Sentences with phrase «opinion of this writer»

All content on this site is the personal opinion of the writer unless otherwise stated.
This kind of work includes as the real facts and statistics as the own opinion of the writer, which reflects his attitude to the issue and to the sport activity in general.
Instead, a great essay takes into account various points of view and opinions and puts forward an argument that reflects the informed opinion of the writer.
The flavor profile of maple syrup is pretty fantastic (objective fact and certainly not a biased opinion of this writer).
(Again I am laughing because I have such a low opinion of writers and their business knowledge.
They are under - appreciated by most independent authors, because most writers have no idea how to effectively market their work, and thus fail to see book reviewers as what they are: hubs, trusted by pre-established audiences, that directly influence awareness and conventional opinion of a writer's work.
Editor's Note: The recommended products listed in this article are the honest opinions of the writer, the editor of Baby Corner, and parents that provided reviews of the products.
Looking at what generates a person's interest in a book, 57 percent said their own opinion of the writer's previous work dominates, and 43 percent said word of mouth recommendations factored in.
Informal essay is similar to a personal essay because it expresses the personal opinion of the writer.
There were doubtless many cynics who shared the opinions of the writer of Ecclesiastes that «man hath no preeminence above the beasts»; (Ecclesiates 3:19.)
In the opinion of this writer Moltmann is correct to insist on the importance of a theological perspective when considering science, and on the need to ponder the intrinsic unity and beauty of all of creation, but it is surely the lack of a coherent metaphysics of science that has led to the increasing gap between modern scientific thought and Christian theology.
In the opinion of these writers the Mu» tazilites (rationalists) and the Shi'as and many other theological schools are heretical.
These boards are for discussion, not for mocking the opinions of the writer, or those who comment.
In the opinion of this writer this is, in part, so many have gone against Catholic teaching with sex education programmes that, unwittingly, lead our young people astray.
It is the opinion of this writer that Walford succeeds in persuading the reader that what Pius XII said could be applied to all the popes of the Marian era — that «there are numerous signs that [Christ's] return is not far off».
It is the opinion of this writer that reasonable and constructive change is more likely to occur, and to be more effective in its occurrence, if analysis, debate, and action are based not merely on opinion and speculation but on researched and informed insight.
In the opinion of this writer this latter approach is not helpful.
That is the opinion of the writer.
Reviews posted reflect the opinion of the writer.
While it is the opinion of this writer that the Deuter Kid Comfort 2 Carrier is the best for features and value for money, you may have a different opinion.
The specific training your oblique's is something that will take care of itself as you get stronger and it is the opinion of the writer of this article that it is not necessary to specifically isolate the oblique's.
It is the opinion of this writer, however, that his ideas are not as good as his practise.
In the opinion of this writer, however, it's his best an an absolute masterpiece.
Blog posts are the opinions of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of A + Colorado.
These posts are the opinions of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of A + Colorado.
However, it is the opinion of this writer that the V6 - powered Honda Accord is one of the best sedans in the world at any price.
If there is one thing I can count on from any Gizmodo review is the absolute honest truth... from the opinion of the writer.
Moreover, in the opinion of writers» team from custom essay website many people are excluded from certain social groups due to their color or race.
The guidebook becomes a liability when the opinions of the writer (who gets tired, hungry and cranky at times, just like the rest of us) are overvalued.
They are the opinions of the writers, and we have selected them for the caliber of their writing and for the instincts that we can see behind the writing.
A commitment one way or the other could have made the difference between a muddled mess where the player is forcefully pushed into the opinions of the writers and a nuanced social commentary where they are instead guided into making opinions of their own based solely on the unbiased facts presented.
Even if we ignore the fact that, since its inception in 1991, frieze has reviewed upwards of 6,000 shows over 181 issues, pulling in the opinions of writers from almost every corner of the globe, we find ourselves asking: what determines the «best» anyway?
The views expressed are the personal opinion of the writer.
Editor's Note: The following article is the opinion of the writer.
This column is the personal opinion of the writer and does not necessarily reflect the views or opinion of The News - Sentinel.
It is not a recommendation to buy or sell any security and is strictly the opinion of the writer.
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