Sentences with phrase «opening of new schools»

«We are thankful for the support from PSP, which will ensure the successful opening of our new school
Silver said the opening of a new school is «the most eloquent way to declare victory for lower Manhattan.»
There is a world of difference between one organization's decisions to focus on its existing investments and a decision to place a nationwide moratorium on the opening of new schools.
The opening of the new school year is a cue for renewed discussion of ways to improve U.S. education.
We also set aside important issues of school capacity and potential responses to a new school choice policy (such as the opening of new schools or closing of existing ones).
This second report focuses on the opening of new school libraries and their impact on schools, teachers and students after two years of implementation of the Baltimore Elementary and Middle School Library Project (Library Project).
Last year, lack of suitable land delayed by a year the opening of new schools in housing developments in Red Lodge and Lakenheath, Suffolk.
MDE reviewed school expansions, opening of new schools, opening new sites, and like issues with little regard to the statute provisions — instead imposing its own administrative rules in wildly varying ways.
GameDesk, an organization that's developing a variety of game - based learning initiatives, is venturing into new terrain with the opening of a new school and the development of new digital tools, with millions of dollars in funding from both the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and AT&T.
The grants, to support school leaders who have shown success educating high - needs students, could fund the opening of new schools or a significant enrollment boost in existing programs.
We created a website for a charity in Peru, staying in a tiny rural Quechua community high up in the Andes that didn't even have a road, and attending the opening of a new school complete with a guinea pig feast (we skipped that part).
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