Sentences with phrase «opinion of a single author»

This tends to make the resulting product reflect more than just the opinion of a single author.

Not exact matches

Single — The views expressed by the author do not necessarily reflect the editorial opinion of The Christian... online dating has its benefits.
It's the single most challenging part of being an author, in my opinion.
There's this opinion among a lot of indie authors that marketing is a slog and its a pain to get through every single day.
2d 874 (Fla. 3d DCA 1988)... We note that the syndrome in question is not the subject of the Schultz opinion, but instead was the subject of a footnote therein which quotes a Florida Bar Journal article... Neither the order nor record in the present case... contains any further reference to authority with respect to the syndrome, other than Dr. Krop's reliance on texts by a single author, Richard A. Gardner, M.D...
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