Sentences with phrase «only safe way»

Going the natural route is not only the safest way with little potential side effects, but also most effective for long - term pain management.
This is not only the safest way, since the body will only use what is needed, but the most effective.
Proper nutrition is not only a safe way to treat insomnia; it can do wonders for the sleep cycle.
Sometimes it can take a few days to get your withdrawal to your bank, but again, this is completely normal and the only safe way to do this at the moment.
It's the only safe way to give them a blanket, it keeps them warm, and it mimics the snug comfort of the womb.
However, nursing women are frequently given the message that the only safe way to enjoy a drink or two is to pump and dump their breastmilk.
The only safe way to use it when you are not holding the handlebar yourself is to prop against a wall with the brake engaged.
Regardless, the only safe way to use a cart with a car seat is by placing the car seat directly INSIDE the shopping cart which eliminates any chance of the baby easily falling out.
Finally, swaddling is a safety measure for baby sleep; in fact, it's the only safe way to keep a blanket in the crib.
The only safest way that a baby quilt can be used inside the crib is as bedding, where you spread it for the baby to sleep on.
«Because we can not stop travel between continents, the only safe way to prevent the spread of dengue fever is to prevent the establishment of mosquitoes that can carry the virus.
Washing alone will not completely remove pesticides from your food — choosing organic is the only safe way to ensure your foods are chemical - free.
My favorite example: Some places will tell you that a Smith Machine is the only safe way to squat to protect your back.
The only safe way to do it is to maximize and maintain your thyroid health and metabolism, which oftentimes requires you to eat more, not less.
Bioidentical hormones which are 100 % safe because the are EXACTLY the same as the hormones your body produces is the ONLY safe way to treat your symptoms.
However, the ONLY safe way to get a tan is with self tanner.
This name came about because horseback is the only safe way to travel the mountainous roads that have to be traversed.
As I've mentioned too many times, the only safe way to value a distressed stock is through the balance sheet and cashflow statement, simply ignore the P&L!
The only safe way to do a thorough dental examination and provide therapeutically beneficial dental treatment is with the animal under a surgical plane of general anesthesia with a properly fitted, cuffed endotracheal tube in place.
Ear tipping is the only safe way to see from a distance that a cat has been altered.
A c - section is the only safe way to deliver them.
At the time, all kennel owners believed that the only safe way to board dogs together was to lock them up so that they couldn't fight and injure each other, but Kristyn reasoned that if some dogs could get along without fighting, why couldn't they all?
The only safe way to dispose of this litter is via landfill or incineration.
Carriers are just about the only safe way to transport a cat in an automobile.
I really think the only safe way to make an MMO in an existing canon universe is to just take it way into the past.
The only safe way to keep your loot is by extracting it via a helicopter, but summoning the vehicle announces it to everyone in the map, making you a potential target.
«The only safe way to tackle climate change is to address the root cause — our continued reliance on the burning of fossil fuels,» Mann said.
Yes, you read that correctly — the very mode of transportation that many American schools insist is the only safe way to deliver kids to school is now being criminalized in the United Kingdom.
The only safe way for a lawyer to operate is to assume there is [no security] and you are Tweeting to the front page of your newspaper or website.
Always go feet first until you can scope out the underwater depth and conditions if you must dive, but feet - first is still the only safe way for you and the kids to enter the water.
We repeat: the only safe way is to have your own wallet's private keys with you — not in an app, not online, but with you offline, or in cold storage, or on a Ledger or similar.
The only safe way, if you want to help out that employer (and why should you do that at the risk it will be used against you?)
And if you are married, becoming your best self with your marriage partner is the only safe way to go.
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