Sentences with phrase «open ocean ecosystems»

While much research on the effects of shallow coastal dead zones has been published, little is understood on how this expansion will affect open ocean ecosystems.
Located at the heart of the Sulu Sea, the marine park is 33,200 hectares of coral atoll, barely emergent islets, and open water, and constitutes a unique complete open ocean ecosystem.

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Life Cycles of the Seas» exhibit; and the eye - opening «Sea Debris: Awareness through Art,» which reveals the amount of waste dumped into our oceans every year and the impact it has on our coast's ecosystems.
A pioneering study — led by scientists from Imperial College London in collaboration with marine biologists from UC Santa Barbara — found that the predators, through their fecal material, transfer vital nutrients from their open ocean feeding grounds into shallower reef environments, contributing to the overall health of these fragile ecosystems.
Their observations will be the first to shed light on the impacts of ocean acidification on the nutrient - poor open, the largest ecosystem on our planet.
Climate change threatens ocean ecosystems, food security and economic development alike, Indonesia's Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries said in his opening speech (Xinhuanet).
«The open oceans are a major global commons and require effective international cooperation and governance,» GEO - 5's authors relate, and comprising 71 percent of the earth's surface, «the potential collapse of oceanic ecosystems requires an integrated and ecosystem - based approach to ocean governance.»
Removal of floating plastic debris from the open ocean can cause substantial impacts on marine ecosystems.
Whereas these effects on open - ocean pH are calculated to be minor, they can be higher, at rates of 0.02 — 0.12 × 10 − 3 pH units per year (< 10 % of OA by anthropogenic CO2), in coastal ecosystems (Doney et al. 2007), where atmospheric deposition is intense and the waters can be more weakly buffered.
The strong controls that ecosystem metabolism and watershed processes exert on the pH in coastal ecosystems suggest that strategies based on the management of ecosystem components and watershed processes may help buffer the impacts of OA by anthropogenic CO2 locally, an option not available for the open ocean.
Coastal ecosystems with attenuated or low - level watershed influences, such as Antarctic ecosystems and those adjacent to arid regions, are expected to show patterns consistent with OA by anthropogenic CO2 as they typically show little pH variability comparable to open - ocean waters (Hofmann et al. 2011; Matson et al. 2011; Falter et al. 2013).
The reason for this conclusion is that, unlike the open ocean, pCO2 in coastal ecosystems is not necessarily in equilibrium with the atmosphere at even annual timescales and many coastal ecosystems emit CO2 into the atmosphere (Laruelle et al. 2010; Cai 2011).
Thus, predictions of future trajectories of pH in coastal ecosystems are still highly uncertain even though model predictions can provide reliable predictions for the future trajectories of open - ocean pH and, thereby, the open - ocean end - member affecting coastal pH. Moreover, we argue that even the expectation that the component of coastal pH change associated with OA from anthropogenic CO2 will follow the same pattern as that in the open ocean is not necessarily supported.
In contrast, the revised paradigm of anthropogenic impacts on seawater pH accommodates the full range of realized and future trends in pH of both open - ocean and coastal ecosystems and provides an improved framework to understand and model the dynamic pH environment of coastal ecosystems, with observed daily fluctuations often exceeding the range of mean pH values estimated for the open ocean as a consequence of OA during the twenty - first century by GCMs (Price et al. 2012; Tables 1 and 2).
Ocean - dominated systems, such as the open - ocean and coastal ecosystems adjacent to arid land (e.g. those in Antarctica and adjacent to arid regions, such as NW Australia; Falter et al. 2013) and very small watersheds, such as those in atolls and small islands, will likely reflect the open - ocean pH and Ω dynamics (Falter et al. 2Ocean - dominated systems, such as the open - ocean and coastal ecosystems adjacent to arid land (e.g. those in Antarctica and adjacent to arid regions, such as NW Australia; Falter et al. 2013) and very small watersheds, such as those in atolls and small islands, will likely reflect the open - ocean pH and Ω dynamics (Falter et al. 2ocean and coastal ecosystems adjacent to arid land (e.g. those in Antarctica and adjacent to arid regions, such as NW Australia; Falter et al. 2013) and very small watersheds, such as those in atolls and small islands, will likely reflect the open - ocean pH and Ω dynamics (Falter et al. 2ocean pH and Ω dynamics (Falter et al. 2013).
Consequently, models offering projections of future ocean pH and the saturation state of carbonate minerals only resolve adequately the open ocean and thus are incapable of resolving even the largest coastal ecosystems.
However, the conditions predicted for the open ocean may not reflect the future conditions in the coastal zone, where many of these organisms live (Hendriks et al. 2010a, b; Hofmann et al. 2011; Kelly and Hofmann 2012), and results derived from changes in pH in coastal ecosystems often include processes other than OA, such as emissions from volcanic vents, eutrophication, upwelling and long - term changes in the geological cycle of CO2, which commonly involve simultaneous changes in other key factors affecting the performance of calcifiers, thereby confounding the response expected from OA by anthropogenic CO2 alone.
This new concept of anthropogenic impacts on seawater pH formulated here accommodates the broad range of mechanisms involved in the anthropogenic forcing of pH in coastal ecosystems, including changes in land use, nutrient inputs, ecosystem structure and net metabolism, and emissions of gases to the atmosphere affecting the carbon system and associated pH. The new paradigm is applicable across marine systems, from open - ocean and ocean - dominated coastal systems, where OA by anthropogenic CO2 is the dominant mechanism of anthropogenic impacts on marine pH, to coastal ecosystems where a range of natural and anthropogenic processes may operate to affect pH.
Whereas detection of OA by anthropogenic CO2 has been achieved in open - ocean time series, we contend that it has not yet been achieved reliably in coastal ecosystems and that attribution of observed changes in vulnerable organisms to OA has been confounded in the past by failure to acknowledge the different components of anthropogenic impacts on pH possibly involved.
River - dominated systems will reflect the dynamics of the freshwater end - member, and the deviation of coastal ecosystems supporting intense metabolism from the conservative mixing lines delineated by the open - ocean and freshwater end - members will depend on water residence time and mixing processes (Anthony et al. 2011; Falter et al. 2013).
Hence, how the pH of coastal ecosystems in year 2100 will differ from current ones is difficult to predict due to lack of understanding of the average values and their variability in current environments and of the future trajectories of the multiple factors affecting coastal pH compared to the open ocean.
Contrary to the reported trends in open - ocean pH, none of the available records of long - term pH change in coastal ecosystems, that we are aware of, show the decline expected from OA alone (Provoost et al. 2010; Fig. 3).
Such changes in dust supply have the potential to significantly alter biogeochemical cycles, to impact Atlantic open - ocean ecosystems, Caribbean coral reefs, and the Amazon rainforest.
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