Sentences with phrase «only small amounts of carbohydrates»

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And then when the food sensitivities were cleared up and I was finally able to eat bread again, I made the decision to only do so on a very limited basis, because I decided I felt better when I only ate small amounts of gluten and starchy carbohydrates.
Your carbs should only come from fiber - rich complex carbohydrates, meaning mostly vegetables, low - sugar fruits, and small amounts of whole grains.
To maintain a steady blood sugar level you'd need to eat complex, fibrous carbohydrates and plenty of protein — the problem is though that these foods can trigger discomfort and can only be eaten in small amounts due to their volume.
However, if you eat a very low carbohydrate diet, you will need to make blood glucose out of protein, instead, because we can only make very small amounts of glucose from fat.
In order to achieve the state of ketosis, you are only allowed to eat a small amount of carbohydrate energy from fruits and starchy vegetables.
Many of them include only a small amount of complex carbohydrates that will not be turned immediately into fat and with zero sugar included whatsoever.
Fiber is a subset of carbohydrates, but separated because it's largely indigestible — your body only gets a small amount of calories from certain forms of fiber.
Fruits and vegetables are not your only source of vitamin K. Small amounts of vitamin K can also be found in traditional protein and carbohydrate sources.
Only a very small amount is carbohydrate (~ 2 % - most of it coming from eating stored liver and muscle glycogen)(ref) The cat's normal rodent diet is about 66 % water.
Although these animals should be offered a predominantly high - fiber diet in the form of unlimited amounts of hay with some greens, too many are given ad - lib, high - carbohydrate pellets with only small amounts of hay.
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