Sentences with phrase «only romantic subplot»

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She kicks ass and a romantic subplot is only hinted at, rather than becoming a distraction.
The romantic subplot between Gamora and Star - Lord is somewhat undercooked, but all of the above made me root for it in spite of myself, if only because it would be legitimately interesting - and for this genre, (nearly) ground - breaking - to see them pair off, procreate, and be faced with a half - pink / half - green baby of their own, with whom to (hopefully) do slightly better than Ego and Thanos did with them.
The only time the film fumbles is the unnecessary romance with Shane and head cheerleader Annabelle Farrell (Brooke Langton), which feels cheaply tacked on just for the sake of having a romantic subplot.
The problem is exacerbated by the fact that he keeps dropping out of the story completely for long periods of time, only to be awkwardly shunted back into the plot while the film nervously assures us that he really is relevant to this story, and on top of that, there's also an incredibly forced and out - of - place romantic subplot which the film really would have been much better without.
Even though he's the only one actually committing here, Michael B. Jordan might as well have been phased in from another brand of C - grade rom - com as his super-sized cheesy, level 11 cliché romantic subplot butts heads with the should - be elbow nudging plot line going on with the other fellas.
8:00 pm — TCM — A Night at the Opera One of the best Marx Brothers films, and the romantic subplot is only halfway distracting.
On the negative, that would have also made the film lose its only redeemable element, which is Applegate's valiant effort to give an actual performance amid all the inanity of all the slapstick and the tedium of a forced romantic subplot between André and the gardener next door (Tara Reid).
The entire romantic subplot with Nikki and the ticking clock device of Beachum's new job are filler material that only adds to Beachum's pride and lack of attention, traits that are clear even without these subplots.
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