Sentences with phrase «opinion about climate change issues»

There are a number of ways to canvass opinion about climate change issues.

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When I talk to people about climate change (and the one time that I gave a talk on climate change at a physics colloquium), I always like to emphasize the fact that I am a PhD physicist who has spent considerable time reading up on the issue, including many of the actual papers in the peer - reviewed journals, but even with that background I still am not arrogant enough to believe that this qualifies me to have a truly independent opinion on the subject.
MC: That might be the cause, but on the other hand you look at public opinion polls about issues that are of concern to the American public, and climate change just isn't near the top of those lists, and maybe they made a calculated decision that a more sellable approach would be to focus on energy independence and self - sufficiency, because that's something that people have already bought.
On an issue like climate change, LaRouchites represent the extreme fringe of rightwing opinion, taking the usual conspiracy theories about grantgrubbing scientists and environmentalist plans for world government into utterly paranoid territory.
Some of the gaps in Chapter 3 on ethical issues raised by climate change policy - making include: (1) ethics of decision - making in the face of scientific uncertainty, (2) whether action or non-action of other nations affects a nation's responsibility for climate change, (3) how to spend limited funds on climate change adaptation, (4) when politicians may rely on their own uninformed opinion about climate change science, and (5) who is responsible to for climate refugees and what are their responsibilities.
The fact is, most people really don't know what the actual climate change issue is, let alone know a lot of detailed, accurate information about it, so all these strong «opinions» — most at odds with the the assertions of the scientists in directly related fields who professionally study this issue — is another indicator that bias and desire and an enormous host of misinformation drives perception on this issue.
I have also noted that the message strategy employed in An Inconvenient Truth likely appeals to a base of those already concerned about climate change and that Gore's visibility on the issue and political efforts likely have unintended negative consequences relative to public opinion.
Part of the challenge in creating the incentives for policymakers to take action on climate change and to address the issue in a serious way is to accurately communicate about the nature of public opinion.
Regarding Nisbet and getting around skeptics, his closing line is «Part of the challenge in creating the incentives for policymakers to take action on climate change and to address the issue in a serious way is to accurately communicate about the nature of public opinion
For polls see e.g., Brett W. Pelham, «Awareness, opinions about global warming vary worldwide,» Gallup (2009), online here; Leiserowitz et al. (2010b) and other work by Leiserowitz's group; Council on Foreign Relations, «Public Opinion on Global Issues» (2011)(no longer available online); Bruce Stokes et al., «Global Concern about Climate Change, Broad Support for Limiting Emissions,» Pew Research Center, Nov. 5, 2015, online here.
I don't mind scientists having an opinion about what to do about climate change issues, e.g., sequestration, nuclear, wind, solar etc..
In this case, your unsupported generalization that «the electorate could not care less» about climate change was rebutted with actual opinion polls showing that significant majorities of «the electorate» do, in fact, care a good deal, and consider the issue a priority for the President and the Congress, and support policies to regulate GHG emissions and to hold fossil fuel corporations responsible for the full costs of their products.
However you feel about climate change, I think we can all agree there should be a vigorous debate on the issue, what to do about it, and without criminalizing people who may have a different opinion.
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