Sentences with phrase «operating in the flesh»

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In other words, Paul is saying that spiritual truths are spiritually discerned, but if someone's soul is operating through their flesh, they can not comprehend the spiritual.
Because they are «one flesh,» they can best operate as an entity in a hierarchical relationship.45 No reason is provided for this assertion, except the common sense of the interpreter.
While Christians rightly believe that all truth necessary for such a spiritual experience is mediated only through the revelation in Christ, they must guard against the assumption that only those who know Christ «after the flesh», that is, in the actual historical revelation, are capable of such a conversion, A «hidden Christ» operates in history.
Altizer's image of the Spirit expressing itself in flesh and Teilhard's notion of the emergence of mind from matter appear to be operating in opposite directions.
Under the terms of the agreement, the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education and the much smaller Teacher Education Accreditation Council, both based in Washington, would initially continue to operate their activities separately as they flesh out a new body incorporated recently to serve as the sole accreditor for the field.
Spending time in the operating theatre alongside a plastic surgeon, she became engrossed by the malleability of the flesh and the modifications carried out by professionals to those dissatisfied with their aesthetics.
Curated by Vincent Honoré and Nicoletta Lambertucci, the premise of Networked Flesh moves beyond human corporeity in the digital era and is more concerned with empowered bodies that operate through networks to «perform, transform, transcribe, reconfigure or reinvent» and brings works together that view fluidity within a context of positive potential.
The exhibition's three rooms at once suggest a gruesome torture centre as much as they do an operating room under the tenure of some Salvador Dalí - inspired doctor (here faces and flesh lie where once he might have hung a clock), they also recall the explicit photography of Robert Mapplethorpe, as in Extruder (# 1)(2017), in which the dark purple cast of a mouth swallows a pole; behind that face, a cast of an ass — with a gaping hole for an anus — extends upward on a metal wishbone.
These officers are clearly «gamers,» far removed from the flesh and blood of a human child, and operating perhaps from the basement of their parent's home, or in some silo in the mountains of British Columbia dealing out BIOC decisions with the compassion of those who fly drones into Afghanistan from holes somewhere in the midwest of the United States.
The company was able to get its hands on a wearable operating system and thus flesh out its upcoming Ionic smartwatch in order to better compete with the Apple Watch and Android Wear watches.
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