Sentences with phrase «opening salutation»

The phrase "opening salutation" refers to the initial greeting or message that is typically used when starting a written or spoken communication with someone. Full definition
Do not address your cover letter IT manager to no one — those days wherein you would normally have an opening salutation «Dear Recruiter» is like killing your chances of being employed.
If I can't find the right person, just use «Dear Hiring Manager» as the opening salutation.
«If you don't have contact information for a manager and can't find the right person to address your letter to, simply ignore the opening salutation and launch straight into your letter.»
Opening salutation: If the name of the person to submit the application to isn't noted in the job ad, try to track down the name of the hiring manager using LinkedIn, and address the letter to him / her.
You can use «Dear» as an opening salutation but if you are uncomfortable with this, you are also free to just type in the recipient's name or substitute «Dear» with «To.»
A typical cover letter would have eight parts: the header, the date, the recipient, the opening salutations, the body of the letter, the closing salutations, and finally, the signature.
After your opening salutation, use the second paragraph to relate your history and skills to the specific requirements listed in the job advertisement.
For example, do whatever it takes to avoid using the opening salutation «To whom it may concern» by instead researching (via LinkedIn) the hiring manager's name, or the department head's name.
Two spaces below the subject line, type Dear [addressee's name -LSB-: and begin your introductory paragraph two spaces after the opening salutation.
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