Sentences with phrase «only subjective assessment»

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Therefore, it is only possible to understand money demand by considering the subjective assessments of individuals.
They know that most teachers want to be effective and that data - based performance assessments should be combined with classroom observation and other subjective measures not only to hold teachers accountable but also to help them improve their performance.
* According to the Berkeley group, the Earth's surface temperature will have risen (on average) slightly less than what indicated by NASA, NOAA and the Met Office * Differences will be on the edge of statistical significance, leaving a lot open to subjective interpretation * Several attempts will be made by climate change conformists and True Believers to smear the work of BEST, and to prevent them from publishing their data * After publication, organised groups of people will try to cloud the issue to the point of leaving the public unsure about what exactly was found by BEST * New questions will be raised regarding UHI, however the next IPCC assessment's first draft will be singularly forgetful of any peer - reviewed paper on the topic * We will all be left with a slightly - warming world, the only other certitude being that all mitigation efforts will be among the stupidest ideas that ever sprung to human mind.
Regarding the feeder driver position, the majority notes that Blood's tentative notation that Faidley was capable of performing the job was only «a preliminary subjective opinion, unsupported by objective evidence, not materially different than the employee's subjective assessment that was insufficient to create a material dispute with his physician's restrictions...,» and unable to overcome the substantial objective evidence of the plaintiff's medical restrictions.
The Court of Appeal's recent decision in Victory Motors provides important clarification to not only the assessment of contaminated properties for property tax purposes, but also to the consideration of objective value versus subjective value in assessment more broadly.
At the final assessment significant subjective improvement («much improved» or «very much improved») was reported by 60 % (18/30) of the patients who received cognitive behaviour therapy and 23 % (7/30) of the patients who had only medical care.
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