Sentences with phrase «only seemed logical»

Seeing as the latest re-release of the game is called the «Definitive Edition», it only seemed logical to gamers that we might see at least the finished part of Mission 51 to play.
I filled out a volunteer application to do what ever they needed done, but it only seemed logical that I try to leverage my experience as a photographer as a way to capture the spirit of their adoptable dogs and cats by taking their portraits.»
We all love sim racing here at WTF1, so it only seemed logical that we get into the esports game.
To start, it only seemed logical to share the base of this weeks content — the BBQ sauce!
It only seems logical.
Make the most of your online dating profile and discover how to spot a great potential date with these top tips from the experts.So it only seems logical you would use.
With so many industry experts warning authors that they have to give their audiences compelling content that will keep them reading, it only seems logical that readers want to invest their time and attention — not just their money — in a book that will draw them in and remain entertaining.
And therefore, since a defensive investor is by definition one that is wary of taking risk, it would only seem logical that dividend paying equities, especially Dividend Champions, possess the safety characteristics they desire, at least according to Ben Graham and yours truly -LRB-
And so it only seems logical for them to revisit the region everyone remembers in glorious HD graphics with an orchestrated soundtrack blaring in the background.
But I'll give them the benefit of the doubt since it seems increasingly clear that an actual Epic Mickey 2 is planned and a game like this would only seem logical.
In a world where people are consuming increasingly more resources (including carbon) per capita, it only seems logical that to make significant improvements to the earth's natural environment we must address consumption AND population.
It only seems logical if the relationship between the net feedbacks and climate sensitivity is linear.
Therefore, it only seems logical that Apple will shift towards OLED which offers better colors, deeper blacks and even greater power - efficiency, as compared to LCD.
Since paper applications are going the way of the dinosaur in favor of digital job postings, it only seems logical to have more automated recruitment processes.
It only seems logical, if more and more organizations are going online with their job openings, that having a digital resume will be equally important for job seekers.
Secondly, it only seems logical to search for another person that also wants to raise children and begin a family someday.

Not exact matches

Taken to its logical extreme, his research seems to argue that boards should have only female directors, but he's careful to point out that not all women score highly on complex moral reason (sometimes known as «CMR») decision - making, and some men do.
Considering the recent backlash, the social network turning to its users and incentivizing them seems only logical at this point.
It seemed only logical: If Jesus was walking around Planet Earth today, He would be helping lots of sick people — and especially people with AIDS.
When asked to provide support for your religious calims you have failed to do so and can only seem to appeal to emotions and logical fallacies.
Same as this guy, to some this extremist mentality will seem as to be the only logical answer.
Universalism — which might have seemed to be the logical outcome of the decree of God and the atonement of Christ — is finally only a devoutly - to - be-wished possibility; it is not inevitable.
«Ontologically all monotheists affirm that there can only be one divine being, and it seems logical to me that there must be some referential overlap or similarity in the divine being that each is referring to in each of the monotheistic religions,» said Jones, according to a transcript posted by The Wheaton Record.
We were in Toronto for a few days, and my niece Kate likes baking (and eating), so it seemed only logical to bake with her.
No other city appears to be seriously in the running for 1980 and, in any case, Moscow's selection seems logical if only because the Soviet Union has been a dominant factor in the Games since its return to the Olympic fold in 1952.
This furor seems only logical, for the Steelhead (Salmo irideus gairdneri) which was almost ignored during the Northwest's early decades, is one of the world's toughest and most brilliant game fish and a prince of the beautiful salmonoid family.
It seems logical that if Ralph Houk grabs up Mr. Brosnan he would not only get grade - A relief for his bull pen, but it would be very probable that the Yankees would also get a book, with Brosnan's unique style, about Yankee clubhouse life.
I am heartened to read these comments — seems only logical.
And with the huge game against Manchester United to come on Saturday, it seemed only logical that a heavy degree of rotation would take place for the second leg.
I don't know the history of cribs, but it seems logical that they could have been invented not only for the comfort of mom and dad, but likely also for the safety of baby during the day and maybe also at night.
I only did it for the first 3 months, but it seems so logical that if you child will sleep for only one hour when they are in their crib, but will sleep for 4 hours when they are lying with (or in my case on) you, then it must be the right thing to do.
At a time when high schools are receiving lots of attention and acclaim for their sports teams, it would seem only logical that having full - time certified athletic trainers to take care of their athletes would be a priority.
There seems to be only one logical time and, oddly, research backs it up.
It seems only logical that the next on the guillotine would be cans and food containers that use BPA in their liners.
Yet, no one seems to want to do away with it because they don't want public financing of campaigns — which seems to me to be the only logical solution.
It seems only logical for a circular definition to be the result of a search for the foundation of reality...
So with even small increases in animal products and with the plant nutrition reduced, it seems only logical that the diseases of affluence would be beginning to take hold.
I am going to give this a try, seems to be the only logical course of action.
But a hat seemed like the logical solution for the roots and it is honestly the only hat that I own.
Pinball only seemed like the next logical step.
This contextual narrative is relevant because Silver Linings Playbook, Russell's latest ensemble dramatic comedy, seems both the culmination of a career built around quirk and, perhaps more importantly, the next logical step forward for a director whose taste for illustrious decoration has only just been whetted.
To me, it seems only logical that they should know how to maintain the technology as well.
This seems logical enough, but only if we accept the production metaphor: a strong school produces students with strong grades or test scores.
But if the district does opt for the new system, it seems only logical that impersonal, computer - based assessments of teachers» prospective bosses — principals and administrators — should be a part of the quest for a better public school workforce, too.
But after the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High, removing «it seemed the only logical course of action,» city spokesman Todd DeAngelis said.
Indeed, more than 45 million Corollas have been sold to date and having a hero model seems not only logical but well overdue.
That said, a plug - in hybrid seems like the most logical choice, as fully electric models are still pretty niche sellers, and odds are Subaru will need to polish it's offerings a bit anyway before going battery - only.
With both Nissan and Jeep targeting their advertising campaigns toward enthusiasts with active lifestyles, it seemed only logical to compare these two vehicles.
Their experience and education with the publishing industry seemed to make it clear that going indie was the only logical choice — the traditional publishing model didn't make sense anymore.
It was a hopeless sort of exhilaration, a kind of arrogance born of fatalism, I guess, of the feeling that if you could lose a couple of parents in a month, then basically anything could happen, at any time — all bullets bear your name, all cars are there to crush you, any balcony could give way; more disaster seemed only logical.
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