Sentences with phrase «open assets»

The notion of Open assets protocol or «Colored Coins» is associated with the idea that individual satoshis can be «colored» to represent a certain asset using the bitcoin blockchain.
Unlike other decentralized asset trading platforms, Nasdaq plans to utilize the colored coin protocol Open Assets based on the Bitcoin blockchain instead of developing an alternative blockchain or digital currency.
Colored coins» open assets protocol operates on top of the Bitcoin protocol, which enables users to mark Bitcoins as tokens for a variety of uses and assets.
Blockstream drives innovation in the industry of open assets and smart contracts implemented into the blockchain.
With this new sharing economy, you can defy the law of physics by scaling faster with excess capacity, tap exponential learning, and the benefits of shared open assets versus problems of open assets.
While the traditional cloud mining business model seems to be broken by the need for trust or third - party services, GetHashing introduces a whole new model of crowd cloud mining entirely built around the blockchain technology and the Open Assets Protocol.
When you open the asset store for the first time, it may ask you to log in.
LoC employee... Ed Summers had created a powerful and useful demonstration of how applying Linked Data principles to a LoC dataset such as the Library of Congress Subject Headings could deliver an open asset to add value to other systems...
Nicolas Dorier is the CTO of Metaco, an open asset (colored coin) company that helps financial institutions emit fiat currency on the blockchain.
Coin Sciences first built CoinSpark libraries and toolkits, which included a colored coins protocol, to add functionality to The Bitcoin Blockchain, similar to Open Assets.
Dorier recently posted some thoughts about using payment hubs in combination with the Open Asset protocol on the Coinprism blog.
Lombrozo has outlined multiple use cases of the Lightning Network, which is empowered by these new protocol changes, and Dorier noted how his own company, Metaco, will combine payment hubs with the Open Asset protocol to allow colored coins to be sent for free in an off - chain environment.
The authors of the much - discussed Bitcoin Sidechains paper «Enabling Blockchain Innovations with Pegged Sidechains,» released in October, have formed the company Blockstream to develop new ways to accelerate innovation in digital currencies, open assets and smart contracts.
Colored coins are part of an Open Assets Protocol, which means you can attach an additional value to bitcoins.
According to HAW, the market utilizes the Open Assets Protocol - known more commonly as «colored coins» - in order to signify commodified rights of redemption to a particular loan.'s own implementation of the open assets protocol, which is a version of the colored coins concept, will be used to test these various use cases, making this an implementation where the public Bitcoin blockchain (not a permissioned ledger) is being used.
The name of the technology is Open Assets.
Using Open Assets, bitcoins can be specially marked to represent other assets on the blockchain.
Bitcoin's open asset protocol (OAP) is designed for deploying non-currency assets on the public blockchain.
First announced last year as a proof of concept (PoC) built with bitcoin's open asset protocol, the project is now approaching a possible launch, CoinDesk has learned.
The test used the Open Assets Protocol, a commonly deployed implementation of colored coins that provides an added layer of functionality to the bitcoin blockchain.
In order to test the various use cases,'s own implementation of the open assets protocol will be used.'s own implementation of the open assets protocol, which is a version of the colored coins concept, will be used to test these various use cases, making this an implementation where the public Bitcoin blockchain (not a permissioned ledger) is being used.
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