I was out of step with the audiences that passed on Say Anything... — though I was hardly the only reviewer who fell for it — and with those who went to Jerry Maguire in droves.
April 19, 2002 With a background in BBC television as well as two well - regarded short features under his belt (Doom and Gloom (1996) and Wet and Dry (1997)-RRB-, John McKay's uneven and somewhat inauspicious feature - length debut Crush has garnered a slew of bad reviews until the only reviewers that really matter to most of North America, Ebert and Roeper, chimed in with their golden digits upraised.
I do nt understand why this is the only reviewer that disliked them.
And I'm discovering now that I'm not the only reviewer that really dislikes these.
She owns Bakerview Consulting and is the only reviewer on this blog.
Readers are the only reviewers we care about.
The only reviewers I may not question a lower score from are those who don't doll out 10's like candy.
And no, he's not the only reviewer having concerns about the battery life in the short and long term.
He's also the only reviewer to rave about their sound quality.
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