Sentences with phrase «open chromatin»

The application of next - gen sequencing to RNA libraries (RNA - Seq), chromatin immunoprecipitates (CHiP - Seq), bisulfite - treated DNA, and regions of open chromatin (DNAse - Seq) makes it possible to interrogate many aspects of the genome in high - throughput fashion.
Additionally, we found that DNA loss events tended to be smaller than DNA gain events suggesting that they were able to accumulate in gene - rich open chromatin regions due to their reduced capacity to interrupt gene regulatory architecture.
At sites of UV damage, E2F1 recruits the histone acetyltransferase GCN5, which acetylates histone H3K9 in order to open chromatin structure and increase accessibility to the damaged site by the DNA repair machinery.
TCF - 1 ultimately opens chromatin so that DNA can be read to make proteins, and it also keeps chromatin open so that subsequent factors can access DNA to make protein that guide a maturing T cell to its final identity.
Thus, regional / species specific variation in DNA gain and loss are primarily driven by clade specific / recent transposons interacting with open chromatin either in the male germ line, female germ line or early embryo.
We found that DNA loss was associated with gene - rich open chromatin regions and DNA gain events with gene - poor closed chromatin regions.
Rather than finding three different patterns of open chromatin however, the experiments found that all three were pretty much the same.
Depending on the tissue type and what jobs that tissue is doing, distinct portions of DNA are unspooled to become available for activity through a structure called open chromatin, said Gregory Crawford, an associate professor of pediatrics and expert on gene expression.
Gaspar - Maia, A., Alajem, A., Polesso, F., Sridharan, R., Mason, M. J., Heidersbach, A., Ramalho - Santos, J., McManus, M. T., Plath, K., Meshorer, E., Ramalho - Santos, M. Chd1 regulates open chromatin and pluripotency of embryonic stem cells.
To be also able to characterize the single cell genome and epigenome, we are developing new approaches for the identification of somatic alterations or open chromatin states.
Trowbridge hypothesized that analyzing open chromatin in bulk tumor cells could provide a possible improved method to identify cancer cell of origin because of the cell - type specificity of chromatin structure.
This is consistent with a model in which DNA gain and loss results in turnover or «churning» in regulatory element dense regions of open chromatin, where interruption of regulatory elements is selected against.
TCF - 1 opens chromatin so that DNA can be read to make proteins, and keeps chromatin open so that subsequent factors can access DNA to make protein that guide a maturing T cell to its final identity.
It then becomes possible to search for the reduced nucleosomal crosslinking associated with open chromatin and regulatory DNA.
These open chromatin regions are known to be key locations in the genome that control which genes are expressed and which aren't.
Having established some understanding of the open chromatin landscape in healthy mice, the researchers now hope to figure out how these relationships change with disease states.
In the early embryo, TH2A and TH2B bind to DNA and induce an open chromatin structure in the paternal genome, thereby contributing to its activation after fertilization.
The research published today shows that BPTF is part of a regulatory system that opens chromatin and changes gene expression, specifically in mammary stem cells.
Thus, the FANTOM5 dataset nicely complements the open chromatin, CHiP - Seq, and RNA - seq data generated by the ENCODE project.
First, hot spots for DNA gains and losses occur in different compartments; loss hot spots in open chromatin / regulatory regions and gain hot spots in heterochromatin.
It was previously believed that embryonic stem cells had lots of open chromatin (euchromatin), but this was not a proven theory.
The DNase I restriction enzyme cleaves regions of open chromatin, and it preferentially does so at places where, nearby, there are non-histone proteins bound to DNA.
Regulatory elements tend to occur in regions of open chromatin (euchromatin), where they are accessible to transcription factors and other proteins.
The ENCODE Project is perhaps the most visible consortium effort in the United States, employing a variety of high - throughput genomic technologies such as RNA sequencing (expression), DNase I sequencing (open chromatin), and CHiP - Seq (DNA - protein interactions).
Tumor cells exhibit nuclear enlargement, opened chromatin and multiple nucleoli.
Every cancer starts with a single cell, and Jackson Laboratory (JAX) researchers have found a precise and reliable way — whole - genome profiling of open chromatin — to identify the kind of cell that leads to a given case of leukemia, a valuable key to cancer prognosis and outcome.
Every type of cell has a characteristic chromatin structure that includes closed chromatin, which is tightly wound around nucleosomes and is relatively inactive, and open chromatin, looser stretches of the material that interact with regulatory elements encoded in DNA.
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