Sentences with phrase «onto the next game»

When it is all said and done, and I put Pure away to go onto my next game to review, I will look back at my time with Pure and smile.
Get over it, move onto the next game, try to make signings.
The developers of Battlefield 1 have revealed some changes coming to the game's model in June, presumably to shift focus onto the next game in the series.
And the way he defended his team mates and put the focus straight onto the next game after West Brom speaks volumes about his character.
And, presumably, every single United player was desperate to get onto the next game and manufacture a result to match their performance.
FPS and Racing games are two of the most popular genres so the new games sell lots of units; making used copies easier to find when the person moves onto the next game.
Wenger needs to trust youth a bit too, bellerin starts, gabriel over mert... onto the next game
Well, onto the next game, it only gets better.
At the end, matters is we are playing well and hopefully we carry it onto next game vs Juve.
Stop moaning and onto the next game.
Oh well that's gone now... onto the next game.
Onto the next game.
Tomorrow's game against Reading is one such game that Arsenal need to produce enough of a performance to win and then leave, and move onto the next game.
4Gamer: So people who have played Wind Waker HD can expect some of those elements to carry over onto the next game.
We have got to take that on - board, we can't ignore that, and we have to take that onto the next game when we make the next Resident Evil.
YO: The idea was that the first project milestone was Space Harrier, and if that went well, then we'd move onto the next game.
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