Sentences with phrase «only skin parasite»

Fleas are not the only skin parasite capable of causing itchy open lesions on cats.

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These parasites not only cause discomfort, scratching, and skin infections but can also transmit several serious diseases like Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Anaplasmosis, Erlichiosis, Babeseosis, Tularemia, Typhus, Plague, Hemobartonellosis, Bartonellosis, and more.
They can not only cause skin irritation for your cat, but can also carry serious diseases that threaten your cat's health such as parasites that infect blood cells.
External parasites such as fleas and ticks are not only itchy and annoying but can result in allergies, skin infections and anemia.
So, once you're seeing fleas, your pet is not only in discomfort from the biting, blood - sucking parasites, but he may also be suffering from flea allergy dermatitis and skin infection that often occurs secondary to flea bites.
Again, the very small doses of ivermectin used in heartworm prevention are not included in this cautionary statement; this only applies to the high dose protocols used to treat skin parasites.
These troublesome parasites not only cause problems with the skin, but they possess the ability to transmit a number of diseases to your pet.
Interestingly, most dogs have demodex mites on their skin, but the parasite only causes problems for dogs that have weakened immune systems, are malnourished or are under stress.
These breeds are not at risk for trouble when using the low - dose heartworm preventive products, but only when using the off - label skin parasite protocols.
Bathing not only helps keep your pup's skin healthy and their coat free of dirt, it also allows you to check them for harmful parasites.
Anyway, the gist of it is, Quiet has to have as much of her skin showing as possible because some kind of parasite makes it so she can only breathe through her skin.
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