Sentences with phrase «open oceans as»

The ride was simply awesome seeing the blue skies, the open ocean as I left the city life to be welcomed by more than one hundred palm tress, I was so happy because I adore palm trees, it was like a dream
San Miguel Island does not receive protection from the open ocean as do the other Channel Islands.
So what do we have then... More ice not less... no «new» open ocean as it was open many decades ago (before all that nasty carbon was emitted)... and it was open many times prior to that and prior to the entire industrial revolution.
The regional heat content and heat loss to the atmosphere scale with the area of open ocean as a consequence.
In contrast, the revised paradigm of anthropogenic impacts on seawater pH accommodates the full range of realized and future trends in pH of both open - ocean and coastal ecosystems and provides an improved framework to understand and model the dynamic pH environment of coastal ecosystems, with observed daily fluctuations often exceeding the range of mean pH values estimated for the open ocean as a consequence of OA during the twenty - first century by GCMs (Price et al. 2012; Tables 1 and 2).

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An anonymous bitcoin investor known only as «Pine» has donated $ 56 million to a variety of charities, including the Sustainable Ocean Alliance and the Open Medicine Foundation, The Chronicle of Philanthropy reported this week after scoring an exclusive interview.
«The great heart of compassion» (mahakaruna - cittam) is the inmost essence of the Divine in Mahayana Buddhism, (D. T. Suzuki, Outlines of Mahayana Buddhism (London, 1907), p. 292 and passim) and this heart is open to all men; just as the light of the moon is reflected in all kinds of water, the muddiest puddle as in the crystal - clear mountain lake and the endless ocean, so this divine heart of love reveals itself in all levels of mankind.
His dream, which began as a ripple, has turned into an ocean of activity as discussions are under way with India, Nigeria, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador to open Rituals Coffee Houses.
The half - moon design of the hotel is eye - catching and functional, maintaining the ocean vista as the prime focal point, with the three - story high open - air grand entrance having that same effect — drawing your eye right to the royal blue ocean ebbing and flowing in the not - so - far distance.
Not yet designated as an official American Viticultural Area (AVA or appellation), the Petaluma Gap is a coastal mountain opening that stretches east from the Pacific Ocean, letting the wind race through the town of Petaluma and then roar south to San Pablo Bay.
Now owned by the Gates family of Stonington, Connecticut, Spicer Mansion will open in May 2016 as a carefully restored luxury boutique hotel under the direction of Ocean House Management, LLC.
Because the fishing takes place in the river itself - as opposed to the open ocean where many salmon stocks mingle - the fishermen are able to target a specific, sustainable salmon population.
As in, the hours beginning last Thursday night, which was couch - potato nirvana: NBA Finals Game 7 (highest rating since 1998), Team USA's stirring comeback against Slovenia (most TV households for a soccer match in U.S. history) and, for a snack, the U.S. Open and its ocean views.
Furthermore, some animals, including lemurs, can enter into hibernation or another energy - conserving state known as torpor, which could have aided survival on the open ocean.
«The ocean is often viewed as an open - access resource.
But the real rains start in July, as storm after storm churns and sweeps across the open plains, rinsing the dust from the air, before spinning out into the open waters of the Atlantic Ocean.
When successful, this will open a whole new avenue to investigating the ocean floor that complements traditional approaches using very large drill ships such as the JOIDES Resolution.
So you have these ships on the open ocean basically burning the nastiest stuff on Earth as they come into port — ports like the Port of Los Angeles, where you have the strong westerly wind and huge amounts of port traffic, [and] all this burning bunker fuel comes inland.
One in six shark and ray species are classified as «threatened» by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, but one in three species of open - ocean sharks are threatened.
Since the re-establishment of diplomatic relations, new opportunities for research cooperation have opened up quickly in such fields as biomedical sciences, public health, and agriculture as well as science related to ocean conservation and other environmental research.
But as firms start to test their wave - energy harvesters in the open ocean that could be about to change.
Other nations, such as Norway, have already begun fishing in newly opened Arctic waters — meaning the U.S. - controlled zone could be a very small refuge unless the government can persuade the seven other nations with Arctic Ocean claims to follow suit.
This is a big deal because it can affect so many processes that occur from the coast to the open ocean including marine organisms» lifecycles and underwater landslides,» said lead author San Diego State University Assistant Professor Jillian Maloney, who conducted this research as a post-doctoral researcher at LSU.
As the carbon makes its way downstream, some is released back into the atmosphere when it decays, while the rest makes it out to open ocean.
But now I really think this is going to transform oceanography by giving us a persistent presence in the ocean — a presence that doesn't require a boat, can operate in any weather condition, and can stay within the same water mass as it drifts around the open ocean
For this project, they and their teams are collaborating with engineers from MBARI to test new ways of adaptively sampling oceanographic features such as open - ocean eddies, swirling masses of water that move slowly across the Pacific Ocean, which can have large effects on ocean microcean eddies, swirling masses of water that move slowly across the Pacific Ocean, which can have large effects on ocean micrOcean, which can have large effects on ocean microcean microbes.
The increased wave action reaches down and stirs up sediments on shallow continental shelves, releasing radium and other chemicals that are carried up to the surface and swept away into the open ocean by currents such as the Transpolar Drift.
