Sentences with phrase «open cluster located»

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The loose speckling of stars in this new ESO image is the open star cluster IC 4651, located within the Milky Way, in the constellation of Ara (The Altar), about 3000 light - years away.
One such beauty is NGC 299, an open star cluster located within the Small Magellanic Cloud just under 200,000 light - years away.
Open clusters are located in the spiral arms or the disks of galaxies.
The Soul Nebula is an open cluster of stars surrounded by a cloud of dust and gas over 150 light - years across and located about 6,500 light - years from Earth in the constellation Cassiopeia, near the Heart Nebula.
Located in the constellation Taurus the Bull, the Pleiades is an open cluster of stars about 400 light years distant.
This star is located only about 11.8 light - years (ly) from our Sun, Sol, just north of the center (08:29:48 +26:46.7, ICRS 2000.0) of Constellation Cancer, the Crab — northwest of the famous open star cluster M 44 (also known as the Beehive Cluster and Praesepe, Latin for «Manger») and Ascellus Australis (Delta Ccluster M 44 (also known as the Beehive Cluster and Praesepe, Latin for «Manger») and Ascellus Australis (Delta CCluster and Praesepe, Latin for «Manger») and Ascellus Australis (Delta Cancri).
To find NGC 891, you have to locate two objects, M34 (open cluster) in Perseus and the yellow - blue double star Gamma Andromedae.
This region is located west of Alnasl (Gamma2 Sagittarii) and W (Gamma1) Sagittarii, and Kaus Media (Delta Sagittarii); northwest of Kaus Australis (Epsilon Sagittarii); southwest of the Lagoon Nebula (M8) and open cluster NGC 6530; southeast of Kaus Borealis (Lamda Sagittarii) and Nunki (Sigma Sagittarii); and south of the Trifid Nebula (M20).
Messier 46 (M46) is an open star cluster located in the southern constellation Puppis, the Stern.
Opened in June 2012, located on the southwest corner of Gili Meno and just a five minute stroll to the beach, this cluster of wonderful island bungalows is surrounded by nature.
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