Sentences with phrase «opening sun salutation»

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Asana options: Select poses that activate the hypothalamic - adrenal pathway (HPA axis to activate the parasympathetic nervous system) such as cat / cow, twists, heart opening and poses that enhance connections bringing balance between the cortico - limbic pathway (balancing the logical and emotional brains) such as sun salutations, warrior, mountain pose.
Move the energy, warm the body, and open the hips and hamstrings safely by practicing sun salutations, complete standing sequence, and the final 3 seated postures.
A primary goal of Kundalini Yoga is a spiritual awakening, so Joan Shivarpita Harrigan, a brahmacharini (Vedic nun) and director of Patanjali Kundalini Yoga Care USA in Knoxville, Tennessee, isn't at all concerned with the purely physical aspects of Sun Salutations, such as opening the hamstrings or building a tight core.
BACK TOWake Up + Revive with 3 Sun Salutation Practices See alsoBlood Moon — Inspired Heart Chakra — Opening Yoga Sequence
Warm up and prepare for this sequence with three cycles of Surya Namaskar A (Sun Salutation A), followed by two rounds of Sun Salutations that include Anjaneyasana (Low Lunge) and High Lunge to open your hip flexors.
The Sun Salutations warm up the body, and the High Lunge brings a deep stretch to the inner thighs and groin muscles in preparation for the opening to come.
In any given YogaSpark class, you might find: sun salutations, warriors, lunges, standing balancing, core work, upper body work, arm balancing, back bending, forward folding and hip - opening.
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