Sentences with phrase «opiates which»

A pervasive theme of Marxists vis - à - vis religion is the identification of the church with that bourgeois society which will wither away; more to the point, the church is identified as that, opiate which robs people of the revolutionary fervor that causes the withering.
It is an opiate which helps us ignore the massive social injustices and economic inequalities which block the fulfillment of the God - given potentialities of millions of our brothers and sisters on Spaceship Earth.
Lettuce has an opiate which helps to activate various sex hormones.

Not exact matches

He also subscribes to the «religion is the opiate of the masses» philosophy and believes only the weak and those of limited intellectual capacity need the «crutch» of religion to explain that which they can not understand.
For those babies born addited to opiates, the number of which is on the rise... tell me how they would avoid that?
It is this which makes religion an opiate in a situation which cries out desperately for social reform.
Every dictator which includes Stalin, Hitler, Lenin, etc.... held no particular religious belief, but instead looked upon religion as the «opiate of the people».
In addition endorphins, which are natural opiate - like substances, dull the pain as a result of which the discomfort of intense physical exertion is better tolerated.
Often, these are based on the misuse of opiates, which has given them a bad name.
In an interesting chapter on the Marxian theme of religion as the «opiate of the people», Jose Miguez Bonino welcomes the criticism «as a valid warning against the self - deception and confusion which so easily creep into a political programme of any sort when it is clothed in religious language».
Religion which has not lost its utopianism is the opposite of the opiate of the people.
But — and this is a huge qualifier — if that message of justification by God's undeserved love is preached apart from an unmasking of the actual power relations which have aggravated these feelings to the level of a social neurosis; if people are released from the rat race of upward mobility only privatistically, with no critique of the economic and social ideology that stimulates such desperate cravings; if people are liberated from a bad sense of themselves without any sense of mission to change the conditions that waste human beings in such a way, then justification by faith becomes a mystification of the actual power relations, and the Christian gospel is indeed the opiate of the masses.
That year he posed a theory that the warm afterglow and the constant craving for chile are due to capsaicin triggering the release of the body's natural painkillers called endorphins, which have been called «the body's natural opiates,» are the cause of the so - called runner's high, and are capable of turning a painful experience into a pleasurable one.
«We need to get to medicating with bio-based medicine, which is plant - based medicine, because we can not continue down this path that we're going with the opiates and benzodiazepines, or else we're going to lose a generation.»
These studies show little difference between epidural and nonepidural (usually opiate - exposed) babies in terms of Apgar score and umbilical - cord pH, both of which reflect the baby's condition at birth.78 However, a large - population survey from Sweden found that use of an epidural was significantly associated with a low Apgar score at birth.79
There are few studies of the condition of epidural babies at birth, and almost all of these compare babies born after epidurals with babies born after exposure to opiate drugs, which are known to cause drowsiness and difficulty with breathing.
Depending on how the flower's seeds are harvested or extracted, they can either become safe seasonings for food * or * opiates (which are classified under opioids).
Her labour lasted about 24 hours, during which time a junior doctor gave her far too much pethidine — an opiate — particularly in the later stages of labour.
It also called for countries to decriminalise programmes which provide clean needles and syringes and encouraged opiate substitution treatment for people who are dependant.
The measures, unveiled at a news conference on Tuesday, include the enactment of «Laree's Law» which would create the crime of homicide by sale of opiate controlled substance.
Through the efforts of the our Central Police Services Forensics lab, critical investigative information was provided to the DEA which directly resulted in the opiate derivatives U47700, Furanyl Fentanyl and Butyryl Fentanyl being added to the list of federally controlled substances.
Major reforms approved by the state legislature in the $ 189 million package include increasing treatment beds, limiting the length for which opiate - based medications can be prescribed and ending prior insurance authorization, a measure that will now allow for immediate inpatient treatment.
Methadone treatment, which allows patients to reduce or quit their use of heroin or other opiates, is highly regulated by the state and federal governments.
Home Office Minister Norman Baker has warned lethal new types which have a similar effect to opiates like heroin could spark a surge in the death toll.
