Sentences with phrase «oppose them moving forward»

«Until they make a commitment to updating the state's regulations and the legal framework, we would oppose them moving forward in New York,» said David Gahl, policy director of Environmental Advocates of New York.

Not exact matches

So no matter if my client is ready to take the case to the mat or can't afford or does not want to move forward anymore, opposing counsel gets the same routine from me every time: «We can try to settle the case or just go to trial.
As opposed to this backward movement of the religious expressions of mysticism, a Christian repetition must move forward beyond the death of a primordial or original sacred to an eschatological coincidentia oppositorum that reconciles and unites the sacred and the profane.
As confirmed by the club on their official site, Naby Keita will arrive from RB Leipzig this summer, but surely if they wish to build a deep squad full of quality, Liverpool must think about adding numbers as opposed to merely replacing any individuals that leave Anfield if they want to compete on various fronts moving forward.
Though Silosky opposes what she calls «political appointments,» she recently backed a resolution supporting the legislation in an effort to move the board forward, she said.
MaryAnn Johnston, president of the Associated Brookhaven Civic Organization, who was one of the first to oppose the «green - for - green» trend of clear - cutting forest for green - energy, said the group is preparing a lawsuit if the project moves forward.
Currently, 39 percent of voters support DEC allowing hydrofracking to move forward in the Marcellus and 38 percent oppose it (the split was 37 - 36 percent in May).
On fracking, 39 percent of voters say they'd like to see drilling move forward, while 41 percent are opposed.
Plans for a casino in the Town of Tyre — if approved by the state — are moving forward after a Seneca County Justice dismissed a petition from residents opposed to the project.
«However, moving forward, our governor is going to need real allies in Albany to help the people of New York,» he said, citing Gipson priorities including raising the minimum wage which is opposed by the Senate GOP.
Quinn has consistently maintained that working with Bloomberg, as opposed to being at odds with him, was a recipe for moving the city forward.
▪ Please call Speaker Melissa Mark - Viverito at 212-788-7210 and urge the Speaker to oppose Int 1480 and move forward with the ban on EPS foam with Int 1596.
A de Blasio - opposed measure to create a city Department of Veterans Affairs languished in committee for 14 months despite having 40 co-sponsors, before the mayor agreed it should move forward.
The shelters were opposed by many in the community, including community residents, City Councilwoman Gale Brewer, Borough President Scott Stringer and Assemblymember Linda Rosenthal, who vowed at a public meeting in January and subsequent discussions that they were working to make sure the five year contract did not move forward.
B. Shift your weight between your forward and backward legs to move your hips forward and backward (as opposed to around), pushing and pulling to keep the hoop spinning.
We got rid of so much «stuff» that had piled up, so I'm looking forward to picking up some decor pieces we really like, as opposed to all the things that we had somehow accumulated since college (and moved across the country...).
What's clear moving forward is the expectation that those converting will be either planning to, or already be part of, a proposed MAT as opposed to the solitary academies.
As many would expect, Labour's deputy leader Tom Watson has also come forward to say that the party would oppose a move, with leadership contender Owen Smith promising to «fight tooth and nail» against any plans to lift them.
Labour's deputy leader Tom Watson has also come forward to say that the party would oppose a move, with leadership contender Owen Smith promising to «fight tooth and nail» against any plans to lift them.
Outstanding strategic thinking skills, including the ability to make meaning of unclear and sometimes opposing priorities to advise and move a client forward in work that maximizes their impact on student achievement
State Sen. Linda Dorcena Forry, who opposed the measure, said legislators will likely sit down with both sides of the ballot fight to discuss how to move forward.
Testing showed that this can occur if the mats are moved forward from the clipped position approximately two inches into a position in which the rear edge of the mats will abut the retention clip (s) when installed singly and align with the clip (s) when stacked on another floor mat.The pedal interference incidents reviewed by the Office of Defects Investigation (ODI) include 1 crash and 9 incidents with allegations of brake friction materials smoking and / or requiring repair for heat related damage.The crash incident occurred after the parking brake was applied at speed, resulting in loss - of - control vehicle yaw event caused by lock - up of the rear tires.The spin - out resulted in a side impact collision with an oncoming vehicle in an opposing lane of traffic.
You have a considerable amount of patience in knowing that the pace of this program is slow and can only move forward at your dog's pace as opposed to your personal preconceived or externally imposed deadline
There is only a single camera angle which is placed behind the hydro jet from a third - person perspective, although it is well positioned it can not be adjusted for any players who wish to move it further forwards or backwards, while it can not be panned around the hydro jet, although the ability to look behind the hydro jet has been added resulting in players now being able to check if an opposing rider is catching up with greater momentum through a straight to overtake on the inside or outside.
Sierra Club joined forces on Wednesday with a dozen of environmental organizations in Washington, DC, to oppose these bills and Cantor's plan to move them forward.
«Folks made it known that Vermonters, and our friends from the Northeast, oppose the proposed tar sands pipeline, and that this project will face a concerted and stiff local resistance if and when big oil decides to try and move it forward,» said David Vandeusen, conservation organizer for the Vermont Sierra Club.
Only Nine More Votes Needed to Move Bill Forward The bill, which needed 60 votes to move forward, only garnered 51 votes of support, with 43 oppoMove Bill Forward The bill, which needed 60 votes to move forward, only garnered 51 votes of support, with 43 oppomove forward, only garnered 51 votes of support, with 43 opposed.
There are a number of skills you need to learn: how to sell a client on you, how to talk to opposing counsel, how to counsel a client, how to run a business, how to keep your business moving forward, how to deal with the unexpected, and how to deal with a bad client.
They pushed the opposing side to move forward on several occasions, and charged a fee that was not only fair, but lower than I had anticipated.
What I think is important about the chain of events that led to the hard fork that begat Bitcoin Cash was that two opposing sides of an issue developed very deeply held convictions around «the right way to move forward» and there were irreconcilable differences in doing so.
Luongo's speech about the Parkland community, its students, its victims and action moving forward impacted everyone in the arena, including the opposing team.
In this case, because we were able to leverage their many skills, as opposed to the assortment of jobs held, the candidate has all of the necessary ingredients to move forward into a more permanent role using those skills.
What is the past history of dealings between both parents in regard to the reasons put forward by each for either supporting or opposing the move?
By focusing on healing the wounds caused by the trauma — as opposed to just treating the symptoms of the trauma — therapy can help you move forward with your life.
I'm not at all opposed to taking a step back in order to regroup before moving forward, sometimes this is necessary despite the pains of rebuilding.
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