Sentences with phrase «open confrontation with»

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In any case, it wasn't I who challenged David Daniell on that occasion but Miola himself in his subsequent paper, and it was their confrontation on the opening day that made the conference so memorable, with a clear victory on «the Catholic side.»
The empty chair method can also help in working through feelings about people who are still alive but with whom direct confrontation is either impossible or probably unproductive — e.g., a rigid boss on a job you still want to keep, an aged parent with whom an open confrontation would be destructive, or an ex-spouse toward whom one has energy - wasting resentments.
I expressed my views in this regard on WhatsApp last weekend, «Any country in which its elites consider re-electing a president like Buhari just as thousands of citizens are murdered across the country with not a single person arrested; a president who can not make an intelligent conversation on any policy or global issue with other global leaders; a president whose EFCC and DSS engage in open confrontation; a regime which crippled the economy and relies on cyclical movements in oil prices as its sole economic lever; a regime under which 10 million jobs are lost; and key accusations against top officials are treated with levity; just as the regime appears complicit in the invasion of its senate by thugs and seizure of mace... such a country is in serious trouble, that is if it isn't doomed.
Aside from constantly vying for status, both for themselves and for their gangs, they tend to avoid open mass confrontations with rival troops, instead relying on surprise attacks.
The experience opens with a bombastic, but not - entirely - serious confrontation between a power - hungry Lego figure named Lord Business (Will Ferrell, back in evil - with - a-wink «Megamind» mode) and good wizard Vitruvius (Morgan Freeman, poking fun at every voice - of - authority figure he's ever played) for a force that gives whoever possesses it control of the entire Lego universe.
«Each generation has its own epic confrontations it must deal with,» narrates Cleve Jones (Guy Pearce) over the opening scenes of Dustin Lance Black's When We Rise.
After that opening confrontation, Adonis winds up in the care of Apollo's wife, Mary Anne (Phylicia Rashad), growing up with luxury but also relative anonymity out in Los Angeles.
FX's «Atlanta» — magnificently conceived by and starring Donald Glover — doesn't begin so much as it simply happens, opening with a confrontation in a convenience - store parking lot and immediately shifting to morning light, where Glover, as Earnest «Earn» Marks, wakes from a dream next to Van (Zazie Beetz), the mother of his baby daughter, Lottie.
A scarred veteran of the entrepreneurial trenches with many vivid stories to recount in private, Whittle has learned to eschew confrontation and employ feel - good rhetoric, even writing in an open letter to union leaders, «Though teachers are your primary constituency, I know that your organizations care deeply about children, too.»
This is far better than the alternative of trying to take them on in the open with small arms fire, a confrontation that is more than likely going to go badly for you.
Art often seeks the confrontation with traditional perspectives and ideas and thus opens up spaces that also call for greater tolerance, openness and reflection.
Using Empathic Confrontation and Schema Mode Work with Treatment Teams to Create a Safe and Open Ward Climate
If this isn't enough evidence to convince you to adopt the open confrontation strategy and avoid the avoidance / withdrawal strategy in your own breakups, consider this: people who had been dumped via open confrontation were less angry with their partners, whereas people who had been dumped using avoidance / withdrawal were angrier with their ex-partners.
Avoidance strategies were associated with the most recalled anger in reaction to the breakup; open confrontation was associated with the least.
Skill Class 3: Using Emphatic Confrontation and Schema Mode Work with Treatment Teams to Create a Safe and Open Ward Climate
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