Sentences with phrase «operational failures»

For the transportation industry, predicting operational failures before they occur cuts down on the high costs that come with lost productivity and limited performance.
For starters, there were certain operational failures, some of which — like menu creep — had been decades in the making.
dirty trick, to throw a wrench into the GOP's party for yesterday; and then to remind everyone of Bush 2's Katrina operational failure.
It does seem like you're suffering due to contractual and operational failures of UPS, but your recourse is against the merchant you paid for the goods, because you also paid them for delivery.
Anthem (antm) had sued Express Scripts (esrx) in March last year, accusing it of charging too much for drugs and operational failures.
«We didn't have any mechanical failures or operational failures and I think we are the only team, no?
He said he viewed his new role, which is expected to be formally announced Thursday along with other Council committee assignments for the next four years, as focused on prodding a «complacent bureaucracy» to better provide city services and dig «deep into the operational failures of city government.»
New York City's pension system, which encompasses $ 160 billion in retirement funds, is rife with problems that leave it vulnerable to an «operational failure,» according to an independent report commissioned by the city comptroller's office.
Since there is currently no fracking in Britain, the PHE report examined evidence from countries such as the United States, most of which it said suggested any risk to health is typically due to operational failure.
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