Sentences with phrase «oppose candidates for public offices»

The organization does not support or oppose candidates for public offices, or political parties.
We do not favor or oppose any candidate for public office.
The plaintiffs challenged eight restrictions on judicial conduct: 1) the prohibition on judicial candidates campaigning as a member of a political organization, 2) the prohibition on judicial candidates making speeches for or against political organizations or candidates, 3) the ban on judicial candidates making contributions to political causes or candidates, 4) the prohibition on judicial candidates from publicly endorsing or opposing candidates for public office, 5) the prohibition on judges from acting as a leader or holding office in a policitical organization, 6) the prohibition on judicial candidates knowingly or recklessly making false statements during campaigns, 7) the ban on judicial candidates making misleading statements, and 8) the prohibition on candidates making pledges, promises, or committments in connection with cases, controversies, or issues that are likely to come before the court.
Section 7A (1)(b) prohibits judges and judicial candidates from publicly endorsing or opposing candidates for public office to prevent them from abusing the prestige of judicial office to advance the interests of others.

Not exact matches

The expenditures upon which we seek a report are those that Congress has said to not warrant a deduction as an ordinary and necessary business expense, namely, lobbying, participation in the political system by supporting or opposing candidates for office, and trying to influence the general public or segment thereof as to elections, legislative matters or referenda.
Nonchargeable activities: lobbying and ballot initiatives; external public relations; litigation, «unless specifically related to collective bargaining, contract administration or organizational maintenance»; get - out - the - vote activities; contributing to charitable, religious, or ideological causes; supporting political organizations or candidates for public office; organizing or recruiting new members and «defending against challenges to exclusive bargaining representative status»; and «monitoring and opposing activities of groups and individuals whose purpose is to undermine public education.»
The George Lucas Educational Foundation is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, private foundation that is operated for educational purposes, and, as such, we do not take positions on any legislation or ballot measures, nor do we endorse or oppose any candidates in elections to public office.
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