Sentences with phrase «opening process seems»

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Others like C. G. Jung in his Terry Lectures leave the way open to the religious interpretation «if we are so inclined,» but seem to regard the question as irrelevant to the healing process.
Given the latest medical data concerning the distinct characteristics of the fetus and its ability to survive outside the womb at a startlingly early age, it is little wonder that in the past few years several of the denominations that once took a more open position on abortion have retreated somewhat: the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is now studying the issue; in a 1980 statement on social principles, the UMC moved to a more qualified position; the Episcopal Church and the recently formed Evangelical Lutheran Church in America seem to be in the process of toning down their earlier positions (or those of a predecessor body) The Lutherans defeated a resolution in their 1989 Assembly which would have been consistent with the liberal position of the LCA predecessor body, and a 1988 Lutheran - Episcopal dialogue report refers to the fetus as «embryonic humanity» with claims on society.
I've been reluctant to write about this search in the past, but it seems like such a common experience, I think it's time to open up, especially now that I've had some time to process.
In other words, process cosmology describes the world simply as it is — open - ended becoming — and the questions of beginning and ending, «Alpha» and «Omega,» would seem to be out of bounds.
I didn't comment (because my experience of my closed adoption seemed different and because we are in the process of pursuing an open adoption but aren't matched yet) and am glad I did not.
OA&FS adoptive parents have shared that open and honest dialogue with their friends and families has been the most helpful approach to responding to concerns: «We had one person who had some concerns, but it was mostly due to preconceived notions and once we were able to explain the process, the love the birthmothers have when going this route, and the work that OAFS does to mitigate as many problems as possible, they seemed to come around.»
I have tried everything and nothing seems to work... the only thing that I can think of that I believe helps me is by squatting as if you are peeing and I mean like getting as low to ground as possible to really open yourself up... every time I do it... my vagina starts to hurt more and more... hoping if I keep doing that my baby can naturally start my dilation process!?! Other than that I'm just about done trying to start this labor!!
Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos, naturally, seemed more open in an interview to changing the appointments process.
It wasn't particularly newsy, although he said that the Labour party would be opening up a consultation process on its election manifesto (which he still seems to be in charge of writing).
It seemed difficult to believe that science, which is a remarkably open process, had failed to pass this knowledge on to the rest of the world.
This process might explain why open people seem to have more sensitive radars for detecting and processing all kinds of concepts, percepts and qualia.
To bygone generations, the idea of a man guiding the courting process just seemed to make sense — business, politics, trade and world affairs were already open to them, so it was logical to assume that men should take the lead in wooing the fairer sex too.
Or so it seems, until the process of navigating New York City's hyper - competitive private school system opens up a parental quagmire: could Jake's gender nonconformity be just the thing that gives their child an edge in the admissions game?
Shot in Super35, The Uninvited has been «opened up» for home viewing and seems to sacrifice a certain cinematic legitimacy in the process, with compositions becoming generic, Lifetime-esque.
When a technology support position opened at the school midyear, it seemed only fitting that students should participate in the search process.
Acutating while soaking seems to be a good idea, or rather have the valve fully opened during the process to have the cleaner reach as much of the mechanism as possible.
It's a little more complicated than some other online banks, but once you have an account open, it seems fairly simple to start multiple savings goals (just like the simple process of opening sub-accounts at ING Direct).
It be easier than keeping it vague, small and open like they make it seem rather than the cutthroat process it really has become.
This may seem like the obvious plan of action, but you'll have to go into the process with an open mind.
Riley's early curve paintings from the 1960s, which open the exhibition, shook traditional conceptions of art almost literally: their disorientating contour lines are too much for the eyes and brain to process, so that they genuinely seem to vibrate and undulate on the wall.
So this lionizing process of first obfuscating mediocrity and then elevating the mediocre and greedy and power - hungry is what Federico Solmi seems to lampoon in his visually stunning animated paintings which were one of the highlights of the Bushwick Open Studios.
For all that he might reiterate his art - as - art position, insisting on the formless, directionless, colorless, textureless, spaceless, relationless condition of the black squares, Reinhardt nonetheless seemed to think of Art as opening up some kind of back door in the mind, an expanding, pulsing awareness of the visual process itself «Tao,» he once wrote in a note to himself, «fills the whole frame yet you can not keep track of it... It is dim and dark, showing no outward form.»
Greenpeace is way off base here, and doesn't seem to understand politics — the only good thing about the bill is that it opens the door to the legislative process, allowing for better bills to move through.
There has not yet been any «deliberative process» of any sort, open, serious or otherwise, and indeed nobody seems to know what such a process would look like.
For many of us living in the Western world, the tragic story of the Kurdi family has opened our eyes to a problem that previously seemed far too distant and abstract to process.
Last, it seems like the process of computing ocean heat content is not as open as it might be.
An alternate suggestion is for you to provide a means of having the WUWT hosted Hocker post discussion @ Judith's place where there is a relatively balanced and open venue versus the ambiance @ the Cook blog that seems rather oriented toward non-independent scientific processes.
It seems like a very open and democratic process to me.
A review of the peer - edited literature reveals a systematic tendency of the climate establishment to engage in a variety of stylized rhetorical techniques that seem to oversell what is actually known about climate change while concealing fundamental uncertainties and open questions regarding many of the key process involved in climate change.
In this situation, it also seems lawyers are more likely to take shortcuts at various stages in a matter, including: • not following formal file opening process, and, in particular, not doing a proper and full conflicts of interest check; • not opening a file and doing «off - the - books» work; • not documenting the file or keeping time dockets; • skipping appropriate or necessary searches; • not following up or completing tasks to be done by client or lawyer; or • not sending interim or final accounts and reporting letters
The hearing officer is expected to apply the law as any other court would, but the relative informality of the Small Claims process inevitably leaves open the potential for some to go Solomonic and to do «what seems fair» regardless of legal niceties.
Bill 68 is entitled «The Open for Business Act» somehow this title seems to diminish «the province's responsibility to make sure that employers treat their employees according to the Employment Standards Act, pay them any outstanding amounts, and respect employee complaints — according to the proposed new process
Wisconsin boasts that it's open for business, and the process of starting and running a driving school seems straightforward and easy.
In Windows Task Manager it seems that I have multiple Chrome processes running, even though I only have one Chrome window open.
I didn't comment (because my experience of my closed adoption seemed different and because we are in the process of pursuing an open adoption but aren't matched yet) and am glad I did not.
Grief and mourning are likely part of the placement process, but enduring suffering does not seem to occur in every open adoption.
Bridget Grams: I would say they seem to be almost equally as open, but the national landlords have a much stricter process they go through.
And again, every family's Haitian adoption process seems to be a little different from the next, so we'll just continue to try our best to be open.
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