Sentences with phrase «open his mouth wide»

He opens his mouth wide to offer a resonant laugh that sounds like the noise karate champions make while kicking through a piece of wood: «Hi - yah!
As soon as I had this horrifying thought, Jesus looked me in the eyes and then opened His mouth wide.
Crispy golden brown bread on the outside, gooey oozing cheese and dripping BBQ chicken on the inside — open your mouth wide and take it all in!
Like most spice enthusiasts, I've been willing to open my mouth wide to nearly all offerings of new spicy condiments.
If it seems to help, tell your baby to «open wide» and show him by opening your mouth wide.
After gently breaking your baby's latch, open his mouth wide and then latch him back on again.
A nursing baby must open their mouth wide and place their tongue forward over their bottom jaw to properly latch on.
When baby feeds make sure that she is opening her mouth wide and taking as much of the nipple into her mouth as possible.
Wait until she opens her mouth wide so you can get enough of the nipple into the mouth to make nursing comfortable.
The best way to know is that the baby actually drinks at the breast for several minutes at each feeding (open mouth wide — pause — close mouth type of suck).
To begin simply put the baby belly to belly and help them open their mouth wide and place the nipple in their mouth.
This reflex causes the baby to open his mouth wide in anticipation of breastfeeding.
Some babies seem to clamp their jaws closed or have a difficult time opening their mouths wide.
When he no longer drinks at the breast (open mouth wide — then pause — then close mouth type of suck).
The baby must learn to open his mouth wide in order to by - pass the nipple and close his gums farther back on the breast.
As with the cross-over hold, stimulate the baby to open her mouth wide, and bring her onto the breast.
If the lower lip is right below the nipple base, when he opens his mouth wide, he is only going to latch onto the nipple.
But now, I have a bit of an issue getting him to open his mouth wide for a latch.
Recently I have noticed that Jack has become so comfortable with the sucking motions on my breast that when I give him a bottle or pacifier he opens his mouth wide as if I am giving him my breast and he needs to adjust (not the other way around!).
I still remember begging her to open her mouth wide, and hoping that the pain would stop.
When a baby is getting milk (he is not getting milk just because he has the breast in his mouth and is making sucking movements), you will see a pause at the point of his chin after he opens to the maximum and before he closes his mouth, so that one suck is (open mouth wide — > pause — > close mouth).
She seemed to be very scared in opening her mouth wide enough to cover the base of my areola to achieve the perfect latch.
When the babe opens the mouth wide, bring the baby to the breast from below in the same way one would eat a thick sandwich.
• Baby needs to open the mouth WIDE and the breast is to be offered when the mouth is the widest.
The way to do get the baby to open his mouth wide is to run your nipple, still pointing to the roof of the baby's mouth, along the baby's mouth, very lightly, from one corner of the mouth to the other.
Train him to open his mouth wide enough for your nipple to reach the soft palate near the back of his mouth.
Before you leave the hospital, you should be shown that your baby is latched on properly, and that he is actually getting milk from the breast and that you know how to know he is getting milk from the breast (open mouth wide — pause — close mouth type of suck).
Also her neck and jaw were very tight, so opening her mouth wide was a challenge.
They might even open their mouth wide to have a bite of your lunch items.
He doesn't open his mouth wide.
If he doesn't open his mouth wide, simply don't give him the bottle.
As well as the refusal to open his mouth wide, Alex also liked to: eat his hands, push his head away from me instead of towards the milk machines, scream and then clamp his mouth closed whenever I put him near my boob and just generally fight me when it came to feeding times.
The baby will root, or turn his head toward the stroking and open his mouth wide.
Touch her upper lip with your nipple, and, when she opens her mouth wide, pull her onto your breast, holding your breast for support.
I think it helped when he just got a bit bigger and could open his mouth wider!
Being in this position should cause him to open his mouth wide like a yawn, tilt his head back and keep his tongue down.
Once your baby opens his mouth wide, like a yawn, pull him on to the breast in one movement.
When babies come to the breast, they tilt their heads back as they open their mouths wide, like a yawn, and stick their tongues out.
My son was super lazy and just about refused to open his mouth wide, so we did a lot of «nipple feeding» rather than «breast feeding» in the beginning.
Kinda hard for a kid with no front teeth to eat... or for some of the littler ones to even open their mouths wide enough to bite in... and of course, a kid can't bring, or get from the cafeteria, anything to cut food with.
Carefully reposition your baby making sure that he opens his mouth wide before he «latches - on».
Get Your Baby to Open Wide If you tickle your baby's bottom lip with the nipple, your baby should open his mouth wide.
It may take several attempts before your baby opens her mouth wide enough and latches on properly, but persistence and patience on your part will teach her how to do this correctly and minimize your discomfort.
To get the baby to open her mouth wide for latch - on, stroke the middle of her lips (especially the lower lip) with your nipple tip to elicit the rooting reflex.
Brush baby's nose with nipple to encourage them to open mouth wide then swiftly bring baby to nipple to latch on.
None of my babies opened their mouths wide enough so with my third I finally figured out how to use the knuckle of the hand that inserted the nipple to nudge open the chin wide enough for her to get a good latch.
Brush the teat against your baby's lips and, when your they open their mouth wide, let them draw in the teat.
My newborn son had trouble latching, it would be hard to get him to open his mouth wide enough to get a deep latch.
In this condition a baby can't get a good latch because their tongue is stuck to the bottom of their mouth by a band of tissue and they can't open their mouth wide enough or keep their tongue over the lower gum while sucking.
To ensure a proper latch, especially during teething, remind your baby to open his mouth wide before clamping onto the breast.
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