Sentences with phrase «opened after the activation»

More advanced features are opened after the activation of the premium account however it is not necessary.

Not exact matches

In the early embryo, TH2A and TH2B bind to DNA and induce an open chromatin structure in the paternal genome, thereby contributing to its activation after fertilization.
Retail card account opens at your first purchase — After you use the card, get the discount and take home the merchandise, it's too late to change your mind — the card has been activated... (See Retail card activation)
The performances as part of Art Public — «Transformer Display of Community Information and Activation» by Andrea Bowers and Olga Koumoundouros (Susanne Vielmetter Los Angeles), «Iemanjá» by Jen DeNike (Mendes Wood), and «Levitating the Fair (The Flying Merchant Ship)» by Glenn Kaino (Marlborough Gallery)-- continued after the Art Pulic Opening Night.
Secondly, the first couple of hours after activation of SegWit could open a small window for advanced types of miner attacks, which are 51 % attacks.
Additionally, the first couple of hours after activation do open a small window for advanced types of miner attacks, which resemble (or are) 51 % attacks.
We expected Microsoft to close this activation workaround soon after it was uncovered (a year ago), but as it turns out, it's still wide open.
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