Sentences with phrase «opportunities have expiration dates»

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Yet once in office, his administration aggressively sought to defund the DC Opportunity Scholarship program, a federally funded model voucher program serving about 1,500 students in Washington, D.C. Early on, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs made it clear that Obama's open - mindedness had reached its expiration date: «The president doesn't believe that vouchers are a long - term answer to our educational problems.»
And if we go out to the Apr 21 expiration date, there are several more opportunities, including the 33 - strike on X which has 11 % downside protection with an annualized return over 26 %:
Based on this issue, a trader will have the opportunity to determine the expiration date in a way that the option will expire in the money.
Essentially, what you have is an opportunity for when, hopefully, the price of a stock goes your way before the expiration date.
The contract's expiration date is the last opportunity the holder has to exercise the options contract.
If whales went long and colluded to pump up Bitcoin price, they would not have the opportunity to buy back coins at a discounted price — this does not seem like a logical position for an experienced investor to be in nine days before CME Group's first Bitcoin futures contracts expire... unless the whales postpone the short until CME Group's first expiration date.
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