Sentences with phrase «opinions on whether»

HUD and the Federal Reserve have also asked the public to submit opinions on whether regulations relating to home mortgage loan disclosures should be changed under current law or whether Congress should be asked to amend the law.
When family members own a home together, there can be varied opinions on whether it should be rented out, Goffe said.
Melbourne, Australia About Blog Opinions on whether the place is worth eating at or the recipe worth your time making in Melbourne.
There are varied opinions on whether an objective is necessary to include on a resume.
The company obtained a ruling that its cryptocurrency conforms with Islamic principles from Dubai - based Al Maali Consulting, which is one of dozens of advisory firms around the world that offer opinions on whether financial instruments meet Sharia standards.
On the show, I share my opinions on whether Bitcoin is real or a bust.
There are varied opinions on whether Facebook's CEO response addresses enough.
Apart from the unconventional listing, the investor community has mixed opinions on whether the stock market will like Spotify's business.
Ask us to give opinions on whether or not «A» has a better title than «B» to Blackacre, and we can do that.
And yet, disproportionate numbers of us continue to buy Tide instead of no - name detergent, and to care what our hockey rink is called, and to have strong opinions on whether a stand of trees in the downtown Vancouver peninsula should be referenced as Stanley Park or XwayXway.
As you can see, there is a variety of expert opinions on whether streaming pirated movies is an infringement.
And Slaw has noted earlier that there were at least two possible opinions on whether the change that got them into trouble was a good idea or not.
As expected, there are widely divergent opinions on whether the bill is a «game - changer» or will serve only to preserve the status quo.
I'll leave it to the TreeHugger commenters to pronounce their opinions on whether Bouman has achieved his goal of a design which will sell the technology it will someday contain.
There are also mixed opinions on whether wind turbines emit infrasound and if the amount is any more than that emitted by diesel engines or waves crashing on the beach [source: CleanTechnica, ABC Science].
Depending on the political climate and nature of the conflict that caused displacement, the American public has varied opinions on whether or not the U.S. should accept refugees.
And we all have our own opinions on whether Square's PlayStation classic is capable of transitioning into the new era with a respectable amount of glory compared to what it was when it was released 15 years back.
It's not really about our opinions on whether or not it's a good system; ultimately it becomes a question of, «What consoles do our fans have?»»
To be entirely honest with you, and for the sake of transparency, I somewhat struggled to write this review, as I wrestled with own constantly shifting views and opinions on whether a product like this is acceptable.
• There are some differring opinions on whether dogs should wear a collar, with ID, all times.
Dear VKJ, There are mixed opinions on whether to consider the first loan disbursal date or the last installment date.
The point I am trying to make is that asking other people's opinions on whether you should do this is not very useful unless those people share your own cultural background.
While many have differing opinions on whether some of these practices are fair to competitors — or good for the long - term health of the publishing industry — they are certainly consumer - friendly, at least in the short - term.
There are differing opinions on whether it helps or hurts sales.
There is at least one firm out there offering a waterless coolant option but opinions on whether it is a good idea seem mixed.
Call on state lawmakers and school districts to formulate and pass legislation and policies that allow school employees to provide parents with their opinions on whether students would benefit from exclusion from a state / and or district standardized test and that no adverse action or discipline would be taken against employees who engage in such discussion.
Also in this issue: six recommendations to fix Detroit's broken school system, three expert opinions on whether high schools should offer two - tiered diplomas, and a piece on the Vergara v. California case that considers whether litigation is the best approach to reforming teacher tenure policies.
As online daters and those downloading the Tinder mobile dating app continue to watch Tinder explode, it's no wonder that researchers, psychologists, and dating experts all have opinions on whether Tinder is helping singles or is just a game for people to play on their cell phones as they swipe left or right at the millions of profiles nearby.
Also, a any datkng, there were no differences in opinions on whether it was okay for women to ask men on dates or whether it was okay for women to earn more money.
I been wearing them around the house but need some opinions on whether I should wear them out.
Ioidine is a critical mineral, but There are so many conflicting opinions on whether supplementation for someone with no thyroid is worth the bother.
Also, there are different opinions on whether legumes should be excluded or not — I chose to be on the safe side and only ate non-starchy veggies (+ one carrot a day starting from 2nd week), quinoa, millet, buckwheat, amaranth and oat bran for the first 6 weeks.
Every person has their individual needs as well as their own opinions on whether or not to take supplements.
There are a lot of different opinions on whether too much protein is bad for you or not, and it is also difficult to give an accurate guide for each individual because of size and lifestyle.
The truth is that there's lots of conflicting opinions on whether alcohol inhibits testosterone or not — so I'm not stepping into that minefield.
There's differing opinions on whether or not it's healthy to eat, and since some studies suggest that ingesting shea butter may interfere with the digestion of other proteins, I use it externally only.
Quick note: Just like with consuming raw milk and saturated fats, there are a lot of opinions on whether using lotion without a preservative is safe.
Campaigners on either side of the EU debate will have differing opinions on whether any adverse finding on spending calls the result of the referendum into question.
Democratic lawmakers, who are closely aligned with teachers» unions but have mixed opinions on whether to support the movement, argued nevertheless that this year's testing boycott would send a specific message to the State Board of Regents: Minimize the impact of test scores in teacher evaluations.
Opinions on whether the bill, or its demise, was better for working Manhattanites varied in this neighborhood of mom - and - pops and small shops.
The opinions on whether Cameron is a Heath or a Thatcher varied.
A survey of upstate New York business owners conducted by Zogby Analytics for the Buffalo Niagara Partnership found mixed opinions on whether the state is heading in the right direction.
There are some dissenting opinions on whether or not smoking pot while pregnant does harm to your baby.
Everyone was welcome and encouraged to bring opinions on whether the park district should increase its tax rate and, if so, how it should be spent.
I've done the drill; cutting up raw foods, steaming them, filtering through mixed opinions on whether using the microwave is bad to accomplish the cooking process, and finally breaking out the food processor to blend up my homemade concoction.
Many women have strong opinions on whether or not to go for an unmedicated birth vs. receiving pain management.
You might want to meet with your child's school counselor or one of his teachers to ask for opinions on whether your child is up for the challenge.
With Chelsea re-signing David Luiz for # 30 million there are many pundits who have split opinions on whether or not Chelsea have made the right move in bringing him back to Stamford Bridge.
With Chelsea re-signing David Luiz for # 30 million there are many pundits who have split opinions on whether or not Chelsea have made...
There have been varied opinions on whether doping is in issue in football, with Cristiano Ronaldo's opinion being as such: «Is football a clean sport?
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