As a result of atmospheric patterns that both warmed the air and reduced cloud cover as well as increased residual heat in newly exposed ocean waters, such melting helped open the fabled Northwest Passage for the first time [see photo] this summer and presaged tough times for polar bears and other Arctic animals that rely on sea ice to survive, according to the U.S. Geological SurveAs a result of atmospheric patterns that both warmed the air and reduced cloud cover as well as increased residual heat in newly exposed ocean waters, such melting helped open the fabled Northwest Passage for the first time [see photo] this summer and presaged tough times for polar bears and other Arctic animals that rely on sea ice to survive, according to the U.S. Geological Surveas well as increased residual heat in newly exposed ocean waters, such melting helped open the fabled Northwest Passage for the first time [see photo] this summer and presaged tough times for polar bears and other Arctic animals that rely on sea ice to survive, according to the U.S. Geological Surveas increased residual heat in newly exposed ocean waters, such melting helped open the fabled Northwest Passage for the first time [see photo] this summer and presaged tough times for polar bears and other Arctic animals that rely on sea ice to survive, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.
The analysis revealed that, while the amount of carbon dioxide in the open ocean is increasing at the same rate as in the atmosphere, these same carbon dioxide concentrations are increasing slower in the coastal ocean.
«Our results provide direct evidence that young sea turtles can in effect exploit regional magnetic fields as open - ocean navigational markers,» the team writes.
Bottom - dwelling octopus and cuttlefish who live relatively static lives are thriving, as are squid that hover over the bottom, along with those in the open ocean that may travel thousands of kilometres from spawning to feeding sites.
Chad Lembke and colleagues at the University of South Florida in St Petersburg have designed an algorithm that enables a camera to detect the true horizon — rather than the edge of a nearby wave — even as it is tossed about in the open ocean.
Such «killer waves» form as the product of complex interactions between the frequencies and amplitudes of many different waves in the open ocean.
Like many complex systems, the open ocean can be represented as a chaotic mix of constantly changing data points.
Just as our moon's gravity squeezes and stretches the Earth a bit, causing the oceans to rise and fall, Saturn's massive gravitational pull squeezes and stretches its tiny moon, causing cracks on its icy surface to open and allowing water to shoot out.
Coastal and boundary current systems with a focus on processes that link the nearshore and continental shelf to the open ocean, such as along - and across - shore transport processes, stirring and mixing of water masses, and the coastal response to larger - scale forcing events; long - duration, high - resolution observations using autonomous underwater gliders.
The next step will be doing more lab experiments to determine what the critical mass for mixing is, as well as to actually head to sea and find out what happens in the open ocean.
We clung to the stories that cast us as victims, failed to open our hearts to how the other might be feeling, landed flat on the bottom of the ocean, got stuck in a downward spiral of judgment, blame, shame, and withdrawal, and never managed to get back up again.
I'm open, sensual, kind, gentle, romantic... a different lady, I'm a very family oriented, sensitive and tender person, I want to give all of my tenderness and care to my special man I enjoy nature, seeing the stars at night, listening to the sounds of nature, being near the water, swimming, as I love the ocean and sea, I like traveling, diving, dancing, drawing, skating and bowling, billiards, I enjoy music so much, classical and modern.
Open, sensual, kind, gentle, romantic... I am sensitive and tender person, I want to give all of my tenderness and care to my special woman, I enjoy nature, seeing the stars at night, listening to the sounds of nature, being near the water, as I love the ocean and sea, I like traveling, I enjoy musi...
Hotel Artemis will thus serve as quirky counter-programming to the star studded Ocean's Eleven franchise spinoff Ocean's 8 during its opening weekend at the domestic box office later this year.
The use of open space is also manipulated perfectly, the vast emptiness of the ocean eventually becomes overwhelming as the two leads bob up and down like human bait.
Sadly, although Detective Pikachu is a game that will take you to various locations, such as a closed down fair, a research facility, and even an ocean cruiser, you are always limited with how much you can explore, as the game is not the open world game it appears to be.
As the film opens we're introduced to skyscraper - sized automaton Gipsy Danger and her pilot Raleigh (Charlie Hunnam), as they battle against the ongoing threat from the «kaiju», monsters from another dimension who slip through a portal in the depths of the oceaAs the film opens we're introduced to skyscraper - sized automaton Gipsy Danger and her pilot Raleigh (Charlie Hunnam), as they battle against the ongoing threat from the «kaiju», monsters from another dimension who slip through a portal in the depths of the oceaas they battle against the ongoing threat from the «kaiju», monsters from another dimension who slip through a portal in the depths of the ocean.
It's breathtaking to see Zamperini (Jack O'Connell) navigate the bomb bay catwalk, a mere nine inches wide, as the bay doors open wide beneath him and only his balance prevents him from plummeting into the ocean.
Now available at Elitás Travel is the brand new Western Seabreeze, with the ability to land on a runway or the open ocean, and options to upgrade to weaponry such as a machine gun and bomb bay.
However, opening the door I was greeted by an ocean of beige in the same shade as old computers, a color that was meant to be inoffensive in offices of the 1980s and»90s.
As Fred immerses himself in the life of a pub owner, Elly takes the ferry out to a nearby island where she — to the disbelief of the locals — is consumed by her ritual of open water ocean swimming, pushing herself to the limits.
(The book's opening proclaims, «Finn lived by the sea, and the sea lived by him,» and the great golden fish describes the place where ocean meets sky as «high and low, and as deep as the sea.»)
In the opening illustration, Sadie is hiding inside a box, her head barely peeking above the top, but, as she tells readers, she's actually on a giant boat, crossing the ocean.
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