Sentences with phrase «only see opportunities»

As for the multiplayer side of things, my time with the game only saw the opportunity to race in a few races, and this is due to the severely empty online player Base — a problem which affected the game terribly on its original release back in 2008.

Not exact matches

Keane also declined to talk about future data center locations, only to say that they would be built in places where Microsoft likely sees big business opportunities.
Our social ills resemble those of April 3, 1968, when King stated that if given the opportunity to live in any period in history, he would have chosen that time, because «only when it is dark enough, can you see the stars.»
Believe every day you will achieve them and only then will you see the opportunities.
Not only does it keep me up - to - date on the latest ideas, but it also gives the team an opportunity to see the bigger picture and ask why?
From chasing too many opportunities to getting whacked by currency fluctuations, the game of international expansion has many threats that domestic - only businesspeople never see.
But our willingness to buy a DoubleClick, or a DeepMind, etc., I've only seen excitement about bringing those kinds of opportunities forward.
Gormley's not the only player who sees a potential opportunity — recently shifted its focus to kiosks over its traditional mail - order business.
Many useful opportunities are either created by what you do early, or are only revealed once you have started and can see out there.
The aim of Alice is to «aggregate the entire ecosystem of opportunity, put it in a single place, and then parse it out so you're only seeing what is relevant to you.»
We look not only at the events and the people that have defined the past 12 months, but at the trends and opportunities we expect to see in the coming 12 months.
Practically, looking around you, seeing no one, and taking that as an opportunity for inner reflection, rather than outer isolation, can only be a positive for you.
His only opportunity to see daylight is when he passes a small window on the way to his counsel visit or the exercise cell.»
So, most likely we will see only muted joint media appearances and photo opportunities with very short statements, or possibly even no statements at all.
The only time I see this not being the best plan of action is if your homepage covers more than 50 % of your search potential, but I HIGHLY doubt this is the case for most of you, and it's still tough to justify diversifying relevant opportunities.
That ignorance led to some embarrassing missed opportunities, such as when Senator Bill Nelson of Florida used the example of chocolate — as opposed to, say, a more personal product like underwear — to discuss the company's rampant use of ad retargeting, in which a user searches for a product online, only to see ads for that product follow them from platform to platform and site to site.
The Global Opportunity Reports aims to demonstrate that the great sustainability challenges facing societies today do not have to be seen only as risks to lifestyles and businesses as we know them.
Just a month later, Men's Wearhouse executives changed their tune and saw great strategic opportunity, only with them as the acquirer.
The changes currently facing the Australian debt markets should therefore be seen not only as challenges but also as opportunities.
I see them only as momentary setbacks and learning opportunities.
The best people see the problem and beat a path to the exit, to take new outside opportunities, and only the ineffective ones will remain.
With Alphabet only offering its owners a «Say on Pay» once every three years, it will be interesting to see if shareholders take this opportunity to make a stand, however symbolic it may be.
If you see only one or two phrases, you might consider looking for more opportunities to utilize your keywords.
Silver Standard's rationale for doing the deal was simple — its Pirquitas Mill runs out of feed in 2017 and it sees an opportunity to use Chinchillas, located only 30 km from the mill, to extend Pirquitas» production life by multiple decades.
The outcome will be a better leadership team of engaged people who are not only accountable for their work, but also who see opportunities for themselves and are willing and excited to participate in the ownership of the business.
These courageous settlers clearly were not looking for someone else to look after them; they were only looking for the incentive to seek what they saw as an opportunity.
Being a member of such community will not only help you learn from mistakes of others but it will also help you understand how others might see presented trading opportunities.
If sales management and senior executives are suspicious about social media — if they only see risk, their people wasting time clicking «Like» buttons and employees posting funny pictures, then they would be right to draw down the shutters and, in the process, cut off the opportunity social media presents.
Yes, I'm sure that all have the same opportunity, if only they would ask... Maybe I'll go back to the site to see if I can find previous months agendas — maybe they did celebrate ramadan...
As one of The Times» interviewees described her reasons for remaining abstinent, «[Sex] is the way I want to emotionally connect to someone, and I think that only a person who deserves me to be emotionally attached to them should have that opportunity to see me in that way.»
I believe it only fare that those families and our nation, who have lived with the pictures from that day permanentlly seared in our brain should be given the opportunity to see Osama bin Laden's body (if they so choose), as well as the video and audio of the raid.
Yes, they will argue if given the opportunity, but the only time you see them become agitated is when religious people try to impose their beliefs on them via public works: government, schools, etc..
In the darkness of modern skepticism, Karl Barth saw the opportunity to assert a classical theological truth: We are saved not by the strength of our reason but only by the initiative of God's grace.
If by law or regulation stations could be required to provide time regularly to members of Congress, on the basis that it is the right of all citizens to have an opportunity to see and hear their chosen representatives, and if a similar requirement were to insure free access to all congressional candidates during elections — only then can the knot be severed.
Liberals who understand institutions only in their capacity to provide opportunity do not see that opportunity requires personal responsibility, and that personal responsibility requires community.
It is not that repentance precedes an awareness of acceptance and hence the opening of new opportunities; rather, it is that when one knows through the action of God in the event of Jesus Christ that one is already accepted and forgiven by God the great Lover of the world, one's only response can be, «I am unworthy,» Because I am already and always accepted by God, who is the One «to whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid», who knows each of us better than any of us can know ourselves, then I am impelled to see my own inadequacy, defects, failures, and wrongs.
The religious leaders saw this as an opportunity to not only educate the people, but also show of their great intellect and wisdom.
You see, this forces us to not only deepen our relationships, it allows us the opportunity to deepen our understanding of who we are as individuals.
If I have to read your religious signs when I drive down the road, and I live in So FL, so I see them ALL the time, then it's only fair that we have the same opportunity to voice our views.
Joshua and Caleb saw opportunity and blessing where others saw only death and destruction.
This became clear to me only as I had the opportunity of seeing it first hand.
They see it almost as an insult, because they know about the millions of so - called christians in America who judge others by political affiliation, by income, by race, who only help people who are similar to themselves, who only befriend non-christians when it helps them or if they see an opportunity to convert, etc. - in short, the millions upon millions of Americans who call themselves christians yet do not even attempt to follow the teachings of Jesus.
As India is the only BRIC country where the economic prospects are really positive, local government sees opportunity for growth and invited the Ambassador to meet with entrepreneurs.
It saw an opportunity through a partnership with Burger King, the fast - food chain not only known for its burgers but its onion rings, as well.
«We saw this as an opportunity to elevate an American staple by stripping it down to only the most essential ingredients.
I was so busy competing this year that I only had the opportunity to get one photo of my completed dish (see below).
This is a unique opportunity to not only see the mass ascension of 40 - 50 hot air balloons, but to actually be a part of this spectacular event!
Although menu labelling is not yet mandatory, two - thirds of Canadians like the idea, and value nutritional information as important.1 The data points to another business opportunity: 52 % say they would be more likely to choose a restaurant with detailed nutritional information.1 But only one in five can recall seeing this type of information on restaurant menus.1 Set yourself apart from the competition by running nutritional information on your healthy menu options.
It's a great opportunity for visitors to see how we create packaging solutions that not only meet their needs now, but also anticipate how market trends are likely to evolve.»
Scott Levine, who makes only cake doughnuts at his shop Underwest Donuts in Manhattan, says he prefers them to yeast because: «I see an opportunity to layer flavor into the cake each step of the way.
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