Sentences with phrase «open frontier»

Advances in DNA sequencing, coupled with high - end computation, are opening a frontier in new knowledge.
The missionary movement was committed to overcome all distances, to cross all barriers, to open all frontiers with the message of the kingdom.
In fact, what began as a program only for writers of mystery, science fiction, fantasy, romance, and thrillers in April 2011, this week is blowing open its frontiers to authors in more than 60 categories.
In the rustic 1914 settings of New Austin, Nuevo Paraiso and West Elizabeth — fictional territory that lies on the border of the U.S.A. and Mexico — there's a giant open frontier for gamers to explore, with content that stretches as far as the horizon itself.
He also compared the bill to a historic 1862 act, which opened the frontiers to gold mining and lumber.
«The Hateful Eight» is really about America trying to put together its pieces after the Civil War, and there are few better places to show that than in the wide - open frontier.
While men get most of the small business financing elsewhere, when it comes to the open frontier of crowdfunding, women are indisputably platform bosses.
It's an open frontier which is being crossed all the time.
«Every frontier enclosing the living space of a living thing is an open frontier.
«In a globalising world, for the EU to revisit its own fundamental principles of open markets and open frontiers would amount to self - harm.
These could be used to build superconducting power lines, or even extremely strong magnets, which Balicas says could «open frontiers» in magnetic scanning of everything from gene structure to brain activity.
From what we've seen, there's going to be a lot of land to explore in RDR2 and large swaths of that will be open frontier.
Both tablets use a customized version of Android 4.0, providing an environment that's not quite as hand - holding protective as Apple's walled garden, but is definitely not a window to the open frontier of ordinary Android.
Precarity is endemic to the batture's marshy soil, but freed from public and private property law, it is also an open frontier, a space for collective exploration.
Yet while the authenticity of the paintings in Bay Area Abstraction is a testament to their achievement, in their own ways they confirm what Irving Sandler identified as «a feeling of America in Still's painting,» with his abstractions «replacing the American West as the open frontier
Miami was such a wide - open frontier that we were able to buy a 45,000 - square - foot former DEA facility,» which they converted into the Rubell Family Collection, «for less than it cost to get a storage space in Manhattan.»
... unlike the European case, where there was a balance in size and power among the states involved in opening frontiers, there is no such balance between Canada and the United States.
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