Sentences with phrase «opponents life bar»

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This means it's entirely possible for one player to be on his first bar while their opponent is on a second, and to keep players from saving their meter to spam out some powerful attacks KI keeps flashy ultra's limited to more of an execution, usable only to end the last sliver of life a player may have in a flashy and over-the-top manner.
To perform an Ultimate, simply do the Ultimate Special Move motion when your opponent is in their flashing red Life Bar.
Ultra Combo To perform an Ultra Combo, just do the Ultra Combo Special Move at the end of a Combo when your opponent's Life Bar is flashing red.
Mini-Ultra Combo At the end of the opponent's first Life Bar, it is possible to do a «Mini-Ultra».
Just do the Mini-Ultra Special Move at the end of a Combo, when the opponent's first Life Bar is empty.
Arcade mode sends gamers through a classic ladder of CPU opponents, while Survival mode has you taking on as many foes as possible with a single life bar.
Truly, having an Assist character take a beating for you is certainly a life - saver when you know your opponent is about to deal a fatal blow to your health bar.
Reduce an opponent's life bar to zero.
Players can damage their opponent's life bar in several ways, such as destroying enemy units and taking advantage of a map's objectives.
The opponent's life bar doesn't change.
Instead of it being a one - hit kill game you had a life bar, and the whole thing just felt a bit more like Nintendo's Custom Robo Arena games in which you built your own robots and tried to blow up your opponent.
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