As Western New York and the entire nation address a rising problem with opioid and opiate abuse, one of New York State's representatives in the U.S. Senate says the laws which crack down on international traffickers are not tough enough.
Experts are doubtful about the official Russian explanation, which is that the gas was a derivative of fentanyl, an opiate.
Uhl and his colleagues, Ichiro Sora and Zaijie Wang, of Johns Hopkins University and the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) zeroed in on the gene encoding the mu opiate receptor — sections of which they first identified a decade ago.
Knockout mice, which completely lacked the gene and so manufactured no mu opiate receptors, were all the more sensitive.
Kosten is also researching vaccines for methamphetamines and opiates, which are among several anti-addiction shots that have the keen interest of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, says NIDA director Nora Volkow, a research psychiatrist who has used brain imaging to investigate the addictive properties of drugs.
The scientists discovered that a class of mechanoreceptors in the skin that detect painful mechanical stimuli are part of a feedback circuit in which excitatory neurons that produce the hormone somatostatin are inhibited by neurons that synthesize dynorphin (a natural analgesic molecule that produces effects similar to opiates).
The discovery sets the stage for splicing the full suite of genes needed to produce morphine from yeast, which would produce safer and cheaper drugs — or allow drug deals to brew opiates.
«It usually works between 30 seconds and two minutes and quickly interrupts the opiate response, which restores the victim's ability to breathe.
Looking at previous work on other addictions, such as alcoholism, we anticipated that pathological gamblers would have increased opiate receptors which we did not find, but we did find the expected blunted change in endogenous opioids from an amphetamine challenge.
Daly's researchers also injected their rats with naloxone, a chemical which neutralises opiate alkaloids such as morphine.
Although current prevention strategies, which are based on needle and syringe programmes and opiate substitution therapy, can avert HCV infections and have reduced its prevalence in some cities from the very high levels that occurred in the 1980s, these interventions are unlikely alone to achieve further substantial reductions.
It is also important that the scale up of HCV treatment occurs in combination with traditional harm reduction measures — opiate substitution treatment and needle exchange which have previously also been shown to be highly cost effective.»
Mike, 22, a heroin addict who began using opiates when he was 13, pauses to shoot - up by a railway underpass in the Kensington section of Philadelphia, which has become a hub for heroin use.
Dr. Parsons has provided similar insights into the mechanisms through which endocannabinoids modulate the rewarding effects of opiates, alcohol, and cocaine, and he is presently extending his evaluations of this stage of the addiction cycle to include animal models of commonly occurring genetic polymorphisms that are associated with problematic drug use and dependence in humans.
«What we need to know is if it is addicting in pain patients and is it more so than opiate medications,» which are commonly used to treat chronic pain, she says.
Many of these are opiates, such as oxycodone and tramadol are semi-synthesised, drugs derived from opium which are in the same highly addictive opioid group as heroin.
Additionally, it can tell you if gluten is causing an opiate - like response which can disrupt brain function, alter behavior, and cause food and other addictions.
I've read that ADD / ADHD are influenced by opiate pathways and thus that gluten or dairy or chocolate, which can activate opiate pathways, may influence it, and low dose naltrexone may relieve it.
Scullcap, an anti-inflammatory, and analgesic, it can remedy the pain by reducing inflammation, as opposed to opiates, which affect the brain.
Then there is the release of opiate - like endorphins during exercise which helps reduce a woman's feelings of nervousness or anxiety.
Yet another pain - relieving drug is THC, the active component in marijuana, which controls pain by stimulating certain receptors in the brain, similar to those that opiates act upon.
His theory goes that the wheat we eat today was hybridized 50 years ago, and now contains gliadin, one of two proteins that make up gluten and which binds to opiate receptors in our brains and stimulates our appetite.
For instance, the consumption of sugar releases oxytocin, known as the love hormone, while the consumption cow cheese contains casomorphins, which break down into morphine, an opiate.
De Meirleir explained that LDN is an opiate receptor blocker and is used in very small doses (0.5 - 5.5 mg / day) relative to its normal dosing (5 grams, which is 5000 mg).
Gijs, the theory is that when the «reward center» is blocked by LDN, the body produces more of the natural opiates that help the immune system and other systems in the body, to compensate for the blockage, which is temporary at any rate.
contain an opiate compound «Lactucarium» which may induce states of euphoria and relaxation...!
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